Auction Date: October 19, 2024
Auction Time: 9:00 AM
Auction Type: Tool Auction
Auction Location:
50 Durlach Road, Ephrata PA 17522
Saturday, October 19, 2024
At 9:00 AM
Preview – Friday, October 18th, 1:00 P.M. – 5:00 P.M.
Sale to be held at the Horst Auction Center, located at the corner of Rt. 322 & Durlach Rd.
(approx. 2 ½ miles west of Ephrata), Ephrata, Lancaster Co., Pa.
Over 580 Lots of Antique Tools
Dispersal of several Fine Collections of many rare tools:
Wooden Molding Planes – Rare, Sandusky Tool Co. #141 Rosewood ivory-tipped “Center-Wheel” plow plane; “I. Carpenter” Patent transitional bench plane; “S. Caruthers” cornice molding; “E.W. Carpenter” maker’s strike; Several fine screw arm & wedge arm plow planes; Complex, Joinery, & bench planes (some E.W. Carpenter & other Pa. makers); Stanley & other transitional bench planes; Metal Planes: Stanley: Fine collection of many rare models planes, including: 2 – #1 miniature bench jacks; #110 “Shoe Buckle” capped block plane; Miller combination Patents: #41, #42 “Gun Metal”; #43; #141 “bullnose”; #143 “bullnose”; Traut’s Patent #46 skew-set combination; complete sets #45 & #55 combination molding; “weatherstrip” plow plane: #238, #239, #248; #444 “dovetail” T&G plane; Scraper planes: #212 #9 Piano maker’s mitre; #64 Butcher block plane; #196 curved rabbet; #340 furring plane; Bailey #2-#8 bench planes; #51 & #52 chute board w/ chute board mitre plane; #74 flooring plane; #193 series Fiberboard planes; & many other rare model Stanley planes; “Sargent” #79 rabbet/.fillister; “Spiers” infill bench jack Edge Tools: Axes, Hatchets & Adze (many signed by central Pa. blacksmiths) – Goosewing axes; Broad axe; Posthole axes; felling & splitting axes; carpenter’s adze; various hatchets; Cooper’s & other drawknives; Slicks, firmer, bench, & carving chisels; Measuring devices: Wooden & metal marking gauges; Trammel points; Rare, “J. Stamm” lumber rule; Folding & straight rules; Wooden & cast iron levels; Calipers; Brass & iron plumb bobs; Lumberman’s log caliper & board foot rules; Lg. straight rules & dress-maker’s squares; Wooden & metal squares & bevels; Machinist precision tools; Wheel travelers; Hammers: Rare, “W. Brady Patent” millstone pick; Wooden mallets; Claw hammers; carpenters & variety of metalworking hammers; Stone & brick hammers; Saws: Rare, “Disston & Sons” hanging saw shaped trade sign; Four-frame fellow saw; Bow saws; Back & handsaws; Drilling tools: “H.J. Jackson, Metallic Frame” brace; Wooden & metal braces; various early bit sets; Primitives: “Peter Wright’s Patent” 150Lb. anvil; “1767” dated Conestoga wagon jack; Stanley bench-top tool chest; Butcher cleavers; “N. Palmer’s Patent” horse drawn harvester rake; Book binder’s tools; Books: Stanley & other tool catalogues; Antique tool references;
Garage Area: starts at 10:00 A.M. – Antique tool parts, user tools & repair project tools: Lg. selection various antique tools with damaged parts, extensive rust, or common user carpentry tools; socket sets; Wrenches; Beam boring tools;
*Note – This is just a partial listing items for these sales. See our website for a more complete listings & photos. Bidding on-line is available on cataloged items only with a service charge for bidding platform charged. This is live absolute auction with competitive bidding and lots being sold to high bidder at conclusion of live bidding.
Accepted Payments: Cash, PA checks, credit cards, and debit cards. No out of state checks without prior approval. 3% Auction House fee charged on credit card payments