Horst Auction Center will hold consignment sales on each Wednesday starting at 1:00 P.M, Variety Sales on one Saturday of each month and separate catalog sales of guns, coins, antique tools and higher quality antiques (at the discretion of the Auction House) as the need arises. These sales will be for clients who wish to sell their items at our Auction Center, as Horst Auctioneers still offers on-site sale services as well. Auction Center sales will be ideal for liquidating estates, apartments, and small lots where on-site sales are not feasible. These sales are not designed for garage sale closeouts or junk/low value item removal! These items will not be accepted!!
Please call Horst Auction Center Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. to set up an appointment for an auctioneer to come out to visit you. The auctioneer will make a general list of items that will be sold at this time and can schedule an appointment for a pickup date (normal backlog for pickup dates is approximately 3 to 4 weeks depending on the time of the year). This list will be held until a pickup date is set if the owners are not ready to schedule at the time of the visit.
Most estates and all large pickups will be scheduled on a specific sale and the pickup date will be set to coincide with the sale date in order to avoid warehouse fees. Small pickups and dropoffs will be added onto scheduled sales as space and type of items allows. This will be determined by the Auction Center and these consignors will be notified by telephone (during business hours) just prior to the date of the sale on which the items will be sold (normally the day before the items are sold). All consignments will be included in our final website advertising and photgraphs, however, only the scheduled lots will be included in the preliminary advertisements.
Horst Auction Center uses a sliding scale commission rate on a per item basis on all merchandise sold:
- The first $1,000 of each item at 20% commission
- The portion from $1,001 thru $10,000 at 15% commission
- The portion $10,001 and over at 10% commission
- This sliding scale commission offers a sizeable discount on high selling Items!
- **Commission Rates Are Negotiable On High End Collections**
In order to avoid a Buyer’s Premium or raising the commission rate the following fees have been adopted
- Handling & Warehouse Fees
- $10 minimum handling fee will be charged to all drop-offs that do not need to be palletized
- Small Skids (up to 96 cu ft) at $20 each
- Medium Skids (up to 200 cu ft) at $35 each
- Large Skids (up to 300 cu ft) at $50 each
- Fumigation Fees for Upholstered Furniture (Please keep in mind upholstered furniture is not accepted as drop-offs)
- Upholstered chair at $5 each
- Upholstered love seats & sofa at $10 each
- Boxspring & mattress sets at $15 each
Checks will be issued within 10 working days of the date the items were sold. A computer printout will accompany your check and will contain the general list of items sold, gross sale amount, commission and other fees charge and net amount.
Moving of items to the Auction Center can be arranged through Horst Auction by first making an appointment for an Auctioneer to meet with you at the place where the items are located. The standard moving rate is $100 per hour. This price will include 3 men, the use of a truck or trailer, and all padding and carts needed in moving (this rate may be adjusted if more men or vehicles are needed.
All items that will be picked up or dropped off must be packed in closed and stackable boxes (these boxes can be provided by the auction service). Packing can be arranged through the auction service at $20 an hour per person but is encouraged to be done by the consignor if at all possible.
These drop-offs must be scheduled in advance by calling the Auction Center!
Drop-off dates are Fridays only between the hours of 8 AM and 12 NOON and 1 PM and 4 PM (the drop off area is closed for lunch between 12 and 1PM). All small items must be packed in stackable boxes or totes that can be easily palletized. Horst will not save any totes or boxes. (Totes will be sold for consignor & boxes will be used by the auction company)
Horst Auction Center will not accept the following items as drop offs: (Please keep in mind some of these items will be accepted for consignment sales with prior approval by an auction representative.)
Large Appliances, Televisions & Stereos, Upholstered Furniture, Box Springs & Coil Springs, Dilapidated Furniture, Curtains & Rods, Clothing & Shoes (Unless Antique), Encyclopedias, Text Books, Magazines, Tires & Wheels, Chemicals (Paints, Stains, Oils, Cleaning, Garden, etc.), Building Materials (Windows, Doors, Sash, Lumber, Insulation, Glass, etc.), Lawnmowers, Non-Working Tools or Small Appliances, Hardware (Unless Antique), Artificial Flowers, Plastic Planters & Buckets, Deli Boxes & Jars, Bicycles, Exercise Equipment, & Any Other Items That Are Deemed Unsaleable By The Auction Representative.