1Paint decorated hinged lid box
ca. 1880; Continental type hinged lid letter box in quarter-sawn maple, clip-pin construction with lid set on wooden dowel pins, ornamental cabbage rose decorations on lid, sides and front of box with center vignette with colorful banding, 10'x 5 ''x 3 ''; Condition: some minor bug damage holes in front, back & sides of box, probably Scandinavian
2Burlington, CT tin and wood foot warmer
ca. 1870; later period charcoal foot warmer with black lacquered tin cabinet and wire set hinged lid, chamfered wide wooden base and wooden stained slat lid with wire handle; the metal cabinet stenciled with lyre design and wooden slat lid is partially stenciled by maker with complete stencil of Burlington, CT and floral accent stencils, interior has tin stack charcoal keeper, 7 ''x 7 ''x 5 ''; Condition: overall good
3Framed Scherenschnitte love letter Valentine Fraktur
ca. 1830; round with central compass star and pin-prick heart design with pin-prick heart textbox around the outside border, German script ink love letter/poetic verse with green and brown watercolor accent, 11 ''x 11 '' framed; Condition: note on back by great-grandchild describes artist as great-grandfather Arnold Julius; Note also translates verse & states it was done approx. 100 years ago (appears written around 1930) and framed in Akron, Ohio
4Rare handwrought heart shaped garden trowel
ca. early-mid 19th century; socket handle hand wrought trowel with heart shaped head, towel with off-set rod shaft and mounted on a hickory handle, 3' head x 20 '' overall length; Condition: some pitting from rust, cleaned & preserved
5Painted & stitched canvas floating duck decoy
ca. 1930s-1940s; Armstrong 'Featherweight' mallard hen decoy in stuffed and stitched canvas with paint decoration and glass eyes, the base retaining the original brass ring tie on tape tab, 15 ''x 5 ''x 5 ''; Condition: appears unused, good
6Walnut scrollwork comb box
ca. 1920; pin nail constructed with scallop edge box mounted on a scrollwork decorated backboard; the backboard with bird on cherry stem design and box varnish finished; Condition: backboard is three-part back, some separation but overall good
7Fine PA coiled rye straw basket
ca. early-mid 19th century; round coil basket appears to be correct lid size for stoneware storage jar with a flat bottom and four-coil (1 '') straight set side coils; accompanying note attributes piece bought from Dr. Bohn, ex-Hattie Brunner of Reinholds, PA, 7'd, 2'h; Condition: excellent with little soiling or damage, interior appears unused
8PA paint decorated softwood trinket box
ca. late 19th century; small softwood trinket box with hinged lid set on small brass butt hinges and brass hook and eye keeper, pin nail constructed, with blue paint and black pin stripe, lid with peafowl in floral garden decoration, wings and leaves of flowers accented with gold leaf paint, interior divided and wallpaper lined, 6 ''x 4 ''x 1 ''; Condition: light pencil illegible signature on base of box; good condition with minor scratching to surface
9Folk art wood & metal wing bird
ca. late 19th century; wood carved bird with nail mounted cut and formed tin wings and cut and formed tin tail, notch mounted to bird; painted with rolled glass or sand applied to paint eyes, 6 ''x 3 ''x 2 ''; Condition: bird is missing wire legs and beak has small chip; extensive dirt to upper portion of bird
10Wire handled rinsing/blanching basket with wire pedestal foot
ca. 1900; globe shaped hinge door basket with wire construction, wire twisted handles and raised pedestal foot, 9 ''d, 13'h; Condition: un-found maker, possible French patented model, good
11Fine ornamental flax working hatchel
ca. 1820-1840; oval flax working hatchel mounted to a walnut ornamental baseboard with tombstone shaped ends and rounded heart shaped cut-outs, non-uniform handwrought nails driven into an oval board that has a metal band, 14 ''x 5'x 4'; Condition: good, no damage, baseboard has no finish or stain
12Fine folk art carved face smoking pipe
ca. 1900-1930; folk art carved from burle walnut wood with pipe bowl having a man's face with 'bushy' mustache and large eyebrows, silver plated collar and later era cast rubber tip, carved by un-attributed artist and bowl retains a clear varnish finish, 2'd, 6 ''l; Condition: filled/patch under chin of bowl
13Hinged lid trinket box with decoupage applied print of Sigourney's Mansion, Hartford, CT
ca. late 19th century; softwood New England box in pin nail and wood peg construction; having an inset hinged lid set on pin-nails, simple green paint banding and lid with decoupage print of Mrs. (Lydia Huntley) Sigourney's Mansion, 8 ''x 4 ''x 2'; Condition: some soiling to lid & print; print is work of Kneeland & Metcalf, printers of Worcester, Mass.
14Folk art walnut basket tree & 3 miniature Oriental rice straw baskets
ca. 1980s tree & 1900 basket; walnut six rail tree with round, turned shaft and through mounted rails and small paint decorated bird finial, 6 ''d, 17'h, Condition: bird has damage to tail; oriental rice straw baskets with paint accent including: miniature lidded sewing basket, 3'x 1 ''x 4' and two flared oval market baskets, 3 ''x 2 ''x 3 '' each; Condition: minor damage
15New England birch/maple slide lid box
ca. 1830-1850; box of Ann M. Whitney with ink and paint decorated memorial garden scene on lid, sea harbor and bridge on one side, seacoast town on other and rural scene of sheep and shepherd on one end; the box with ink signature of maker Elias Caffley on base, 7 ''x 4 ''x 2 ''; Condition: interior slide damage, water stains to lid under memorial urn
162 oval Oriental lidded rice straw sewing baskets
ca. 1880-1900; both Chinese oriental woven rice straw lidded baskets with floral paint decoration, open loop rim and flared woven foot, 6 ''x 3 ''x 2 '' & 10'x 5 ''x 4 ''; Condition: both have some damage to staves on rim
17Framed watercolor urn of flowers by Sarah Morrell
ca. 1831; still life watercolor on laid paper with colorful urn and bouquet of flowers, painting with both brush stroke and spongework decoration, signed in four line watercolor by artist Sarah Morrell, framed in a simple painted bevel edge frame, 11 ''x 15 '' framed; Condition: good
182 Oriental rice straw baskets
ca. 1880-1900; oval lidded sewing basket woven from rice straw with domed lid, two swing-loose handles, open loop rim, flared foot and floral paint decoration, Provenance: ex-John Robinson, Williamstown, Mass, dealer, Condition: some surface dirt & damage to web at rim; miniature round basket with loose handle, flared woven base and floral paint accent, Condition: good, minor surface dirt
19Acrobatic monkey on stick folk art carving by Rev. Samuel Lehman
ca. 1920-1940s; whittled and wire jointed monkey that has painted band accents, mounted on an accuator that when push-up stick moves monkey to move upside down, created by Preacher Samuel Lehman, Manheim, Mennonite Church, 1 ''d, 14'h; Condition: good
20Small Chinese rice straw lidded basket with 2 photos of girls with baskets
ca. 1880-1900; small dome lidded round basket made from rice straw with open loop edge and flared woven foot, basket with seated dome lid and floral paint decoration, 3'd, 2 ''h, Condition: good; framed vintage photo of a girl on hobby horse wearing a dress and holding rice straw purse, 7 ''x 9 '' framed, Condition: frame has some chips, photo is good; small photo by U.E. Babb photographer of Auburn, Ind. with girl in highchair holding a rice straw purse, 2 ''x 4', Condition: good
21Softwood paint decorated trinket box
ca. 1870-1890; New England style paint decorated box in half lap nail construction with a hinged lid on brass butt hinges, box interior is rough sawn with partial wallpaper covering, painted in brown with umber brush stroke graining and lid with large cabbage rose and violet design, 9 ''x 6'x 3 ''; Condition: box lock is damaged, some loss of gold leaf accent
22Hand wrought folk art floral basket
ca. mid 20th century; salvaged metal artwork basket of flowers made from large flat washers or pipe with stems bent and welded cut nails and flower heads welded salvage 'knock-outs', with some paint decoration, 8'x 6'x 11'; Condition: unknown artist, some rust & extensive paint loss to surface
23Folk art carved bird on wire perch
ca. 1900-1930; early carved and painted yellow finch bird with wire legs perched on a small stem and wire hanger, 5'x 2 ''x 3 ''; Condition: damage to tail and beak
24Early patchwork Irish Chain pattern doll quilt
ca. mid 19th century; red and yellow printed calico fabric in small postage stamp block 'Irish Chain' pattern design, bound with early brown chintz fabric 2 '' border, three red and two yellow block criss-cross design, 18 ''x 23'; Condition: extensive soiling, but no tears or fraying
25Early floral hook rectangular rug
ca. 1880-1920; wool and cotton fabric hooked rug with large rose design center and dark brown and black ends, black tape bound and burlap backed, 38 ''x 21'; Condition: tape binding is a later addition & backer is added, some soiling & dirt to surface
26Small patchwork doll quilt
ca. late 19th-early 20th century; two sided patchwork doll quilt with large sixteen block patch design of printed cotton brown fabrics on each side of quilt with some bold Chintz type printed cotton fabrics and simple brown check fabrics, bound with printed cotton brown and white fabric, 11 ''x 11 ''; Condition: some soiling
27Fine PA Mennonite calico fabric patchwork pillowcase
ca. 1890-1910; with three lines of yellow and red calico fabric 'Flying Geese' design and two lines of muslin with red calico appliques of cookie cutter handcut heart, flowers, stars and goose foot; the reverse of pillow case is white muslin, 24'x 16 ''; Condition: overall good with minor foxing to muslin fabric & minor fading to calico fabrics
28Early diamond design doll quilt
ca. 1870-1900; white muslin border quilt with five stacked lines of red stained diamond patchwork design, the quilt with off-set patches of single white patch block and red-white four block patches, quilt with 1 '' side border and 1 '' end borders and fine stitchwork design, 20 ''x 16 ''; Condition: some fading to the red diamond patches & light soiling
29Folk art wool hook 'floral bush' rug
ca. 1970-1990s; hooked wool uniform cut fabric rug completed on burlap back with red/brown border, brown background and large floral bush design, large red/brown and yellow flowers and green leaves on tan stem, 17'x 27'; Condition: unsigned, some pulling of loops
30Diamond patch doll quilt/rectangular runner
ca. 1900; red diamond set block design with red sawtooth border, three lines of colorful geometrical improved nine block patches with base gray fabric and colorful cotton printed triangular patch design shirts and a brown/blue/red check back, 11'x 23'; Condition: some soiling to fabrics
31Pair of red/brown knitted wool mittens
ca. 19th century; red background with brown 'Lover's Knot' design, four color fringed cuff above tan and brown bandings with somewhat pointed tip, 6 '' over thumb by 10'; Condition: some fading
32Walnut chip carved stomper attributed to PA
ca. late 18th century-early 19th century; round stomper with decorative small chip carved four compass, five point star design and four heart design, top of staff is chip-carved sawtooth design, 2 ''d, 8 ''h; Condition: some rodent chewing damage to top of staff
33Extremely fine early PA oval tulip and heart design butter print
ca. early-mid 19th century; fine PA German form plank style oval print with tulip with star tipped petals growing forming double heart design with top of print having a cloverleaf heart design, bordered with radiant chip carved and drilled pressure release holes, 3 ''x 6'x ''; Condition: good
34Early recessed carved walnut meat tray attributed to PA
ca. early 18th century; unusual meat serving tray carved from single walnut wood plank in rectangular shaped tray with notched corners, sloped interior and beaded band on rim with back of board having extensive knife marring from use, 14'x 12 ''x 1 ''; Condition: extensive patina from use, great look
35Oriental carved walnut kitchen stomper
ca. mid 19th century; carved walnut stomper with large drumstick ball and handle top accented square section with relief carved heart and shield designs with cross-hatch lemon zesting scale, 2 ''d, 10 ''h; Condition: some splitting to ball and tip of handle is damaged
36Double beehive butter print
ca. late 19th century; turned handled recessed butter print with double beehive design and floral frond design, the round print has a chip carved band, [Provenance: ex-Cornelius Weygandt Collection through Hattie Brunner], 4 ''d, 3 ''h; Condition: good, Weygandt book 'The Plenty of PA' pg. 213 & 216 speaks of this print
37Fish shaped cutting board
ca. 1900; sunfish shaped cutting board with awl/nail prick accented eye, gill and smiling mouth, reverse marked in pencil 'Warren 1900', 13 ''x 8 ''x ''; Condition: some staining & extensive knife marring
382 carved fish decoy lures
ca. early-mid 20th century; whimsical non-working sunfish lure with shaped tail, relief carved eyes, carved and notch fins, cross-hatch skin finish on one side and green surface paint, 3'x ''x 1 '', Condition: paint loss to fish & skin finish to one side only; working fingerling decoy lure with gold paint and central decoy hanging hole in simple straight whittled form, 4 ''x ''x '', Condition: good
39Fine carved fish shaped wooden needle case
ca. 19th century; walnut/butternut wood needle case with Pickerel-type fish carved exterior, with long pointed tip nose/mouth, recessed eye sockets with relief carved eyes and body of fish having cross-hatch accent, ''d, 4'h; Condition: small chip from tail but overall good
40Rare cast lead fish shaped downrigger/planer with brass trolley wheels
ca. 1920; made by unknown maker with lead fish shaped weight with forward and tail ties and unusual brass two-trolley pulleys mounted on top, 5'x ''x 3 ''; Condition: unsigned, good
412 folding 'fish knives'
ca. 1910-1940; Solious single blade folding knife with fish shaped press steel cover, 2 '', Condition: surface rust; Imperial 'fish' two-blade folding knife with plastic cover, 4 '', Condition: late form, 1 blade damaged
422 cast iron fish shaped ice fishing lures
ca. 1900-1930; narrow fish shaped with recessed eyes and gills and lower hoop and chain rigger, believed to be used for ice fishing, possibly down riggers with single hole in central top of each lure, 6 ''x '' & 8 ''x 1'; Condition: cast by unknown maker, some surface pitting from use
433 collectible fish accented utensils
ca. 1900-1930; sterling Souvenir of Catalina spoon with fish on string and rod-shaped handle, 5'; souvenir inscribed spoon with fish on line accented handle, 4 ''; unsigned silver two-prong fork with two fish mounted on top of shaft, 5'; Condition: all good, first is marked, others are not
44Domed lid tin spice box with wrigglework decoration
ca. early 19th century; fine domed lid spice box with four ring feet, bead accented domed hinged lid on applied leaf shape wire hangers, box with rolled tin hasp on leaf mount, body of box is rolled wire braced and bead accented, lid has punch accent tulip design and interior divided into four parts with round grater keeper center, 6 ''x 4 ''x 3 ''; Condition: some separation to front of lid & minor rust to surface
45Tin scoop with heart shaped handle mount
ca. 1880; tin rolled half-round scoop with double bead rolled upper collar, tapered tubular handle with raised heart shaped mount, 4'd, 10'l; Condition: good, no damage
464 kitchen utensils
ca. 1900-1970; trade advertising tin biscuit cutter with embossed 'Egg Baking Powder' egg shaped grip, 2'd, 3'h; two twisted wire hot pad floret, 6'd, ''; late Fuller Brush Co. basting brush with twisted handle, 7 ''; late Amish fly swatter with leather head and twisted wire handle, 4'x 20'; Condition: all with typical wear from use
47Tin 6 heart mold
ca. 1900-1920; rectangular tray back with six identical heart shape molds with rolled rims, 9 ''x 6 ''x ''; Condition: some loose solder joints & surface rust
48Wire & tin 12 egg carrier
ca. 1920; lunch kettle shaped two-part metal box with open wire rack outside and spring mounted egg keeper interior, having red painted tin banding, wire hinges and spring back catch, box with loose wire tote handles, 7'x 3 ''x 6 ''; Condition: some interior springs are loos but rare form
49Pierced tin heart shaped cheese strainer with tin press/cover
ca. 1900; tin heart shaped mold with three tube shaped feet, punch and pierced ornamental design, mold with wired rim, wire ring hanger and rare heart shaped tin lid with ring lift, 5 ''x 6'x 3 ''; Condition: good, minor rust to base
503 tin kitchen primitives
ca. 1890-1910; tin cup base egg beater mixer with domed lid and cast metal 'Patent Applied For' two part mixer mechanism, 4'd, 1 ''handle, 5 ''h; patent 10-2-1860 Cinnamon shaker can with revolving closer cap, 1 ''d, 3'h; tin what's-it cup similar to French press with lower screen in bottom of handled cup and press-down lid with small knob grip, 2 ''d with 1' handle, 3 ''h
51Handheld tin 3 hole candle mold
ca. 1830-1860; large candle three-hole tubular candle mold with tray top, metal strap handle mounted to heart shaped lower brace plate, 4 ''x 2' with 2' handle, 10 ''h; Condition: some denting to molds and some surface rust
522 A.C. Smalley & Co. patented milk bottles with tin handles
ca. patented 4-5-1898; two quart size #1 with wire lock tin lid and tin strap handle, 4 ''d, 2' handle, 11 ''h; one quart size #5 with wire lock tin lid and tin strap handles, 3 ''d, 1 '' handle, 8 ''h; Condition: both good with typical wear from use
53Unusual tin candle holder
ca. late 19th century; tin with fluted edge bowl base and high conical shaped jamb peg holder, possibly used as fat lamp stick, 3 ''d, 3 ''h
54Fine cat's on bed candy container
ca. 1920; papier mache and plaster candy container with plaster cast mother cat and kitten laying in basket bed, container with original slide-out bottom candy box, paint and felt fiber decorated, 4'x 2 ''x 4'; Condition: repair to mother cat's right paw and tear to bottom of candy box, chip to tip of mother's ear
55Whimsical cannon shaped curling iron heater
ca. 1900-1920; alcohol burning silver plated cannon on cart with pull handle, seven spoke wheels and curling iron bracket place above burner that has cup on keeper chain, 7 ''x 3 ''x 4 '', Condition: some tarnishing to silver plate; late wooden handle curling iron, 7 ''l, Condition: light rust on tongs of iron
56Pecking chicken candy container
ca. 1930; spring leg 'bobbing/pecking' candy container with papier mache and paint decorated hen on spring legs mounted to cast resin base with egg, 3 ''x 1 ''x 3 ''; Condition: attributed to Germany, some paint loss, but no major damage noted
57Ges. Gesch'zt whimsical revolver pen & inkwell
ca. 1920; whimsical revolver shaped inkwell and pen, the inkwell with varnish coated pressed wood composite grip, press steel frame and well housing, the revolver hinges open to reveal hidden inkwell with decorative trigger and hammer, 7 ''x 1 ''x 3 ''; Condition: missing screw-off barrel cover over quill tip pen
58German bird on log candy container
ca. 1920; fine cardboard and papier mache candy container with colorful blue and red papier mache bird on wire legs mounted to candy tube 'log with nest and egg' base with bird having a papier mache body with carved wood tail and wings, 4'x 1 ''x 3 ''; Condition: later candy container, excellent condition
59Snuffer & 2 bottle stoppers
ca. 19th-20th century; fine 'fancy' iron candle snuffer with three-foot rest, pick tip, covered domed hood snuffer and heart accent on shafts, 7'x 2 ''x 1 '', Condition: good; pewter stopper with ball and wire mechanism, 1 ''d, 2 ''h, Condition: extensive oxidation to pewter; spire top with swirl marble pewter stopper, top is four post arch and spire top holding fine cotton twist marble, 1 ''d, 2 ''h, Condition: good
60German papier mache standing turkey hen candy container
ca. 1900-1920s; fine mold formed papier mache body and head with fine detail paint and cast metal legs and feet, 6 ''x 2'x 4 ''; Condition: minor paint loss, overall near mint condition
61Leather bound autograph book & composition pencil box
ca. 1830-1910; finely tooled blue leather covered book shaped box marked 'Souvenir' with approximately 50 cards with German scripts and autographs from 1830s-1850s, one momento has hand-colored watercolor of butterfly on rose, 6'x 3 ''x '', Condition: overall good with minor separation to lower binding; composition cast molded books shaped pencil box on small hinges with lithograph paper decorative covering, books include various masters ' Byron, Mark Twain, Dickens, Longfellows, etc., 8'x 2'x 1 '', Condition: 2 hinges loose & some scratching to surface
62Fine German bird on metal leg candy container
ca. 1900-1920; small finch style bird molded from papier mache with cast lead/metal legs, paint decoration with felt fiber accent and bird with glass eyes, 4 ''x 1 ''x 2'; Condition: removable head glued to body, some felt & paint loss & bending to feet
63Felt owl shaped needle case
ca. 1890; made from red, gray, tan, blue and pink wool felt fabric with two flap back, red felt eyes and beak, body stuffed and owl has green thread loop bound, body with red and gold yarn thread accent and pink felt back with loop hanger, 3 ''x 10'x 1'; Condition: some moth damage to back pink felt
643 sewing accessory boxes
ca. 1840-1890; maroon leather covered coffin shaped needle case having a sloped bottom with hinged raised panel lid, and gold leaf accent leather cover, 1 ''x ''x 1', Condition: box missing feet; small book shaped thimble box with brass clasps and leather covering, 1 ''x ''x '', Condition: cover loose; gold leaf poetry box with interior mirror, hinged lid and highly embellished ornate cover, marked 'Poesie Francaise' and 'Tome 1', 2 ''x 4'x '', Condition: good
65Crazy patch ball shaped pin cushion
ca. 1900-1910; ball shaped pin cushion with various silk fabric patch and various feather and other stitchwork accent, 2 ''d; Condition: good
66Amish or Mennonite owl shape needle case
ca. 1900-1940; sewn from red, black and tan felts, the owl has white button eyes, gold-yellow thread loop edge binding, body of owl is stuffed and back is loose to cover pins, 3 ''x 7'x ''; Condition: good
67Amish 'puzzle star' pin cushion on board
ca. 1920; black mohair and tan fabric stuffed star pin cushion with Victorian button accent and is mounted to felt fabric covered cardstock backer, the back with a brass ring hanger, 4 ''d, 2 ''h; Condition: good, no damage noted
68Small oval wallpaper box
ca. 1830-1850; fine wallpaper box covered with three color roll printed wallpaper, the side covered with maroon color base with red maple leaf and yellow frond wallpaper, slide-off lid with cut sponge floral decoration, lid with sawtooth tape binding and interior lined in white laid paper, 3 ''x 2 ''x 2 ''; Condition: near mint condition with some darkening to surface of lid
69Wooden 'rocking bird' toy on metal legs
ca. 1880-1910; unsigned nodder toy bird with three-part body, wrapped wire legs, loose mounted to nail swivel, wire legs have wire feet and are mounted to a yellow pine base, bird is paint decorated as an Oriole with metal ball pin eyes, 6'x 1 ''x 3 ''; Condition: note on bottom: purchased at Mabel Renner sale, 1958; paint surface crackled & some wear to paint
70Felt bird on heart pin cushion
ca. 1900-1930; five layer felt heart shaped pin cushion with loop hanger, red, white and blue cushion with stuffed interior and has appliqued white dove and blue leaf accent on cushion top, the cushion with simple stitchwork, 5 ''x 8 ''x ''; Condition: soiled surface
71Two-part carved whimsey on 4 legs
ca. 1880-1920; carved pine 4x4 stand with oblong interior box, whimsey unpainted and unstained in sawn and whittled construction, 3 ''x 3 ''x 9 ''; Condition: crack to top of stand carving & probably missing interior ball from interior box
72Acrobatic horse action toy
ca. 1920-1930; paint decorated whittled horse with wire jointed legs is mounted to a two-part push stick, stick is softwood and moving stick is turned, hollowed and cut, 16'x 2'; Condition: similar type toy to 'Monkee on Stick Toys' by Rev. Samuel Lehman (ordained minister at Manheim Mennonite Church, Lancaster Co., PA)
73Leather & brass push pin decorated domed lid trinket box
ca. 1870-1890; re-created to appear like an 18th century chest; made from thick '' stock pine, domed lid hinged on leather covering, lid with brass hasp mounted on wire staple and has wire staple hatch, box covered in leather book binding cover and the box has various size brass push pin accent, 5'x 3 ''x 2 ''; Condition: good, push pins appear to be later era
74Early two-sided pin cushion
ca. 1870-1900; pin cushion with cotton or wool stuffing, one side is black fabric with simple yellow bird on stem embroidering and reverse is blue fabric with yarn floral embroidery, pillow is yarn stitch bound, 3 ''x 3 ''x ''; Condition: some loss to embroidery yarn on floral side & soiling
75Fine round wallpaper box
ca. 1860; cardstock round box with large salmon based two-color roller printed wallpaper covering in stitchwork construction with original fitted lid and unlined interior, 3 ''d, 3 ''h; Condition: good with some exposure of stitching to lid
76Chinese rice straw sewing basket
ca. 1850-1880; round bowl shaped basket made of rice straw with wrapped rim, two-tier flared foot and bright floral paint decoration, 7'd, 2 ''h; Condition: minor cracking to rim band, overall good condition
77Small frame mounted store bell
ca. 1900; small brass enclosed rattle type bell, spring wire mounted to spring steel strap with lead mounted screw, bell probably mounted into door frame and actuated when door opened, 7 ''x 1 ''; Condition: no damage/signature
78Wooden 'puzzle' rattle
ca. 1870; made from 1 ''x '' softwood paddles; the rattle has long paddle type handle and four-part interlocking paddle rattle box ' a trick of jointery, 2 ''x 2 ''x 7'; Condition: good, no damage
792 lidded oval Chinese rice straw baskets
ca. 1850-1880; both with original fitted lids, open loop rims and flared foot: floral paint decorated basket, Condition: very clean, no damage other than missing handle, 5 ''x 2 ''x 2 ''; four web flared foot with floral paint decoration, 8 ''x 4 ''x 4', Condition: lacquered finish is darkened & some webbing missing from lid, possibly had original handles removed
80Cast iron duck shooting target
ca. 1890; convex shaped with two rocker base, possibly once mounted into a shooting frame with spring back keepers, 7 ''x 2'x 5 ''; Condition: convex side of target shows plenty of use
81Wire dome on wood mouse trap
ca. 1890-1910; twisted wire frame trap in half round shape with center of top opening and mounted on a softwood plank base, 5 ''x 5 ''x 3 ''; Condition: missing lower trap door, possibly signed in pencil on base & dealer's stock code
82Cast iron weathervane frame
ca. 1850; with arrow point and glass keeper panel, frosted with a ruby cut-to-clear scene of Halley's comet and crescent moon, 23'x 1 ''x 4 ''; Condition: iron is heavily pitted from rust ' good glass
83Small watercolor & pin-prick Fraktur love note Valentine
ca. 1840; small bookplate or Valentine with watercolor flowers in basket design top, yellow and orange watercolor textbox with ink German script love note of 'eternal love', basket and text box with pin-prick accent and framed in a mahogany veneer bevel edged frame, 4 ''x 6 '' framed; Condition: good
84Wallpaper covered domed lid trinket box
ca. 1850; small softwood domed lid box in pin construction with lid mounted on wire and leather hinges, box with bright green and black floral design on a cream background wallpaper covering and banded with blue tape binding, 3 ''x 2 ''x 2'; Condition: some soiling & fraying to wallpaper corners
85Folding wall shelf
ca. 1900-1910; folding shelf with fret-work tulip design cut-out backboard with carving accent and paint decoration, folding shelf in softwood and bracket mounted on brass hinges, 7 ''x 14'x 4'; Condition: good
862 Chinese sack shape rice straw purses
ca. 1850-1890; miniature openwork rice straw woven purse (sack shape) with lid and two loose handles, painted floral design and original diamond open-weave lid, 4 ''x 2 ''x 3 '', Condition: 1 handle is loose, no other damage; child's Chinese basket with fitted domed lied, sack shape bottom, two loose handles, floral paint decoration and retains original price label on bottom, 6'x 3'x 4 '', Condition: minor web damage to lid
87Folk art carved shorebird on driftwood base
ca. 1960s-1980s; shaped and carved from multi-ply rosewood, walnut and mahogany wood, unsigned and brass rod mounted into a cedar driftwood base with varnish finish, Condition: No damage
88Chinese oval lidded handled rice straw basket
ca. 1880; oval basket with open loop rim, fitted domed lid, flared two web foot, two loose swing handles and floral paint decoration; Condition: basket retains original label on bottom, some damage to one end of lid
89Folk art carved snake by Charles L. Long
ca. 1980s; sawn and shaped from mahogany wood with carved and stained diamond patch accent, 6'x 1 ''x ''; Condition: good, no damage
90Framed unsigned watercolor 'urn of flowers' on cardstock painting
ca. 1890; framed in stencil embellished grain painted frame (Soap Hollow type), unfinished watercolor with large floral design compote with grapes, lemons, plums and flowers sitting on a marble type plateau, framed in a rosewood grain paint decorated frame, silver stencil decoration and brush stroke fleur-de-lis on top center of frame, 13 ''x 18'x 1'; Condition: painting has silver fish damage to right side, piece is unsigned, some scratches to surface of frame
91Small triangular patch doll quilt
ca. 1880; back with early brown and red check fabric, the small doll quilt made from muslin & printed calico fabrics with triangular patches set in non-uniform 'crazy patch' design, 8'x 8 ''; Condition: some soiling
923 Amish table mats
ca. 1900-1940; green and reds floral design mat with fabric covered cardstock base, crocheted covering, raveled green yarn fringe and applied large yarn tufted flowers, 13'd, 2'h, Condition: 1 cluster is loose from base; covered cardstock table mat with blue knotted yarn applied fringe, 12'd, 1 ''h, Condition: some fraying to fabric cover of cardstock; mid-20th century green, purple and black knitted mat with tassels on each end of mat, floral design in cream background with undulating 'flowing' knitted yarn, green and cream base colors and purple and black accent, 17 ''x 11 '', Condition: minor wear to raised purple knitting
93Doll quilt
ca. 1910-1930; machine stitched quilted printed calico patchwork top with puzzle block 'Around the World' central block of reds and tan calicos, outlined in muslin and green calico and bordered by four patch green and red block, early brown calico binding and muslin back, 19'x 19'; Condition: soiling & staining, quilt is machine stitch diamond design
944 Amish or Mennonite community felt pillow tops
ca. 1890-1930; unused brown fabric back with appliqued crossing four tulip design, outlined in colored yarn feather-stitch, 20 ''x 20 '', Condition: new; unused black felt fabric back with flower vine high tufted crewelwork stitch in bright yellow, red and pink flowers on green vine, 19'x 19', Condition: new; early brown fabric back with appliqued crazy patch flower frame around round brown patch with crewelwork floral design, top stitched to brown check mat, 17 ''x 16 '', Condition: some moth damage to wool patches; used and stuffing removed brown felt case with tufted pinwheel floral design, 19'x 18 '', Condition: some fraying to fabric
95Homespun purse and framed coverlet corner block
ca. 1840-1870; framed corner block fragment of blue and white coverlet with single mast ship and 'Year 1842' in late simple frame, 8 ''x 9' framed, Condition: extensive fraying to block; silk lined cinch top purse made from homespun diamond pattern yarn accented in weave, braided in white and blue dyed wool with yarn tie, 6'x 5 '', Condition: fraying to white fabric & some staining
96Amish hooked rug runner
ca. 1890-1920; long flower basket design on black background with uniform cut hooked fabrics, on burlap with black woven tape binder, tall bright flowers in yellow planter/basket with flower design, corners accented in floral frond designs, 14 ''x 43'; Condition: extensive fading and some soiling from use, probably modern mounting to secondary burlap
972 fabric shawls
ca. 1870-1920; early cream/pink/red and brown paisley printed shawl, 68'x 68', Condition: extensive fraying to fabric from use; late printed fabric shawl with brown yarn knotted fringe, square with brown background and flower vine of roses and other flowers around border, 37'x 38', Condition: excellent
98Amish 'Heel' or 'Cat's Tongue' rug
ca. late 19th century; fabric covered burlap back with applied pattern cut from brown wool flaps, each bound in yarn over stitch and stitch accent, the rug with square crewel decorated center patch and printed black/gray fabric back, 35'x 24'; Condition: some fraying to center patch & 2 flaps loose
99Velvet top & pillowcase
ca. 1870-1930; early crewelwork decorated pillowcase with brown muslin back, black fabric top with colorful flower vine crewel work decoration, case retains partial red and green yarn binding, 17'x 15 '', Condition: fading to top & some tears to fabric back, some loss to binding; unfinished purple velvet table runner with large floral vine accent to one end and other with floral wreath and spider web, Condition: some tufting to flower petal is loose & fraying, otherwise new
100 2 printed red tablecloths
ca. 1850-1900; square table cover with black floral design printed onto cut red felt, 50 ''x 46', Condition: some water stains & soiling; early center seam muslin fabric dyed red and then stencil or screen printed with black Grecian key border and floral print and diamond lattice design, 80'x 80', Condition: extensive wear & fraying to material
101 Small patchwork doll quilt
ca. 1900-1920; small 80 block patchwork quilt made from printed calicos and other printed bag fabrics having a printed tan color fabric back and banded with early printed calico binding, 11'x 13'; Condition: extensive soiling & some fading
102 Rare Gaudy Dutch Double Rose pattern handled cup & saucer
ca. 1825; handled cup and saucer with single blue border edged with red buds, English Staffordshire pearlware, 3 ''d, 2'h cup, 5 ''d, 1 ''h saucer; Condition: saucer has '' foot ring flake, consignor references this item to be lot 42 of Conestoga's Mar 23, 2001 auction
103 Gaudy Dutch Oyster pattern handleless cup and saucer
ca. 1825; salmon ground and paneled border, English Staffordshire pearlware, 3 ''d, 2 ''h cup, Condition: 1' shrinkage line in lower exterior, '' shrinkage line in foot ring, 3/8' & 1/8' restored flakes on foot ring; 5 ''d, 1 ''h saucer, Condition: slight rim edge overglaze enamel losses
104 Gaudy Dutch grape pattern handleless cup and saucer
ca. 1825; blue border with heart shaped dots on a connecting line, English Staffordshire pearlware, 3 ''d, 2 ''h cup 5 ''d, 1 ''h saucer; Condition: good
105 Mismatched Gaudy Dutch cup & saucer & Adam's Rose type cup & saucer
ca. 1825 & 1830; mismatched Single Rose pattern handleless cup with blue border and heart shaped dots on a connecting line, 3 ''d, 2 ''h, Condition: discolored, '' bruise on foot ring, conspicuous wear on overglaze enamel; and sunflower pattern saucer with blue border and undulating yellow line, English Staffordshire pearlware, 5 ''d, 1 ''h, Condition: 4' & 2' rim lines, noticeable wear on overglaze enamel; English Staffordshire earthenware handleless cup and saucer in red Adams Rose type design, 4'd, 2 ''h cup, 6'd, 1 ''h saucer, Condition: some discoloration
106 English pearlware covered teapot in beehive design
ca. 1815; urn shaped teapot with beehive design in four colors: brown, blue, green and yellow (some green sponging as background) with unusual conical lid, 5 ''d, 7 ''h, Condition: restored handle and spout tip, 1 '' line in base (not through), 3/8' rim line, discolored
107 English pearlware child's covered sugar bowl with arc and bud design
ca. 1820; English Staffordshire pearlware covered child's sugar bowl with seven brownish-yellow buds between feathered blue arcs, 3 ''d, 3'h, Condition: several noticeable flea bite rim flakes on lid
108 English pearlware covered sugar bowl in yellow tulip design
ca. 1815; English Staffordshire pearlware covered sugar bowl with elongated octagonal base with yellow tulip motif and pair of stylized floral designs in four colors (brown, green, orange and yellow) with lid having a swan finial, 5 ''x 3 ''x 5 ''; Condition: some discoloration, glaze losses on rim, '' rim line to lid
109 Cabbage Rose plate, cup & saucer
ca. 1835; dinner plate with slightly scalloped rim, 9'd, Condition: shallow 1/8' foot ring flake; handleless cup, 3 ''d, 2 ''h, Condition: shallow '' rim flake, '' defect (in the making) on foot ring; saucer, 5 ''d, 1'h, Condition: spot of discoloration
110 Pearlware cup & saucer & Staffordshire plate
ca. 1825 & 1830; pearlware handleless cup and saucer in four colors (brown, blue, green and brownish-orange) umbrella type flower, 3 ''d, 2 ''h cup, 5 ''d, 1 ''h saucer; earthenware four color (black, blue, green and red) busy floral design, 9'd; Condition: good
111 Pearlware Salopian handleless cup & saucer
ca. 1820; English Staffordshire pearlware handleless cup and saucer in brown Salopian transfer with four color overglaze enamel (blue, green, brownish-orange and yellow) of a herdsman and cow with village in background, 3 ''d, 2 ''h cup, Condition: several shallow foot ring flakes; 5 ''d, 1 ''h saucer; Condition: '' rim line
112 Staffordshire partial tea service in large strawberry design
ca. 1835; English Staffordshire earthenware partial tea service: globular teapot blue border rings and blue feathered handle, 5 ''d, 5 ''h, Condition: 5/8' bruise & '' flake on lid flange, stress marks on handle terminals, '' spider at spout base, 5/8' rim line, '' & smaller spout rim flakes, discolored; bulbous creamer with handles having molded acanthus terminals, black border rings and black feathered handle, 3'd, 3 ''h, Condition: '' mid section hole, restored spout & rim; canted side covered sugar bowl with black border rings and black feathered handle, 5'd, 4 ''h, Condition: some discoloration & rim wear
113 2 heart tin cake molds
ca. 1900; heart shaped with flat seamed bottom, sloped sides and wire roll braced rim with small ring hanger near point of heart, 7'x 7 ''x 1 ''; Condition: minor rust & some surface dirt
114 Oval coiled rye straw basket
ca. 1800-1830; utility basket with two raised loops on side of rim (possibly for hanging), coils in somewhat primitive form with ash splint woven binder, single coil foot, sloped sides and cross-over splint wrapped rim, 3 ''x 7'x 5'; Condition: normal wear from use & interior dirt
115 Pressed steel sauce pan with heart mounted tubular handle
ca. 1850-1900; formed pressed sheet steel round pan with tapered tubular 'nozzle' type handle that has heart cut-out sheet steel mounting, rivet to mount and mount is riveted to pan and handle capped with pressure collar mount, 7'd, 2 ''h with 4 '' handle; Condition: handle possibly missing hanger from cap on handle, minor surface rust, good patina
116 Tramp art coiled tin handle basket
ca. 1920s-1930s; whimsical 'make-do' basket made from salvaged cans, the can's side were cutdown and then coiled in narrow strips, basket with wire rim, coil loop accent and three braided coils crate handle, 5 ''d, 7 ''h; Condition: some surface rust, but overall good
117 Ice fishing trout fish decoy
ca. 19th-20th century; early carved lake trout fish decoy with tin fins, leather mounted tail, push-pin eyes, rounded head, carved accented mouth and gill band, inset lead weight poured into flat bottom, excellent paint decoration with trout dot pattern still present, 6 ''x 2 ''x 1 ''; Condition: normal wear from use, top retains string through hanger hole
118 Rare handled tin pie top cutter
ca. 1890-1920; large round cutter with flat back and strap style handle, eight mounted teardrop shaped cut-outs pinwheel mounted to back, center and each teardrop has release hole punch-out, 6 ''d, 2 ''h; Condition: good
119 Matched graduated pair of tin milk buckets
ca. 1890; child's size tin milk bucket with flared wired rim foot, tapered roll banded sides, high roll banded collar and wire braced rim with rivet mounted loose pail handle, 6 ''d, 6 ''h, Condition: some light interior rust, but otherwise like new; adult size rolled tin milk pail with wire braced flared foot, roll banded tapered sides and wire braced rim with rivet mounted swing pail handle, 9'd, 7 ''h, Condition: good
120 12 piece set of J. Russell & Co. bone handled cutlery
ca. 1830s; J. Russell & Co. 'Green River Works' of Greenfield, Mass. set of six knives and six forks with bone handles, pewter accented tulip design on upper and lower handles, 8' knives, 6 '' forks; Condition: complete set, normal rust & light pitting from use
121 2 wooden back cookie cutters
ca. early 20th century; tin banded bird cut-out wooden form cookie cutter, tin mounted with small brad nails, 4 ''x 3 ''x '', Condition: bird has small hole in tin at head; seated cat form cutter in similar construction with band seam constructed, 3'x 4 ''x '', Condition: vent holes drilled in back
122 Pressed tin measure pitcher
ca. 1890; 'fancy' 3 quart measuring pitcher with original domed lid and spout cover, embossed pressed milk/water pitcher has mounted two-part molded handle and shell molded spout, pressed tin lid has dome accented with star center and emanating shell pattern, one side of pitcher embossed with measurements in volume and pounds for various foods, 7'd, 12'h; Condition: good, unusual to fine complete
123 Hand crank nutmeg grater
ca. 1890; oval tin cup shaped grater with applied handle, crank operated revolving grater wheel with tubular nutmeg shaft mounted on angle with original wooden plunger, 3'x 2'x 4'; Condition: good
124 Hand wrought dividers/winged compass & tap dancers heel caps
ca. 18th-20th century; early handwrought winged divider/compass with large butterfly wing stop screw, shafts of legs file chamfered, 9 ''x 5'x 1 '', Condition: possible signature near spear-tip of wing, some surface pitting, cleaned & preserved; matched pair of cast brass 'heart shaped' heel clickers for shoes of tap dancer, 1 ''x 1 ''x '', Condition: show wear from use
125 Cast iron match safe & bell
ca. 1870-1930; patent dated 10-6-1868 & 5-3-1810, C. Parker cast iron wall pocket match safe with diamond design on pocket and red paint, 4 ''x 5 ''x 1 '', Condition: missing original loose lid & extensive paint loss; cast iron 'Soup's On' embossed cast bell in two-part cast with screw-in handle and star banded bell that has raised letters embossed on side, bell painted black stars accented with gold paint, 3 ''d, 5 ''h; Condition: good
126 Frog leg scissors & drill
ca. early 18th century & early 20th century; rare form hand wrought shears/scissors with frog's leg shaped shaft on finger holes, very early form with convex shaped tapered spear tip points, 10'x 2 '', Condition: relic find with extensive pitting from being buried; industrial age 'egg beater' hand drill with 2' single gear crank wheel on cast iron frame, 7 ''x 2'x 2', Condition: good
127 Miniature waffle iron
ca. 20th century; reproduction miniature of antique form waffle iron with small cast iron 1 ''x 1 '' two-part mold rivet mounted to rivet pin hinge tongs, the tongs handles are round rod and have wire hasp keeper, 1 ''x 10'x 1 ''; Condition: believed to be recreation piece and not early but very nice form
128 3 decorative cast iron trivets
ca. 19th-20th century; nice form four foot stand with open cast star and four heart design, 6'd, 1 ''h; three foot handled stand with sawtooth banded compass and pinwheel design center with eight ring around pinwheel, 6 ''d, 4' handle, 1 ''h; three-foot round stand with molded scalloped edge, rolling pinwheel design center and heart and loop band, 6 ''d, 1'h; Condition: all believed to be earlier casting, not reproductions
129 Cast iron deer & squirrel
ca. 1870-1930; early reclining stag cast iron doorstop with brass paint, unknown maker, possibly cast from early chalk deer form, 8 ''x 2 ''x 8 '', Condition: as found, some surface rust & dirt; large 'squirrel garden ornament' attributed to Hubley of Lancaster with remnant of white paint, cast with squirrel sitting erect holding nut, 7'x 3 ''x 9', Condition: extensive rust to surface, only remnant of original paint
130 2 cast iron heart handled stove ring reducers
ca. 1880-1900; both similar size and appear cast at some foundry, the rings are kitchen stove reducer plates with molded heart shaped handles, 9 ''d with 2 '' handles, 1'h; Condition: both have pitting from use
131 Griswold cast iron 'heart-star' pattern waffle iron
ca. patent date 5-18-1920; 'Griswold' slant letter model #918 waffle iron two-part ball swivel mold in heart and star design with rounded collar base, swing wire tote and spring covered handle, 10'd, 7' handle, 2 ''h; Condition: soot covered & some surface rust on exterior, interior good
132 2 early cast iron heart handled griddles
ca. 1850-1900; very early cast iron small griddle for ten plate stove with the flat collar griddle with ornamental molded heart shaped topped handle, griddle with 1 '' slot pour line on base of pan, 7 ''d, 6' handle, 1 ''h, Condition: good with light rust; later generation round griddle with rounded collar and short molded handle with heart design top, 10 '', 2 '' handle, 1'h, Condition: some pitting to base & extensive soot covering to top
133 2 cast iron griddles
ca. 18th century & late 19th century; 18th century cast iron three-footed round hearthside griddle with raised ring and Grecian column molded handle with heart shaped top, 12 ''d, 10 '' handle, 3'h, Condition: heavy pitting & surface rust; oval step recessed griddle with two heart-molded handles, step and raised rim and early type slot pour remnant on bottom, 21 ''x 8 ''x 1 '', Condition: upper surface good with soot covering, underside is pitted from use
134 2 cast iron standing stag shaped banks
ca. 1900-1950; vintage penny bank standing stag with wide eight point rack and remnants of original brass paint, 4'x 2'x 6', Condition: normal surface wear to early surface; second generation large size standing stag design with wide eight point rack and original brass paint, 5 ''x 3 ''x 9 '', Condition: original paint, grinding marks to belly common with reproduction or secondary casting
135 4 cast white metal stags
ca. 1920-1930s; graduated sizes probably made in Germany with early painted surface: large reclining elk stag with high twelve point rack, 5 ''x 4 ''; standing elk stag with ten point rack, 3 ''x 4 ''; similar stag with ten point rack, 3 ''x 2 ''; small reclining stag with seven point rack, 1 ''x 1 ''; Condition: good with some painted surface losses
136 Mechanical fish & chick
ca. 1930-1950s; Hadson 'Anchor Brand' Japanese pressed tin friction toy fish with moving mouth and pressed lithograph tin, 5'x ''x 1 '', Condition: mouth mechanism not working; Gege key-wind pecking small bird with two-part molded plastic body and paint decoration, 2 ''x 1 ''x 2', Condition: missing key
137 Cast iron nesting rooster doorstop
ca. mid 20th century; form cast half mold doorstop of reclining/nesting roosters with white painted body, red painted comb and beard and yellow painted eyes and beak, unknown maker, 8 ''x 2 ''x 5 ''; Condition: some paint loss, nice form
138 German rabbit balancing toy
ca. 1880-1920; 'Putz' type animal rabbit nodder toy carved/composition cast rabbit with felt fabric 'fur' covering, pink collar and brown glass push pin eyes, rabbit 'balance' toy has wire and lead counterweight, made to balance on toes of back feet, 4' rabbit with 3' weight extension, 6'h overall; Condition: some fur loss to fabric & dirt to surface
139 German papier mache bulldog on rocker base
ca. 1890-1920; molded papier mache body with carved wooden legs, white painted body with brown spot accents, glass push-pin eyes and mounted to an orange painted rocker base, marked Germany, 6 ''x 2 ''x 5'; Condition: dirt & soot covered surface, otherwise good
140 Miniature German 'Putz' village in original softwood band box
ca. 1880-1920; softwood band box with splint stitched softwood band and lid band, oval softwood lid and bottom, containing 15 colorfully painted multi-story buildings: 1 church, 2 couples, 5 high pine trees and 8 various animals, band box 7 ''x 4 ''x 2 ''; Condition: overall good condition, some shaving loss to trees & 1 base chipped, some cracking to box band
141 2 Victorian era pin pillows
ca. 1880-1890; small square black felt cotton/wool stuffed pillow with applied braided cord in four heart pattern with stitch applied crocheted border, 6'x 6'x 2', Condition: some fraying to cord; seltzer or sand stuffed pillow with stag design needlepoint top, red felt back marked in ink Nov. 1881 and banded with braided yarn, 6 ''x 6'x 2 '', Condition: stitch loss to needlepoint covering & corner tassel, some banding loose
142 Amish bird pin cushion
ca. 1890-1920; homecrafted stuffed black fabric bird with three applied black fabric covered cardstock tail feathers, blue fabric covered applied wings, blue yarn tassel cap, blue yarn covered small legs and small beak and applied string of beads eyes, 10'x 2'x 4'; Condition: some fading to fabric but overall good
143 2 sewing notion pin cushions
ca. 1890-1940; Amish style square pillow nine tufted blocks with cream center emanating to red band and green crocheted checkerboard design, soft stuffed with green woven back, 3 ''x 3 ''x 1 '', Condition: soiled surface but good early form; late red felt strawberry pin cushion with green yarn stitched cap and hanger, 2 ''d, 2 ''h, Condition: good
144 2 Victorian era butterfly shaped pen wipes
ca. 1890-1910; blue felt three-level cut wings centrally stitched to wrapped cloth center, the top with beautiful paint embellishment; similarly constructed butterfly with paint decoration having tan fabric top and red felt lower flaps, 5 ''x 5 ''x '' each; Condition: each has ink stains to interior from use
145 2 bird shaped pot holders
ca. 1900-1940; primitive Amish type chicken shaped two-part hot pad made from brown/gray felt fabric with red felt comb, loop stitch binding and stick accent to body, 7'x 5'x '', Condition: small stitch loss to binding; cotton/wool stuffed two-part bird shaped hot pad with printed red fabric outer body, tan felt interior and maroon satin applied comb with tufted stitched eyes, 8'x 4 ''x 2 '', Condition: some fading to fabric
146 Small green and tan felt fabric bird pin cushion
ca. 1890; bird has stuffed tan felt body and green felt belly, three tail feathers are fabric covered cardstock and green felt fabric covered cardstock wings; bird has black pushpin eyes, wrapped pin legs and thread wrapped beak with a red yarn cap, 5 ''x 1'x 2'; Condition: some fading to tail feather fabric
147 2 diamond shaped felt covered pin cushions
ca. 1880-1910; purple and blue fabric covered cardstock top with green felt covered cardstock back and wool stuffed center with stain cover and red ribbon on tips of diamond, 2 ''x 4 ''x '', Condition: some fraying to fabric center cushion cover; similarly constructed cushion with pink and purple felt top, green on purple plaid fabric back and diamonds with pink ribbons on tips, 2 ''x 4 ''x '', Condition: good
148 2 whimsical fabric pen wipes
ca. 1900-1930; 'artist board' shaped felt covered ink wipe book with maroon felt cover and brown felt back, die cut accent to cover, tissue paper bound interior and ribbon bow accent, 4 ''x 3 ''x '', Condition: some loss to die cut; Amish made felt bird cut-out with blue felt fabric, appliqued light bird cut-out and tan felt appliqued wings, loop stitch bound with stitched yarn accent, 5 ''x 5 '', Condition: some moth damage to wings & stains to fabric
149 Choice Gaudy Dutch Carnation pattern teapot
ca. 1825; single blue border with a connecting yellow string of heart shaped dots, rectangular London shaped body in English Staffordshire pearlware, 5 ''x 4 ''x 6'; Condition: spots of discoloration
150 English pearlware Gaudy Dutch Oyster plate
ca. 1825; English Staffordshire pearlware plate with salmon ground and paneled border, 9 ''d; Condition: service marks on overglaze enamel
151 Rare English pearlware blue shell edge 'Arms of the United States' plate
ca. 1825; octagonal plate with gray transfer of the 'Arms of the United States' and legend 'May success attend our/ agriculture trade and/ manufactures' 16 stars, attributed to Enoch Wood & Sons, 6 '' across; Condition: shallow 1/8' top rim flake & some small points of wear
152 Pearlware green scalloped edge pansy plate
ca. 1825; scalloped leaf and basket weave edged plate in four color pansy design (brown, blue, green and yellow), English Staffordshire pearlware, 8 ''d; Condition: service marks & mellow discoloration
153 Mount Vernon transfer & a pair of silver lustre cups & saucers
ca. 1820; English porcelain handleless cup and saucer with black transfer 'Mount Vernon, seat of the late Gen'l Washington', 3 ''d, 2 ''h cup; 5 ''d, 1'h saucer, Condition: good; pair of silver lustre handled cups and saucers in English Staffordshire earthenware, 3 ''d, 2 ''h cup; 5 '' & 5 ''d, 1 ''h saucer; Condition: slight wear
154 Scarce Zebulon Pike transfer plate
ca. 1820; scarce black transfer of 'Pike' plate with legend 'Be always ready to die for your country' (General Zebulon M. Pike, explorer and hero of the War of 1812); English creamware with pink lustre, Sunderland lustre and canary yellow borders, attributed to Enoch Wood & Sons, 9 ''d; Condition: 3 '' rim line
155 3 child's type raised relief border plates
ca. 1835; octagonal shape with rope and daisy border, mulberry transfer of two uniformed men on a fantastic five wheeled teapot like carriage, 4 '', Condition: good; round indented rim shape with floral border, blue transfer of a lad in a church graveyard and legend 'Our early days/ rather alarmed', 5'd, Condition: 1 '' mid-section spider; scalloped rim with polychromal overglaze enamel bird and butterfly border, brown transfer of country residence with overglaze enamel applications in brown, blue, green, red and yellow, 7 ''d, Condition: some losses of overglaze enamel & wear on cavetto
156 Pearlware & New Hall cups & saucers
ca. 1825; pearlware handleless cup and saucer, umbrella type flower in brown, blue, green and brownish-yellow, 3 ''d, 2 ''h cup; 1 ''h saucer, Condition: cup has shallow '' foot ring flake; porcelain handled cup and saucer, shell pattern #1045 in black, brown, blue, green, red and yellow, 3'd, 2 ''h cup, 5 ''d, 1 ''h saucer, Condition: good
157 Majolica handled 'Jumbo' pitcher
ca. 1870-1880s; ceramic Majolica souvenir pitcher marked 'Jumbo' with embossed African bull elephant standing with white glaze handles on yellow glaze plank pattern ground and interior in pink glaze, 4 ''d, 1 '' handle, 7 ''h; Condition: poor repair to rim damage & glaze flaws to rim
158 Framed watercolor drawing of 'Lady Washington' by J.L. (Krause), Lebanon Co., PA
ca. 2-2-1869 dated; lady riding side saddle wearing yellow with green plume on an orange painted horse, titled and signed 'J.L.K.' with date, on lined paper taken from composition book and numbered 103 in pencil on upper corner, 9 ''x 11 '' framed; Condition: back has in ink 'J.L. Krause, Lebanon' and early pencil dealer's price code
159 Parrot on stump squeak toy
ca. 1860-1880; German mold formed papier mache parrot shaped on stump, paint decorated and glazed to bellows 'squeaker' base, 2'x 2 ''x 7 ''; Condition: left side of bird appears to have repaired spot & bellows possibly recovered
160 Schwenkfelder style watercolor of 'Little Cyrus' in gold leaf frame
ca. 1833 dated; ink and watercolor painting in the style of Schwenfelder's Heebner family of a boy standing crying, wearing brown trousers, blue short sleeve long shirt with white collar, straw hat with plume, pink bag on cinch cord and holding book, titled in ink 'Little Cyrus is stubborn in Going to School', 6 ''x 8 '' framed; Condition: some foxing to paper & crinkling to laid paper, similar in style to Schwenkfelder paintings attributed to Abraham Heebner
161 Quaker style framed silhouette portrait
ca. 1850; side profile silhouette of a Quaker woman wearing a fancy bonnet with large bow, white apron over dress with neck bow and framed in a period molded deep well oval frame with reverse paint accented glass, 5 ''x 6 ''x 1' framed; Condition: good
162 Framed scissors cut double silhouette
ca. 1880; shadow mounted scissors cut figures of women in dresses with large bustles accentuated; the woman on left an older woman with other a younger woman, 8 ''x 7' framed; Condition: both mounted to glass and have white/cream behind, figure to left has small crease to black paper near neck
163 Silhouette of young man in round molded frame
ca. 1840-1860; white paper scissor cut-out of a young man with black fabric backer, side portrait of a man wearing a high collar and has full head of hair in a round frame fine dish turned molded maple with dark stain, 5 ''d; Condition: frame marked on side in chalk (possible name of portrait), good
164 PA folk art carved bird safe
ca. 1870-1900; Distelfink style bird carved from mixed rosewood, mahogany and walnut hardwoods; the bird standing (peg mounted) to small plank base, dowel swivel mounted wings with carved and chalk accents that when moved reveal hiding pocket behind wing with a walnut carved beak and ink drawn eyes, 11'x 2 ''x 9 ''; Condition: tail is repaired & base inlay forcefully removed & missing
165 Early Baltimore/Federal style doll chair
ca. 1840-1860; finely crafted early doll chair in rosewood grain paint with gold leaf embellished floral stencil and hand painted pinstriping with slat front brace and double rod side stretcher braced turn legs, the rush woven seat paint covered, 8'x 8'x 14'; Condition: front binding of rush seat is damaged near front of chair, some minor paint loss
166 Framed goose print with watercolor accent
ca. 1820-1840; Peter's type fly leaf print #91 titled 'The Goose' with large white goose standing in a fenced meadow under a large tree, three color accent and framed in a molded black stained frame, 8 ''x 7' framed; Condition: print is not signed & printer is unknown frame is repaired, Gustav Peters was one of first printers to use color in children's books in 1820s
167 2 pieces of toleware
ca. 1830-1860; miniature tole decorated tin domed document box with domed lid on wire and wrapped tin hinge, wire ring and tin hasp and box retains brush stroke paint decorated band on front, 2 ''x 2'x 1 '', Condition: extensive wear & paint loss (little paint remains); green toleware decorated tin tea caddy in a round shape with sloped upper surface, domed seated lid, canister with light green paint decorated with single basket and cabbage rose design on side and brush stroke decorated lid, 3'd, 4 ''h, Condition: extensive paint loss
168 Framed strawberry watercolor on paper
ca. 1890; watercolor painting of a blue and green planter with high strawberry plant loaded with strawberries and flowers, painted red with initials 'SN' and framed in a simple softwood bevel frame with red paint, 10 ''x 13'; Condition: back of painting marked in pencil #6, unsigned, possibly Amish artist
169 Black toleware syrup jug
ca.1850; oval shape with slope tapered spout, mounted wire braced handle and closed top with hinged lid on wire hinge, three-ring grasp, lack lacquered with side brush-stroke medallions with pinwheel design in pink, red and gold paint and a pinstriped lid, 5' with 3' spout, 2 '' handle, 3 ''x 6'; Condition: some paint loss, overall good
170 Paint decorated hearth broom
ca. 1880; broom with half mallet shaped brush head with four lines of horsehair bristles, fancy turned handle in blue base paint with stencil accent to brush head, gold leaf rose on handle and gold painted brush strokes with black pinstripe accent, 7'x 3'x 25'; Condition: good
171 Folk art shadow box display of distelfink bird on flower fabric & scissors cutting
ca. 1890-1930; PA German traditional distelfink bird stuffed and painted fabric mounted green scissors-cut trellis and plant stems with paper and cut fabric flowers stitched to paper stems, framed in a black painted shadow box, unsigned and unknown artist, 8 ''x 2 ''x 10 ''; Condition: good
172 Framed stone bird picture & felt decoupage decorated box
ca. mid-late 20th century; small ogee framed inlaid stone bird and butterfly picture with black background and various color stone inlay to form a blue capped bird on stem looking at butterfly, framed in a black painted ogee molded frame, 5'x 5 '' framed; decoupage decorated cardstock box with lift off lid, painted black with lid accented with felt cut-out fruit basket with stitch accent glued to top and band, 7'x 7'x 3 ''; Condition: both good
173 Vintage painted canvas stuffed cat
ca. 1900-1920; made from canvas with hand painted gray color and oil/varnish coated with large eyes and stuffed with cotton/wool, unsigned, 7'x 4'x 14 ''; Condition: some crackling to paint & minor paint loss
174 Framed watercolor 'Susan' painting in Currier & Ives style
ca. mid 19th century; watercolor on paper painting with young dark haired woman seated under drapery, wearing a low cut dress, glove and holding a fan; the painting marked with small 'N' in lower left corner and framed in a black painted bevel edge frame, possibly copied from print by Currier & Ives 'Susan', 15 ''x 19' framed; Condition: some fading to paint
175 Group of children's books & various paper ephemera
ca. 1870-1888; includes three Dean & Son, London juvenile books with colorized pictures with moving parts: two 'Dean's New Dress Book ' The Little Orphan' by Rose Merton, 6 ''x 10' and one 'Little Folks Living Nursery Rhymes' with colorful printed covers and canvas binding, 7'x 9', Condition: fair-good; J.T.P. copyright 1888 Mundell's Solar tip shoes trade advertising card with moving Punch & Judy stage scene print, 7'x 7 '', Condition: poor, soiled & corner damage; Pingree & Smith, Detroit, Michigan trade advertising card with mechanical scene of a woman and various shoes, 4 ''x 4 '', Condition: good; red printed zodiac card, 6 ''d, Condition: party only ' water stains
176 5 small booklets
ca. 1840s-1890s; three 1849 books printed by J.S. Redfield, Clinton Hall: 'Ladies Handbook of Military & Dressmaking'', 'Ladies Handbook of Plain Needlework'', 'Ladies Handbook of Fancy Needlework and Embroidery'', 3 ''x ''x 5' each, Condition: each with extensive wear; Warne's Bijou books 'The Toilet' with color prints by Frederick Warne & Co., London, 2 ''x ''x 3 '', Condition: extensive wear; gypsy topped wire ring booklet marked 'Patent Pending' with applied lithograph cut-out gypsy woman top and printed dress shaped booklet on wire stand, 5'x ''x 9 '', Condition: good
177 Victorian photo albums
ca. 1850-1880s; empty Victorian photo album with oval emblem center and hasp keeper, 4'x 2'x 5 '', Condition: as found, no pictures & wear to cover; miniature red covered 'Fairy Album' with small tintype portraits in oval cardstock pages with brass hasp, 1 ''x ''x 1 '', Condition: good; 'Dry Good's Are Up' comical scene card in pocket back rectangular paperweight, 2 ''x ''x 4 '', Condition: good; two unframed tin type portraits, 2 ''x 4' & 2 ''x 3 '', Condition: 1 is cracked & 1 has crackled surface; Phenyo-Caffein Co. trade advertising card with trick double-view scene, 2 ''x 4 '', Condition: left upper corner missing
178 Unusual bicycle pattern photo display stand with photo
ca. 1890-1910; tin back and wire stand photo display with gild painted cast metal bicycle with floral leaf accent and bicycle solder mounted to stand, 6 ''x ''x 7 '', Condition: some paint loss to bicycle; carte de vista photograph of a woman on bicycle wearing a full length dress and straw flat top hat, marked 'Excelsior 1622H St. Bet. 7th & 8th, San Diego, Cal., 4 ''x 6 '', Condition: good
179 Victorian era dog top sewing clamp pin cushion
ca. 1880-1900; brass sewing clamp with heart-eye thumbscrew and silver-plated dog figure with lever operated spring jaw resting on a rug type pin top, top with embossed tin oval top, brass finish and blue velvet covering over pin pad, 3 ''x 1 ''x 5 ''; Condition: normal wear; some surface loss to velvet
180 3 sewing notions
ca. 1900-1920; papier mache egg shaped pin box with bird lithograph on base nest and egg shaped lid, interior with original tag 'Compliments of Vehicle, harness & implement' Cinc, OH', 2 ''x 1 ''x 1 ''; pressed metal egg shaped cloth tape measure with metal crank handle, 1'x ''x ''; small alarm clock shaped cloth tape measure with bell top, 1 ''d, ''x 2'; Condition: all good
181 Fine figural cherub shaped pin cushion on sewing clamp
ca. late Victorian period; ornate cast brass sewing frame clamp with ornate floral accent clamp screw and ormalu mount on arm, topped with gilded cast cherub holding pin ball, kneeling on silver plated pillow shaped hanging box, 3 ''x 2'x 8 ''; Condition: pin ball damaged, otherwise good
182 2 sewing notion needle cases
ca. 1880-1900; Victorian cardstock pin box with cushion top hinged lid, two mirror door tower storage box with wallpaper cover and die-cut accents, 2 ''x 2'x 2 '', Condition: some soiling but overall good; Germany barrel shaped turned wood 'Piccadilly combination sewing needle case' with spool holder interior and applied trade advertisement, 1 ''d, 2 ''h, Condition: good
183 Pin box & figural match holder
ca. 1870-1900; European imported opulent lidded oval footed pin cushion with oval four-ball feet with four oval inlaid stone floral vignettes, hinged lid with large oval inlay stone floral design inset and a brass hasp, 4 ''x 2 ''x 2 '', Condition: solder joints loose to bottom & interior liner missing; Reed & Barton #273 silver-plated figural match stand of boy firing large mortar siege gun on a four roller base, 5'x 2 ''x 3 '', Condition: tarnished surface & some bending to plateau base
184 Lot of jewelry & miniature items
ca. 1880-1910; pressed tin rattle with flower on drum shaped head and tapered tubular handle, ''d, ''x 2 '', Condition: missing paint; miniature photo album with pressed tin ormalou mounted covers, 1'x ''x 1 '', Condition: good; floral engraved 'paperweight' oval broach with gold filled pin back holder, 1 ''x 1 '', Condition: good; French porcelain lidded pill/snuff box with 'Remember me when this you see' and floral basket on hinged lid with pink base, 1 ''x 1'x '', Condition: good; assorted undescribed small jewelry notions, Condition: as found ' some damage
185 Silk purse with cinch cord top
ca. 1850-1880; cream silk bag with two Grecian scene paintings on silk over cardstock panels, 4'd, 5 ''h; Condition: extensive loss on painted panels, otherwise good
186 2 pencil boxes & eye glasses
ca. 1900-1920; lithograph covered cardstock long pencil box with bird on cherry on stems scene, interior marked Eberhard Faber, 9 ''x ''x 1 '', Condition: normal wear, good; blue wallpaper covered lidded cardstock pencil box, 8'x ''x 2', Condition: normal wear, good; pair of folding spectacles with ring on side post, 5 ''x 1'; Condition: good
187 Wax Valentine in glass display box
ca. mid-late 19th century; wax Valentine appears to be young Queen Victoria wearing a crown and bodice accent with felt fiber covering, 3 ''x 2 ''x 5 '' display; Condition: back of head melted to glass & some fraying to fabric tape box binding, back panel cracked
188 Framed watercolor portrait
ca. 1850-1860; portrait of a well-dressed couple sitting at an oval pedestal based table with the man seated wearing a dress coat and large blue bow tie holding a quill tip pen above paper; middle aged woman seated wearing a long green dress with bodice cape, white lace bonnet and holding a small book in hand, framed in a metal covered wood frame, 13'x 14' framed; Condition: unknown couple & artist ' owner's note describes as 1860s photograph with paint accent
189 Group of clothing accessories
ca. 1800-1900; pair of theorem style paint decorated garter straps with stenciled pansy and rose design with 'Think of Me' in cherry accented center, 1'x 11 '', Condition: soiled from use & some rust near clips; pair of stencil decorated muslin fabric covered woven straps, ''x 12 '', Condition: soiled from use & some rust near clips; ornate floral embroidered suspenders with 'The Automatic' elastic straps, small clip marked 'Patent 11-27-1883', 1 ''x 31', Condition: some loss to embroidery
190 6 Victorian skirt lifters
ca. 1870-1900; wrought rod stock tongs with spring operated tongs and swivel ring hanger, 1 ''x 5'; chain and two-clip lifter with ormalou sleeve and hand mounts (garter holder), 16'; ornate pair of tongs on string: slide operated butterfly mount and slide operated hand and bar pressed mount on clip tongs, 44'; two-part chain with ornate filigree clip and filigree slide on ball tip tong, 16'; clip with pressed metal slide, 4'; spring-back operated pad tip tongs on woven cord, 4'; Condition: as found, good
191 3 child's printed cotton hankies
ca. 1890-1920; black printed linen/cotton hanky with two boys carrying shovels and buckets in corners and sailboat and paddle wheel boats in centers of band, 11 ''x 12'; comical colored printed cotton hanky with 'Grandpa and Show Us How to Box' and bunny in center, 12 ''x 12'; comical color printed hanky of man and crocodile scene on cotton fabric, 11 ''x 11 ''; Condition: all on cardstock, some soiling but overall good
192 Assorted doll clothing
ca. 1890; small pair of cloth and leather shoes with cord ties, 2 ''x ''x 1 '', Condition: normal wear; brown, green and white check tie apron, 10' waist, 12 ''l, Condition: some fraying to fabric; small stitched leather hand bag, 2'x 1 '', Condition: good; later era stitched cloth purse with ribbon cord, 2'x 1 '', Condition: good
193 Group of ladies/doll hats
ca. 19th-20th century; marche ladies black felt pill box hat with felt fruit appliques; Nordstrom, Chicago floral fabric ladies hat with black felt cords; ladies lace bonnet with silk bow; blossom hat in purple felt with two-folded mounts; five various form doll hats; bead cord covered bag for doll; Condition: all have wear, some extensive
194 2 pair of leather doll shoes
ca. 1890; pair of leather hightop button shoes with floral embroidered toys, 4'x 1 ''x 2 ''; pair of two-color leather slippers, 3 ''x ''x 1 ''; Condition: both with normal wear from use
195 Ornate doll bonnet in original band box
ca. 1880-1900; fine pleated fabric bonnet on fishnet back with coil accent rim and blue bow and tie cords; thin wooden oval band hat box with iron tacks, fabric lined interior, oil canvas covered lid with wooden band, leather strap and buckle, nestled inside box containing note, 'For Little Marie from Your Friend Margaret', 5 ''x 3 ''x 2 '' box, Condition: bonnet has some damage to coil band & fraying to sash; box is excellent
196 2 framed fashion pictures
ca. 1870-1890; scissors cut and cloth cut-out silhouette shadow box of bride in long striped dress wearing lace head covering and placed over small viewing mirror framed with floral leaf cut-outs wreath, scene matted in oval cardstock and then framed in molded frame with gilt accent, 10'x 12'; framed colorized comical print 'The Blondin Mania' of Lucy and Gus of a man peeking as woman walks tight rope between chairs, 10 ''x 13 ''; Condition: both good, fabric addition to Lucy's dress
197 2 decorative Victorian era pieces
ca. 1880-1900; small folk art winter painting on stuffed silk of girl wearing a brown overcoat and red mittens on snow, mounted to Christmas 1884 Revere House card, 4'x 5 '', Condition: good; house shaped thermometer on footed base with revolving molded composition figures, 6'x 3'x 7', Condition: extensive damage
198 10 boxes & 2 frames
ca. 1910+; matched pair of molded pressed silver plated frames with purple velvet band and wire fold props, 4'x 5', Condition: some denting; ten assorted small cardstock boxes with applied colored prints, each containing French script verses/poems, 1 ''x 1 ''x '', Condition: some minor damage
199 Turned wig powder applicator
ca. late 18th-early 19th century; turned mahogany wood applicator box in turnip shape with seated lid and tubular spout handle, 3'd, 4'h; Condition: tape residue to exterior surface
200 McDowell garment drafting machine in original box
ca. instructional book dated 1880s; tailor's/dress maker's drafting tool with four adjustable metal templates, in fabric covered box containing original instruction book, measure book tablet, slide-wood caliper, etc., 20 ''x 11 ''x 1 '' box; Condition: box has wear but machine & box in good condition
201 4 vintage cans with original colorful paper labels
ca. 1890-1920; Samuel Kelty & Son, Quinton, NJ 'Defy the World Brand' cold packed tomatoes 2 lb. can, 4 ''d, 5 ''h, Condition: some denting but bright color; Gowanda Preserving Co., Gowanda, NY 'Standard Tomatoes' with red jacket trademark, 4'd, 5'h, Condition: can label soiled & stained with some damage; Silver Edge Canning Co. 'Silver Edge Brand' sugar corn with lakeside scene (Fredonia, Chautauqua Co., NY), 3 ''d, 4 ''h, Condition: can label soiled & stained with some damage; sealed 'Princine' baking powder tin with tin handle by Southern Mfg. Co., Richmond, VA, 3'd, '' handle, 3 ''h, Condition: near mint
202 Heavy quilted comforter
ca. 1910-1920; red floral printed design cotton top with pink fabric back and thick padding, stitching is non-uniform machine stitched, 62'x 65', Condition: some fading to back, otherwise good
203 Early 'floral garden' design rectangular hooked rug
ca. 1890-1910; hooked from machine uniform cut fabrics, the rectangular rug has colorful floral garden center and multiple colorful geometric bands, 34 ''x 66'; Condition: re-mounted to modern burlap backer, extensive wear & pulls to hooking fabric
204 5 various fabrics
ca. 19th & 20th century; patchwork 'Log Cabin' pattern quilt with patch block of various fabrics, 10'x 10', Condition: unused, good; woven linen mat with crewelwork cross stitch stars and fringed bands, 10'x 10', Condition: damage to stitchwork; brown and white striped linen towel with red stripe band, 18'x 48', Condition: good; blue velvet pillow top with crewelwork chip design in field of green, 16'x 11 '', Condition: unfinished; red cotton pillowcase with white stitch horse design and pleated fabric border with white cross-stitch, 19'x 20', Condition: some damage to pleated damage & fading
205 2 floral design table covers
ca. 19th-20th century; long piano or sofa table cover with black fabric back and bright sunflower design crewelwork yarn stitchwork in corners and bright bird on black cherry tree design center, 58'x 25', Condition: sides unbound & center is repaired at tear; large table cover with blue/black fabric back and large tufted floral wreath yarn crewel stitchwork and floral bunches with high tufted flowers in corners, 54'x 50', Condition: good
206 Early 'reclining dog' design hooked rug
ca. 19th-20th century; hooked yarn rug on burlap of brown/tan spotted dog laying on gray/brown rug with colorful red/pink background and various color banding with black fabric binding, 28'x 17 ''; Condition: re-mounted to modern burlap back, fading but overall good
207 Needlework pieces
ca. 1870-1900; rectangular Amish type 'puffy' tufted block design stool cover with black outlined pink/red star in block design, 34'x 24', Condition: cover removed from stool & some fraying to corners; pair of embroidered slipper top with large beadwork stag design on toe of red embroidery, 10'x 14', Condition: some moth damage to stitchwork; unfinished pair of embroidered needlepoint lady's slipper tops with floral design on red field, 6'x 10', Condition: incomplete pair
208 Amish wool star block rug
ca. 19th-20th century; 12 block rectangular rug of crewelwork stitch yarn stars on black/gray back, green and red tied tassel ends, mounted to a burlap back with feather stitch accented patchwork, 40'x 22'; Condition: extensive wear & substantial loss to feather stitch accent
209 2 pieces of fabric
ca. 1830; piece of unbleached homespun fabric, 48'x 50', Condition: minor soiling but good; roll of fine woven unbleached linen with unfinished edges and ends, 16'x 9', Condition: good
210 Lot of assorted fabrics
ca. late Victorian era- 20th century; Victorian era red and white damaste woven tablecloth with tied tassel ends, 42'x 8', some fraying & fading; two tied fish net bodice covers with tassel tied ends, 10'x 9' each, Condition: both soiled; scallop edge printed linen valance/drape with bold printed flower design, 60'x 15 '', Condition: some fading; round white linen table cloth with colorful strawberry stitchwork design and crocheted lace band, 24'd, Condition: good; woven red and white linen tablecloth with cottonball accented edges, 48'x 44', Condition: good
211 Amish blue decorated trinket box with initial 'S.L.'
ca. 1890-1920; attributed to the Amish community, this box has pin nail construction of salvaged crate wood, hinged lid on brass butt hinges, exterior has traditional Amish blue base paint, floral decoration and gold leaf lettering 'S.L.' with red and orange pinstriping, box interior has small tail and is painted cream and green with floral decal decoration, 9 ''x 7'x 3 ''; Condition: hasp & catch removed from front of box; some paint loss to left side of lid; dark burn mark on lid
212 Small wall hanging bird carving
ca. 1950s; small European carved songbird on wooden base with black cap, red face with yellow body and black wings, wired to a wooden mounting base with small paper label 'Original Ivanc' with push pin eyes, 5'x 1 ''x 4 ''; Condition: good; Ivanc is a small town in western Hungary
213 Round wallpaper covered sewing box
ca. 1850-1900; round sewing box made from early laid cardboard with tack union on board, unlined interior and stitched bottom, the lid fitted with stitch band, mushroom cap pin cushion made from red and green calico printed fabrics, box and lid covered with red and white roll printed design blue paper, 5'd, 4 ''h; Condition: lid has sunken due to weight of cushion, otherwise good
214 German wax Christmas diorama shadow box
ca. 19th century; deep well shadow box with gold leaf molded frame and slope in sides, the diorama has cast wax figures and depicts a young Jesus wearing full length tunic and holding chisel, Mary is seated, spinning wool, Joseph is seated at a carved workbench; the diorama has seven additional cast wax figures including cherubs with wings and dove, accented with cloth flowers and wood carvings, 12 ''x 4 ''x 8 '' framed; Condition: no major damage to wax figures/scene; frame has multiple layers of plaster & paint decoration
215 Small New England paint decorated trinket/sewing box
ca. mid 19th century; small lift lid box made from sugar maple with hinged lid set on clip-set brass hinges, box exterior cream painted with black trimmed edges, lid has round vignette painted scene in black of cottage by creekside, interior lined with pink wallpaper and contains small sewing notions, 3 ''x 2 ''x 1 ''; Condition: some scratching to paint surface but overall good
216 Folk art carved bird with tin wings
ca. mid-late 19th century; whittled carved bird with cut and rolled tin nail mounted wings, both body and wings retaining red-brown oil based paint and cut tin tail fitted into slot on tail of carving, 6 ''x 3 ''x 2 ''; Condition: carving missing wire legs & stand base; painted surface on wings is pitted & wooden body has extensive soiling
217 Framed miniature watercolor portrait
ca. 1850; framed in a rosewood veneer bevel frame featuring a portrait on cardstock by unknown artist of a young lady with dark hair in high bun and curled hair-do, wearing a blue dress with white ruffle edge cape/shawl, 4'x 4 '' framed; Condition: good; back of cardstock marked 'Catherina Agelogou'
218 Walnut & maple drum shaped box with carved eagle finial
ca. mid 20th century; box expertly crafted thin slat maple and walnut band, seated and glued into round walnut bottom with rimmed walnut round lid with expertly carved eagle resting on rock, with spread wings, head turned to the left and glass eyes, stained and lightly varnished by an unattributed artist, 4 ''d, 5 ''h; Condition: repaired crack to lid; some separation to band slats & 1 with crack
219 3 laminated wood turnings
ca. mid 20th century; expertly turned maple and walnut stemmed wine goblet made from checkerboard glued walnut and maple square blocks with molded foot, beaded stem and flared rim, 2 ''d, 4 ''h; urn/vase in similar form with loose turned rings made from glued square walnut blanks and rectangular maple blanks, urn turned with molded foot rounded vessel and flared rim with bottom marked in ink 'Pan-American', 2 ''d, 5'h; expertly turned maple and mahogany chalice made from glue blanks with goblet having a flat molded foot, ball and gouge stem with round chalice, 2 ''d, 5'h; Condition: all finished with oil/varnish, good
220 2 multi-wood crafted pieces
ca. 1920s-late 20th century; oval art deco style wood bank made from glued layers of mahogany and maple, the mahogany top has carved escutcheon around slot, 3 ''x 5 ''x 3 '', Condition: varnish finish, some scratches; late 20th century turned pedestal base cake/cheese stand turned from mixed walnut, cherry and maple glued wood blanks, the turning has separate turned pedestal base and mounted try turned plate top, 7 ''d, 5 ''h; Condition: tongue oil finish, minor stains
221 Folk art carved cardinal on driftwood base
ca. early-mid 20th century; whittled/chipped carved from walnut or mahogany wood with painted black cap, red lower body, rounded push-pin eyes and mounted to wire in driftwood base, 6 ''x 1'x 8'; Condition: extensive crackling to painted surface & some paint loss to cap
222 Pair of glove stretchers
ca. mid-late 19th century; make-do hand carved stretchers with forward mounted thumbs, the stretchers carved and shaped from tight grained pine, thumb carved-shaped and angle mounted to slat with round top wood screws, appears the slats were mounted to bench/stand or bracket mounted at base of slats, 2 ''x 1 ''x 16 ''; Condition: right glove split & repaired
223 Set of 3 dove targets/decoys
ca. 1920-1940s; each made from glued die-cut cardstock mounted to half spring clothes pins and on wire stand with lead cast plug base, each set into black painted 1x6 plank base, the dove's cardstock body with printed accent, 8 ''x ''x 6 '' birds, 18 ''x 1'x 5 '' base; Condition: possibly used as shooting target or as decoy, plank base is probably primitive painted to stand birds which are old, each bird does have damage/missing parts
224 Paint decorated child's chair
ca. mid-late 19th century; fancy Baltimore style Empire era child's cane seat chair with paint decoration, turned legs with rod stretchers, rounded side rail ends on cane seat, center urn design, scroll cut rounded top and arms with turned rod stand, painted black and has extensive hand-painted floral decoration, 9 ''x 10'x 14'; Condition: some wear to painted surface
225 Victorian era paint decorated box
ca. 1880-1900; hinged lid dresser box in softwood with half lap and nail construction, lid set on small brass butt hinges, box in rosewood grain paint base and lid highly decorated with large roses and small flowers along with box accented with gold leaf scroll and pinstriping with interior wallpaper lined, 9 ''x 6'x 3 ''; Condition: box lock is removed, surface dirt & scratches
226 Hinged lid wallpaper box
ca. 1837 dated on watercolor Fraktur inside lid; rectangular wallpaper covered laid cardboard box with hinged lid on woven type hinge, covered in bright floral wallpaper with stencil border, lid interior lined with floral crown and tulip urn design Fraktur of Catharina Battier and dated 1837, 8 ''x 6 ''x 4 ''; Condition: form of Fraktur is similar to works by John Zinck, box is missing inset from lid & is overall fair-poor condition
227 Paint decorated wooden pencil box
ca. 1850; mitred softwood with nail fasteners and has set-in lid with green painted bands and plant brush stroke floral frond accent, lid decoupaged black and white cut-out print of 'Friends Church at Marion, Penn' with interior and bottom lined with blue paper, 8'x 4 ''x 2'; Condition: same maker as other box with Mrs. Sigourney on lid of early box, some separation to box
228 3 primitives
ca. 1900-1940s; odd shears/trimmers with center pin spring operated long tong handles made from small square stock, 20'l with 1 '' blades, Condition: unknown use, good; early Lynch box type turkey call made with mahogany wood slat and cherry block ends, 'squack' paddle is center mounted with four holes and partial stamp of Lynch Homewood on paddle, no other signature of brands, 9 ''x 2'x 2 '', Condition: attributed to Lynch but date unknown; braided covered driver's buggy whip with red bands, ''d, 50'l, Condition: good
229 Framed display of 5 handmade cards by Salome Detweiler
ca. mid-late 19th century; 'friendship note cards' with printed text and stencil/handpainted watercolor accented: 'Token of Friendship' with center rose and two dove design; 'Token of Love' with heart text surround and two roses; 'Remember Me' with colorful flowers and dove design; 'I Think of Thee' with rose and two dove design; 'Token This You See ' Remember Me' with two roses and scroll design; backs of one card marked 'Salome G. Detweiler to Elizabeth Lap, 1866', 15 ''x 12 '' framed; Condition: cards have pin holes from being display on corkboard
230 Appliqued quilt pillow cover/doll quilt
ca. mid 19th century; fine quilted square block quilt/pillow cover with red fabric binding, large floral patchwork wreath applique on white fabric and the back woven in white fabric, 18'x 18'; Condition: some fading to fabric, otherwise good
231 Large group of cross-stitch and needlepoint accent pieces
ca. 19th century; long cross-stitch 'sawtooth or zig-zag' design stool cover band with green, purple, pink and orange colors, 2 ''x 6', Condition: edges frayed & some stitching missing; needlework valance with floral design that is bead accented with green and red cord binding, 20 ''x 9 '', Condition: some fading & stitch loss; crewelwork floral design remnant with tied tassel balls, 4'x 30', Condition: salvaged from larger piece; needlework valance with floral design that is bead accent, 26'x 10 '', Condition: some fading & stitch loss
232 Group of Amish crewelwork linens on black ground
ca. 19th-20th century; yarn crewelwork bold floral design pillow cover, 14'x 16 ''; similar with tulip basket design, 14 ''x 16 ''; black felt case with large puff/tufted floral vine design with cherry tree design center, 18 ''x 19'; black and red painted framed needlework picture of two doves on a flowering bush design, 19 ''x 15 '' framed; Condition: all good
233 9 patch block design Mennonite doll quilt
ca. mid-late 19th century; made from various printed calico fabrics with rounded corners, nine patch blocks set on three line run of diamonds, the background patches are tan printed calico fabric, quilt is black with brown calico fabric and band with old red calico fabric, 15 ''x 21 ''; Condition: extensive soiling & some fading
234 4 decorative crewel/stitchwork accented pillows
ca. early-late 20th century; old black fabric top with large rose bouquet design and urns in corner, 15 ''x 15 ''x 4 '', Condition: early repaired top with late velvet back and cord binding; blue velvet pillow with large yarn crewelwork 'Easter Lilly' design, 15 ''x 14'x 4', Condition: good; Amish black velvet top with black fabric back, blue basket and fruit design with tufted yarn stitchwork, 16'x 16'x 4', Condition: good; late Amish pillow with green velvet top and brown velvet back, top crewelwork yarn horse pattern with glass button eye, 15'x 15'x 3 '', Condition: good
235 Antique diamond pattern patch doll quilt
ca. 1890-1910; twenty red diamond patch with tan calico block patterns set on diamond quilt with red printed calico fabric back and early red fabric binding with checkerboard pattern machine stitching, 12 ''x 16'; Condition: 1 repair to torn patch on top & some soiling
236 Group of needlework cases & pictures
ca. 19th-late 20th century; several Amish made: green and purple felt fabric case with black fabric back having a pair of needlepoint rooster and hen design, 20'x 16', Condition: extensive soiling; needlepoint case of rooster and hens design on burlap with black back, 20 ''x 17', Condition: minor thread loss, overall good; needlework cover (unfinished) of high tufted lilies and beaded needlework on red background, 20 ''x 14', Condition: unused, possibly unfinished; oval picture of high tufted crewelwork parrot and flowers on needlework, cut and mounted to white fabric, 16'x 20', Condition: old piece cut & re-mounted to white fabric back
237 2 side patchwork doll quilt
ca. early 20th century; one side with red diamond center, four patch diamond of printed calico fabrics, off-set with pink printed patches and border in printed red calico fabric; other side with 20 patch center 'stepping block' design, bound with various color fabrics and quilting machine stitched, 15 ''x 14'; Condition: some fading to fabrics & minor soiling
238 Amish ladies hand bag/satchel with leather strap handles
ca. 1890-1910; carpet covered bag with oil cloth bottom and five brass cap feet, brown fabric lined with hinged carpet covered metal band closer, rolled leather strap handles that are rivet mounted and contains a small lock mechanism; Condition: overall good with minor stitch loss to carpet
239 Needlework pieces
ca. 20th-21st century; bag made from needlepoint brown, tan and black 'chair weave' design homestitch fabric, 13 ''x 16 '', Condition: top edge frayed; 'birds on floral stem' crewelwork yarn on orange felt fabric (Victorian type) table runner, 48'x 15', Condition: some loss of yarn stitch (possibly unfinished); brown wool Amish table runner with Amish 'puff/tufted' yarn flowers in corners and green/red band, 17'x 30', Condition: minor fading; late Amish primitive wool rug with appliqued house, flowers and hearts on black wool, applied flap ends and loop stitch accent in yellow, 24'x 13 '', Condition: good
240 English Staffordshire creamware bird whistle
ca. 1800; decorated in green, orangey-red and yellow with black eyes, 2 ''x 1'x 2 ''; Condition: 1/8' chip on tail & spots of edge wear
241 English pearlware mug with legend Joseph Holmes
ca. 1835; English Staffordshire pearlware mug decorated in brown, blue, green, orangey-red and copper lustre with legend 'Joseph/ Holmes/ 1835', 4'd, 4'h; Condition: good
242 3 Gaudy Welsh items
ca. 1855; English porcelain Village pattern dish, 8 ''d, 1'h, Condition: 4' glued piece & other associated lines; two pieces of English Staffordshire earthenware: Grape and Basket pattern spill vase with tapered sides, 3'd, 5 ''h, Condition: good; footed molded bowl in Grape pattern, 7 ''d, 4'h, Condition: good
243 Historic Blue transfer of Commodore Mac Donnough's Victory plate
ca. 1825; English Staffordshire earthenware with battle scene within an irregular shell border, reversed, impressed 'E Wood & Son, Burslem, Warranted' and a seal of the US (Enoch Wood), 9'd; Condition: discolored, wear & glaze losses on cavetto
244 English Staffordshire earthenware ointment pot
ca. 1825; top view of gentleman and lady taking tea with a seated dog, shepherd with sheep and dog and a floral border, 3'd, 2'h; Condition: lid has '' flake on lid flange, 3/8' & smaller flakes on pot, flange with a 1 '' associated line, some discoloration
245 Albany slip glazed pitcher form stoneware strainer
ca. 1885; slightly bulbous pitcher like form with a rolled rim, strap handle with opposite handle support tongue, three cone shaped feet on base, possibly Ohio origin, 6 ''d, 8 ''h; Condition: good
246 Stiegel type enameled glass cordial bottle
ca. late 18th century; half post blown uncolored glass cordial bottle with elongated octagonal base with enameled multi-storied structure and floral motifs on one side and urn with flowers on other side, pewter rimmed lip, black, blue, green, red, white and yellow enamel colors and a scarred base, 5 ''x 2 ''x 2 ''; Condition: missing pewter cup, minor enamel losses
247 Stiegel type enameled glass pocket flask
ca. late 18th-early 19th century; Stiegel type enameled glass pocket flask in half-post blown uncolored flattened globular form with enameled floral design on both sides in blue, green, red, white and yellow and a scarred base, 5 ''x 2 ''x 3 ''; Condition: good
248 Stiegel type enameled glass cordial bottle
ca. late 18th century; half post blown uncolored glass drug/cordial bottle with an elongated octagonal base with enameled tulip like designs, flared rounded rim, blue, red, white and yellow enamel and a scarred base, 4 ''x 2'x 2 ''; Condition: good
249 2 pieces of uncolored blown glass with enameling
ca. early 18th, early 19th century; small tumbler with German legend, 1719 date and floral designs in blue, green, red, white and yellow enameling and a scarred base, 2 ''d, 3'h; 'Remember Me' applied handled mug with enameled design and 'Remember Me' in black, blue, green, orange, red, white and yellow and a molded base, 3'd, 3 ''h; Condition: good
250 New England wallpaper box
ca. mid 19th century; wooden wallpaper covered box signed 'J.M. Falla' on base with a paper lid having a watercolor farmhouse scene on the top and 'Martha Brown/ Swanzey Mass' on bottom of lid; folk art watercolor of young women with extended hand and perched bird pasted to interior of box, 13'x 9 ''x 3'; Condition: Minor wear from age
251 2 wooden kitchen primitives with heart design accents
ca. mid-late 19th century; early small one piece corn slaw board with heart cut-out in round grip in softwood with screw-mounted rails, 3 ''x 15'x 1', Condition: extensive wear from use; dated 1882 block head maple meat tenderizer with turned handle, head is nail punch dated with heart design on opposite cheek, 13 ''x 4'x 2 '', Condition: good
252 Wood carved fish shaped butter box mold
ca. late 19th- early 20th century; nail constructed box/brick shaped mold with chip carved fish design, 6 ''x 4 ''x 2 ''; Condition: believed to be used as a butter mold but possible use as other food mold
253 Primitive wood winder & stomper
ca. 18th-mid 19th century; early turned and chip carved accented wooden stomper with faceted diamond design on top and middle of handle, 2 ''d, 12 ''l, Condition: chip loss to chip carved collar & early nail repair to top of handle; primitive carpenter's 'paddle-type' string line winder with half round notches in sides and swivel mounted to shaved peg top handle that has peg keeper, 3 ''x 7'x 12', Condition: good
254 2 wooden tools
ca. 18th & early 19th century; 18th century walnut scrivener/writer's straight edge rule with heart cut-out accent and chamfered edge, 12 ''x ''x 1 '', Condition: slot cut for unknown purpose, good; unusual early homemade D. Router with heart shaped cut-out form and eye with wedge set wrought iron chisel iron, 5 ''x 4 ''x 6', Condition: minor bug damage, good
255 3 primitive items
ca. 19th century; rare fish shaped leather press cutter for making leather fishing lures made from hickory with lower plate that has a metal plate with fish cut-out, bolt mount stand and hickory press handle with size fitting metal plated fish cutter, 18'x 2 12'x 3', Condition: unsigned but very unusual piece; three-tine wooden handle fork with three heart inlay brass, 6 ''l, Condition: good; small carved bird shaped mold for unknown use, 5'x 1'x '', Condition: probably missing top press plate
256 Chip carved & nail punch decorated knitting hook
ca. 1846 dated; carved walnut knitting hook peg with nail punch decoration of farm scenes on handle and marked on edge of handle 'Our Pa. DN' and dated, initialed 'YR' and Alpine on opposite side, 12'x ''x 1'; Condition: good, Sullivan Co. area was in early time called PA's Alpine region
257 5 garden accent birds on sticks
ca. early-mid 20th century; wooden cut-out blue jay on wooden peg with hand paint decoration, 8'x 40', Condition: minor paint loss; wooden cut-out Oriole on wooden peg, 6'x 39', Condition: minor paint loss; two metal cut-out screen printed birds loose mounted to wire stand, 7 ''x 24', Condition: good & 8'x 35', Condition: fair; metal cut-out of a screen printed small bird welded to wire stand, 5 ''x 38 '', Condition: fair
258 2 Amish padded footstools
ca. mid-late 19th century; small rectangular foot stool with half-round cut-out feet, flush set aprons and top padded wool patchwork brown cover with crewelwork floral decoration, 12 ''x 7 ''x 7 '', Condition: early painted surface removed when pad added; oval padded stool with turned splayed legs, fringed wool cover with bird on flower tufted crewelwork stitch and bottom of stool signed 'Adell H. Handler', 11 ''x 9'x 6 '', Condition: multiple calculations written on bottom, extensive wear & damage to cover of pad
259 2 household primitives
ca. 19th-20th century; small walnut turned handled dust brush with bristles in metal frame pressed into slot of handle, 2 ''x ''x 5 ''; late porcelain wheel dough cutter/crimper with wire mount and hanger through peg handle, 1 ''d, 6 ''h; Condition: good
260 Ornate cast iron shelf with drawer
ca. 1890-1900; ornate cast iron shelf with bracket mount and small metal drawer with porcelain knob, the shelf railed to appear like a fancy Victorian era veranda, cast iron painted black and rail marked 'Cator All', 11'x 5 ''x 7 ''; Condition: right railing is repaired
261 4 tin fish molds
ca. 19th & early 20th century; early two-part fish mold with high press formed flat bottom seamed to oval sloped band with wired rim, 8 ''x 4 ''x 2 '', Condition: outside has extensive rust; two small fish shaped pressed tin food molds, 4 ''l each, Condition: 1 has surface rust; fish shaped food mold with fluted band and wire ring hanger, 9 ''x 3 ''x 2', Condition: good
262 Round tin cheese grater
ca. 1920; round diamond pattern punched tin grater with spring press tin box on wire slide rails and grater with grasp handle, 2 ''d, 2 '' box, 8 ''h; Condition: some surface rust but complete
263 4 kitchen primitives
ca. 19th & early 20th century; tin two-head biscuit cutter with tubular handle, 2 ''d, 6 ''h, Condition: good; scallop edge tin back potato scrubber with tin strap ring and aggregate brick pad, 4 ''x 2 ''x 1 '', Condition: good; turned wood pepper mill with crank handle and brass knob, 2'd, 3 ''h, Condition: extensive dirt; tin flared toy horn, 2 ''d, 11 ''h; Condition: missing sounder, possibly removed to use as hearing aid
264 Tin double boiler
ca. 1890-1910; double boiler with flare and spouted lower pan, fitted secondary pan with NO. 5 marked in pressed tin lid that has a tubular vented handle, both with rivet mounted cast metal handles, 6 ''d, 7 '' handle, 8'h; Condition: possible patented model but maker unknown, good with minimal rust
265 6 tin pie keeper/box pans
ca. 1910; four unlidded pieces of pie shaped pans with rolled rim and seamed bands, 5 ''x 5 ''x ''; one lidded pie box, 4 ''x 4 ''x 1 ''; large two-pan pie box with hinged lid and heavy construction for use in lunch kettle, 6 ''x 6 ''x 1 '', Condition: all as found with minimal rust
266 Flying bird quilt pattern
ca. 1900-1940; made from salvaged galvanized sheet metal, hand cut, depicting a bird in flight with outstretched wings, 11 ''x 21 '', Condition: surface of galvanized metal retains paint from use
267 3 tin funnel cake funnels
ca. 19th-20th century; all tin with mounted tapered tubular handles and wire rimmed funnel top: octagonal funnel top, 4 ''d, 7' handle, 5 ''h, Condition: extensive rust; smaller size with spiral, flute roll decorated handle and ring hanger, 5'd, 9 '' handle, 5'h, Condition: minimal rust on handle; large size with hanger on funnel, 7'd, 12 '' handle, 6'h, Condition: minimal rust on handle
268 3 pieces of early tinware
ca. mid-late 19th century; red painted fire starter stand with wooden turned knob on lighter stone placed into tubular kerosene/oil reservoir, mounted strap handle and tubular candlestick on a domed round foot, painted red and white with partial patent date on shaft, 5 ''d, 11'h, Condition: some surface paint loss & patent date is partially illegible, handle damaged; odd small pipe with tapered tubular stem, 6 ''l, Condition: good; early miner's oil hat lamp with tray top round reservoir and triangular pick, 1 ''d, 2 ''h, Condition: good
269 3 pieces of tinware
ca. 19th-20th century; Kreamer melon shaped food mold with wire ring handles, 8 ''x 6 ''x 4 ''; sauce pan with sloped sides, wired rim and tubular handle with half-round strap hanger, 7 ''d, 7 '' handle, 8 ''h; angel food cake mold with fluted band, 10'd, 5 ''h; Condition: all have normal wear & minimal rust
270 Set of 3 tin kettle lids
ca. 1880-1900; graduated set of hood warmers to keep plates warm, each with round shell fluted press formed lid and high banks inset from lid edge, 6 ''d, 2 ''h; 7 ''d, 3'h; 8'd, 3 ''h, Condition: minimal rust; pressed tin handled lid with round stack shape vent, 11 ''d, 3'h, Condition: extensive damage to rim
271 2 heart accented kitchen utensils
ca. early-late 19th century; wrought iron heart shaped dip-batter fryer mold rivet mounted to re-purposed utensil hanger, 15' with 3' wide head, Condition: late 19th re-purposed; wooden handled spade tip spatula with three perforated heart cut-outs, handle with pewter collar and mounted to a narrow rod shaft, 16 '' with 3' wide head, Condition: good
272 Iron orchard saw/chisel with heart accent
ca. 1890; possible patented model, the combination pruning saw with cast socket handle body with heart accent on chisel blade, 17'; Condition: pitted from removed rust
273 2 wrought iron utensils
ca. 18th & 19th century; coal shovel with ram's horn top on flat hammered grip handle, 16 ''x 4 '', Condition: normal wear from use; brass and iron skimmer ladle with perforated heart handle, brass bowl brass riveted to flat wrought hook top handle with heart accent perforation, 5 ''d, 18'l, Condition: good, cleaned
274 3 kitchen primitives
ca. 18th-19th century; small wrought iron two-prong flesh fork with hook hanger and minimal tool decorated flat handle, 10 ''; steer head shaped can opener with steel blade, 6 ''; rare dated 1816 oyster knife with punch tool decoration, 6'; Condition: all have some minimal rust
275 Herb mill
ca. mid-late 20th century; cast iron canoe shaped trough with welded splayed cast legs, disc mill in cast iron with a turned wooden handle, 4'd wheel, 9'x 2 ''x 2 '' base; Condition: reproduction cast copying style of early herb mills ' smaller than normal size
276 Handwrought splitting wedge
ca. 18th-19th century; wedge has pine tree pattern with toolwork accent, 9 ''x 2'x 2 ''; Condition: butt is mushroomed from use & some rust
277 2 wrought iron heart trivets
ca. 19th century; fine crafted handle heart design trivet with rivet mounted pad feet, 8 ''x 4'x 1 '', Condition: good; flat plate wrought heart design trivet with riveted rod legs, 7 ''x 4 ''x 1 '', Condition: extensive pitting from rust
278 2 wrought iron tools with heart top handles
ca. 18th-19th century; wide coal shovel with wide hammered sheet metal head riveted to heavy flat stock handle with heart design type, 6 ''x 23 ''; lead ladel with heart shaped cusp/top, 3 ''x 18 ''; Condition: both have pitted surface from use
279 Rare tong handle four bid waffle/firing mold
ca. 19th century; cast iron two-part mold with four song birds, mounted to wrought iron tongs with a wire hasp, 21 ''x 5'; Condition: appears to have residue from baking batter, unknown maker, some pitting from use
280 Wrought iron single tree with snake's head hooks
ca. 18th-19th century; arched wrought iron butchering hanging tree/draw tree with snake's head cusp on tips of hook, 25 ''x 6 ''; Condition: good
281 2 Amish puzzle ball pin cushions
ca. late 19th-early 20th century; large blue and gray color fabric puzzle ball with black buttons at unions and cord and tassel hanger, 4 ''d, Condition: soiled & some holes in cover; maroon and tan color fabric puzzle ball with cord and tassel hanger, 4'd, Condition: some fraying to tan fabric
282 Sewing items/miniatures
ca. 19th & 20th century; wooden Harly's complete darner, pat 11-10-1874 sock darner with needle and thread stow away boxes, 5 ''h, Condition: some chewing damage; button hole scissor with heart top stop screw, 4 ''l, Condition: good; two small cabinet lock keys on heart shaped key ring, 1 ''x 1 '', Condition: good; pressed metal hat straw-shaped sewing tape measure, 2 ''d, Condition: good; pocket mirror/game with beehive design, German, 1 ''d, Condition: good; miniature cast iron footed kettle, 2'd, Condition: some rust; wooden beehive on tri-foot sewing tape, made in USA, 1'd, 1 ''l, Condition: tape frayed
283 2 bisque mice
ca. 1900-1930; French/German cast bisque of small mice: seated mouse on base, 2 ''x 2'x 2', Condition: unpainted, good; pair of mice hanging on side of urn vase with painted surface, 4 ''x 1 ''x 3 '', Condition: ribbon tie hanger damaged, otherwise good
284 2 fabric bird pin cushion
ca. 19th & 20th century; early purple/maroon felt and tan patch seal cushion with thread accent tail, head, muzzle and front flippers on bird shape, 4'x 1 ''x 2 ''; later crazy patch wool stuffed bird with yarn feather-stitch accented patches, 4 ''x 1'x 2 ''; Condition: both good with some soiling
285 8 figural whimsy glass bottles
ca. 1900-1940; seated cat with black face; snail with blue swirl shell; Santa with paint accent; teapot; frog; elephant and butterflies with paint accented wing, 4' and under; Condition: most good, some paint loss
286 Small French press brass trade advertising box
ca. 1860-1890; coin shaped two-part mint box made in France by G. Arnaud for Caghou & Cardamon Aromatise Breath Mints, 1 ''d, ''h; Condition: good
287 Folk art pin cushion
ca. mid-late 19th century; scratch and paint decorated horn with cut and bent end with small Blue Ball pin cushion, the horn with tulip and flying bird design, mounted on a hand-carved wooden horseshoe base with red velvet trim and paint accent, 6'x 3'x 4 ''; Condition: unknown artist, 1 tip of petal on top of horn is missing
288 4 miniature figures
ca. 19th & 20th century; bisque rooster on spring legs nodder wearing a coat and top hat with paint accent, Germany, 3'h, Condition: good; Staffordshire cast porcelain striped hyena with paint accent, 2'h, Condition: good, minor chip on back rim; Staffordshire 'Frozen Charlotte' standing with paint accent, 3 ''h, Condition: chipped base; parrot on stick legs and painted base with polychrome paint accent, 1 ''h, Condition: good
289 4 decorative pieces
ca. late 19th-20th century; composition or wood turned lacquer decorated fireplace lighter spill holder with scalloped rim and ornate paint accent, 2 ''d, 3 ''h, Condition: good; silverplated napkin ring mounted to a mold cast arch back chair, 2'x 1 ''x 4 '', Condition: extensive tarnish; late salvaged metal folk art chick with red paint, cut and weld construction on wire legs, 5 ''h, Condition: primitive form; Victorian desk portfolio with molded covered and lock envelope flap, 10 ''x 8 '', Condition: some fading
290 Iron book shaped match safe
ca. 1910-1920; red painted cast iron safe with high lid and match strike diamond design on base, Condition: areas of worn paint
291 5 whimsical figural glass bottles
ca. 1910; perfume bottles with some having paint accent including: blue and white swirl bird; standing buck; clown; pig and alligator, 2'x 4'; Condition: some are chipped near collar of opening
292 Textiles & punched work cards
ca. mid 19th-20th century; ornate floral damask bedstead band/valance, 11'x 102', Condition: with note where purchased; beaded lace and crocheted head covering with blue beads, 8'd, Condition: soiling; cardstock three tier wall pocket with pin-prick decoration, cloth tape binding and blue bows, 8 ''x 12', Condition: good; round cardstock wall pocket with pin prick decoration and bows, 9 ''d, Condition: good; blue and red stitchwork decorated scalloped edge round linen pad, 10 ''d, Condition: soiled & faded
293 7 faux book boxes & paper weights
ca. 19th & early 20th century; leather book cover match box with slide-out box keeper with binding marked Eld. 'Bunden', Condition: some wear to leather; two carved white marble book paper weights: one PA with fine worked bird and compass point decorations, Condition: some light chips to edge; one highly polished initialed 'MF', Condition: small chip to corner; carved brown marble book shaped paper weight with paint accent, Condition: some chips to edges; copper wheel engraved glass book shaped paper weight, Condition: 1 corner chipped; walnut folding book shaped picture frame with gold leaf trim interior frame, parts hinged on brass butt hinges; later mahogany book shaped bank with leather bank, patented 7/15/1873 cover bands
294 Small bag with textiles
ca. 19th & 20th century; decorative needlepoint hot pad with text and four color box pad has fabric back and braided cord binding, 5 ''x 5', Condition: faded & soiled; velvet flat iron shape pin cushion, 3'x 2 ''x 2 '', Condition: extensive damage; print pinwheel and felt pen blotter on tag, attributed to Helen Berkheinner, 1907, 4'd, Condition: good; two white and red knitted whimsey tissue keepers one chick, 4'l, Condition: frayed edge and one butterfly, 4 ''x 4', Condition: good
295 Assembled lot of broadside & games
ca. 1873-1910; ' sheet printed broadside for 'Grand Exhibition' with eagle holding pennant, printed by Republican Steam Print, Salem for Geo. W. Allen Manager, 12'x 9', Condition: center creasing & some water damage; 1873 box set 'The Game of Snap' by West & Lee, Worcester, Mass, 4 ''x 2 ''x 1 '', Condition: missing box lid; instruction game 'Electrical Instructor ' Temperance' given by E.R. Hull & Co. in original box with statement made against alcohol use, 5'x 6 ''x 1', Condition: complete, box cover soiled
296 2 tole book shaped boxes
ca. 1880; with hinged tin lids and stencil guild decoration: green painted 'Scholars Companion' pencil box with patent date on binding 4-7-1874, 7'x 3 ''x 1 '', Condition: some paint loss, minimal rust; red painted 'Noon Day Exercises' art/sewing box, 5'x 7 ''x 2 '', Condition: 1 hinge loose, some paint loss
297 2 sewing notions
ca. late 19th-early 20th century; Amish wool 'needle' purse shaped case with black fabric cover and orange woven pin folds, tan yarn loop stitch binding and braided cord hanger, 6'x 4'x '', Condition: some soiling; three part 'football' shaped blue felt covered clamp shell bag with fabric covered cardstock cover and colorful needlepoint floral decoration, 7 ''x 4'x 3 '', Condition: fraying to ribbon tote, otherwise good
298 Ink well & decorated snuff box
ca. 1850-1880; pat. Dated 3-14-1874 aquamarine glass inkwell in schoolhouse shape, 1 ''x 1 ''x 2 '', Condition: good; enamel decorated metal snuff box with beehive and 'The Absent Not Forgotten' on blue lid & pink button, 1 ''x 1'x '', Condition: some chipping to rim & mirror cracked
299 5 various shadow box flower basket & bouquet Valentines
ca. 1880-1900; each framed behind glass with cloth assembled flowers and small printed mento tags on foil background, four with bevel backs, 2 ''- 3'x 3'- 4'; Condition: most good with minimal loss to paper trim frame
300 Folk art decorated bottle initialed M
ca. 1900; whimsical fabric cut-out decorated bottle filled with sugar/salt to hold fabric against bottle with cut-outs made from many bold printed fabrics, one patch is blue cloth bird and one red fabric 'M', 1 ''d, 6 ''h; Condition: little fading to fabrics; stopper has illegible paper label
301 Early round butter print
ca. 1840-1870; carved walnut coin shaped print carved depicting eagle holding a pennant in beak with wings spread and clutching arrows in talons, the top with seven stars and has coin rim banded edge, [Provenance: ex-Rhea Mansfield Knittle Collection], 3 ''d, ''h; Condition: good, has note of provenance included
302 Men's profile tin cookie cutter
ca. 1880; rare form ventilator palm grip and intricate design cutter of man in high collar coat with solid back with several release holes, mounted to an oval shaped grip with ventilated band, 2 ''x 3 ''x 2 ''; Condition: some light rust but unusual form
303 Hand wrought iron two-head utensil
ca. 18th century; rare two-head form with round rod handle with beaded accent center, spatula head with heart perforation and two-prong flesh fork on other, 15 ''l; Condition: good, as found
304 Hand wrought iron Conestoga wagon hound band
ca. 1807 dated; used on shaft union on pin of Conestoga Wagon, tool marked for owner initialed 'JN' and dated 1807 with maker initials embossed 'IH', 8'x 4 ''x 4 ''; Condition: damage at left screw-hole
305 Conestoga wagon coupling pole pin
ca. early 19th century; fine crafted pole pin with square shape shaft, large decorated heart shaped head, chamfered edges and pin in uncommon form, 2'x 8'; Condition: pin shows little use
306 Conestoga wagon hardware
ca. 1800; stay chain bolt with snake's head cusp, 8 ''x 3 ''; ornate tulip design U-bolt on ring and eye bolt with tulip having some tool decoration, 10'x 2 ''; K. Kuba stone cutters hardened chisel, 7 ''; Condition: all have some pitting & surface rust
307 Rare two head 'snow bird'
ca. 1840; cast iron double-head dove design snow bird with cast slot saddle and wrought iron roof strap, 8 ''x 12 ''x 5 ''; Condition: extensive pitting to surface
308 Early lollipop butterprint with heart design
ca. 1840; cut plank handled lollipop form round-head print with deep V-chip carved heart surrounded by four V chip carved leaves, 4 ''d, 4' handle, ''h; Condition: some splitting to top of print & staining
309 Red toleware box
ca. mid 19th century; red tole decorated domed top box with decorative raised panel lid on wrapped pin hinge and stenciled 'Friendship' on raised panel, 6 ''x 3 ''x 3'; Condition: some surface scratching to lid & minimal crackle separation of paint from tin
310 Red toleware salesman's sample tin bathtub
ca. 1880s; with flared foot, sloped upper half, red tole paint decoration with gold leaf stencil and brushed pinstripe accent and interior surface painted blue, 7 ''d, 5 ''h; Condition: strap on interior is loose, some paint loss to surface
311 Red toleware 'A Gift'' lunch kettle
ca. 1870; lunch kettle with pressed domed lid, wire swing handle, stenciled gold 'A Gift' with floral band and ring pull lift, 4 ''d, 3 ''h; Condition: good with little paint loss & some light scratches
312 Red toleware building shaped bank
ca. 1850; tin box house with mansard roof and widow's walk cupula bank having red tole walls with gold leaf stencil accent and a green painted roof, 3 ''x 3'x 4 ''; Condition: some denting to foot & corner of roof; very light paint loss
313 Red toleware Magic Lantern projector
ca. 1890; glass slide projector with red tole can shaped body, gold leaf domed lid with original tubular stack vent, and projector with green painted kerosene lamp on a wooden base, 4 ''x 2 ''x 9'; Condition: no slides & some loss of tole paint
314 Red tole cutlery box
ca. 1890; fine tin cutlery box with red tole paint and lithograph gold leaf stencil 'Every Day Table Cutlery' with black shadowing hinged lid on wrapped-tab wire hinge and interior with lithograph bountiful table scene with turkey, rabbit and various vegetables, 9 ''x 6 ''x 1 ''; Condition: some soiling & scratches to lid
315 Red tole building shaped bank
ca. 1850-1880; early red tole two-story tin building bank with high slot on roof, building with gold leaf stencil 'Saving's Bank' on front and roof is blue painted, 3'x 2'x 3 ''; Condition: paint approx. 70-80%; some paint loss
316 Folk art carved peafowl
ca. 1884 dated; small carving of a peafowl on base appears from one piece of wood, dated in pencil and possibly signed by carver, 6 ''x 1 ''x 3 ''; Condition: original paint removed; expertly carved & smooth finished
317 Geometric heart & tulip block design butterprint
ca. 1850; early form block print with rare off-setting two-tulip and two hearts, block has compass point stars in corner blocks, block band with chip carved band, back is rounded and notched for finger grasp, 3'x 3'; Condition: surface of print possibly cleaned but overall mint condition, hanging mount tacked to back
318 Rare form handled rolling pin
ca. early-mid 19th century; odd form rolling pin with turned mortise mounted handle, double roller base on heart cut out shaped mount made with cherry and hickory woods, 13 ''x 4'x 5 ''; Condition: good
319 Folk art carved bird on trough toothpick holder
ca. 1880-1900; expertly carved 'whimsey' with carved and painted bird with pick pin beak mounted on swivel wire on black and red painted trough base, 6'x 2'x 3 ''; Condition: old surface paint with excellent patina, as found but undated & unsigned
320 Walnut sloped utensil tray
ca. 1878 dated; pin nail constructed sloped tray with extended base and center tote with heart shaped cut-out grasp, each long side is hand painted in gold leaf, marked Eliza, Oct. 10, 1878, 12 ''x 8 ''x 5 ''; Condition: old finish, small crack to bottom
321 Fine folk art carved 'swagger' stick with bird top
ca. 1880-1910; attributed to Simmons by style of carving of a bird perched on top of stick and has fine carved leaf and nest design, 32'l; Condition: no noted damage
322 Rolling butterprint with carved round print on top
ca. 1880; turned walnut with carved leaf and frond design pin mounted to walnut handle that is turned and has floral leaf design with chip carved rim on top, 1 ''d, 4 ''h; Condition: some stains, rare form
323 Large rider on horse cookie cutter
ca. 1860-1880s; pan back strap handle cookie cutter with man wearing a large top hat and appears to have a beard, riding a horse with large cut-out windows at legs and three ventilation release holes, 10'x 8'x 2'; Condition: some rust to surface
324 Fine 'hand and heart' cookie cutter
ca. 1890; tin strap handled cookie cutter with hand and heart to side of hand, the cutter with two ventilation holes, 3'x 2 ''x 2'; Condition: good
325 2 wrigglework tin boxes
ca. 18th-19th century; round federal era patriotic design tin snuff box with punch decorated thirteen ring design of original states of unions (mimics 'We Are One' rings design) with tight set lid, 2'd, ''h, Condition: unknown if federal period or from later era, some light rust; traveler's cylinder punch work decorated two-compartment tinder or spice box with hinged end caps on wire hinges and small interior compartments, 1 ''d, 2 ''h, Condition: good
326 Tin cow cookie cutter
ca. 19th-early 20th century; flat back cutter with somewhat comical cow standing with horns/high perched ears and long tail, the cutter has three large ventilation holes, 6'x 4'x ''; Condition: heavy laid solder joint, possibly resoldered, light rust
327 Rare mermaid form tin cookie cutter
ca. 1850-1900; flat/pan back cutter with figure laying on side with rounded head and arched arms with cut-out holes, whimsical mermaid figure and pan back with single vent hole, 5'x 3'x ''; Condition: minor separation at arm holes, good surface
328 Rare PA embossed tin coffee pot with lift lid
ca. 18th- early 19th century; with carved block impressed upper panels with scallop bordered sunburst and floral design, the flare foot embossed with fifteen stars, tin pot with arched flat top spout, domed hinged lid with ornate cast metal knob and tubular braced fluted strap handle, attributed to eastern PA by form, 6 ''d, 4' spout, 3' handle, 11 ''h; Condition: early patina & only minor imperfections, note Antique Journal Nov. 1946 issue
329 Rare spouted pedestal lamp cookie cutter
ca. 1840; pan/flat back cookie cutter with whale oil spouted pedestal lamp, the cutter with traditional molded flared foot, tubular shaft and two large ventilation/finger holes, 3 ''x 5 ''x ''; Condition: light rust
330 Rare wrought iron button hole hatchet
ca. early-mid 18th century; rare hatchet form button hole chisel is used for cutting holes in fabric/leather with pick tip handle, square hatchet head and sawtooth grip below hatchet, 1 ''x 3 ''; Condition: some surface rust, pick tip may have damage, 1 of the rarest forms for sewing related pieces
331 Wrought iron roasting fork with heart accents
ca. 18th-19th century; four tine roasting fork with twisted square stock handle, central and upper heart mounts on hands and a round eye hanger, 24'x 3 ''; Condition: normal surface wear, some pitting
332 Heart design fireplace trivet
ca. 19th-20th century; high cast iron footman grilling stand with thick cast iron four heart and twelve ring plate, splayed mounted padded foot legs and high legged stand, 9 ''d, 14 ''h; Condition: some surface pitting, but overall good
333 Miniature cast iron 'Franklin' stove & andirons
ca. 20th century; stove copies style invented by Benj. Franklin with large three footed plate hearth and mounted tapered back/hood, 5 ''x 4'x 5'; andirons have arched legs and eye tops with mount wire stand, 2'x 3'x 2 ''; Condition: some surface paint loss but good
334 Rare bird head design mincing knife, Middletown, NY
ca. dated 1872; beautiful form broad head/mincing knife with four bird's head accenting top of blade with brass split-nut mounted to arch top T handle with blade marked 'J. Middletown, NY' and dated, 6 ''x 8 ''; Condition: 1 split nut missing, otherwise good
335 Rare buttonhole hatchet
ca. 18th-19th century; expertly crafted hatchet shaped buttonhole chisel with pick topped handle, head of hatchet with flared blade and square poll, handle is square stock with file decoration and tapered pick bottom, 1 ''x 5'; Condition: very early piece but someone recently wire brush cleaned head & upper shaft; pick possibly damaged
336 Wrought iron Betty Lamp & wood turned stand
ca. 18th-ealry 19th century; wrought iron hanging 'Betty' fat lamp with sawn shaped knob on swivel lid with jamb peg/hook and original wick pick, 4 ''x 2 ''x 4', Condition: extensive wear & some bending to lid of lamp; high turned lamp stand turned from cherry wood with large round pedestal base, fat catcher collar below molded shaft and ornamental mold turned plateau and a red wash finish, 3 ''d, 9'h, Condition: good
337 Very early chip carved tulip & heart design butter print
ca. 1803 dated; early softwood plank type carved butter print with deep carved 'tulip growing from heart' design with chip notch accent, sides of print accented with chip carved band, top is dated and bottom initialed 'JL', 2 ''x 5 ''x ''; Condition: print retains layout scratching to surface but extensive wear to surface or print (date is somewhat questionable)
338 PA decorated horn whetstone holder with iron belt clip & stone
ca. 1863 dated; field mower's whetstone holder made from salvage steer/ox horn with scratch decoration with bird on stem, dated and initialed 'HxBx Jx 2I' with hand wrought belt hook and horn retains whetstone, 2 ''d, 9'l; Condition: normal wear, as found
339 Rare President William H. Harrison campaign inspired butterprint
ca. 1830-1840s; round turned with simple flared grip, deep 3-D carved scene of log cabin with barrel in forefront and simple plants on either side of cabin, banded with sloped notched band, attributed to Wm. H. Harrison through form with the log cabin theme used in Harrison's run for presidency, 3 ''d, 2 ''h; Condition: minor cracking to surface, Butter Prints & Molds by Kindig, pg. 10 quote by Mrs. Knittle in 1946 issue of American Antiques Journal
340 Folk art carved chickadee bird on stem
ca. 1900-1930; expertly carved bird with outstretched wings with feather accent to wings, paint decoration, wire legs and mounted to fruit tree stem, 4 ''x 6 ''x 11'; Condition: painted surface soiled & crackle finished, otherwise good, no stand for stem
341 'Union' love token carved photo case
ca. 1860s; fine heart shaped wooden hinged photo case with fine engraved carved Union banner and shield on reverse, applied mother-of-pearl star and tulip rose carved decoration on cover, the rim expertly crafted with floral vine carving; the case retaining daguerreotype photo of a woman and tintype photo of child with box having a handmade brass butterfly, hinges and highly polished varnish finish, 2 ''x 2 ''x 1'; Condition: craftsman unknown but possibly a jewelry or engraver because of skill of carving
342 Early large carved double butter print
ca. early-mid 19th century; oversized turned print with radial compass point star design and banded with six radial leaf design, flared grip has compass star and web design decoration, chamfered edge of large print initialed 'RI', 5 ''d, 2 ''h; Condition: some chips to edge, some minor cracking but good early patina
343 Child's make-do carved horse
ca. mid 19th century; horse cut-out is from pine and depicts an outstretched galloping horse with whittle accented eyes and mouth, tail is twisted, line in drilled holes, edge of horse rounded and surface is smooth, no paint decoration and used as a make-do toy, 10 ''x 4 ''x ''; Condition: horse front right leg is damaged & missing, excellent patina from use, original leather ears missing but pins remain
344 Rare early two-side butter print
ca. 18th-early 19th century; walnut cut round plank style print with channel edge grip, first side has early pastoral scene of cow with horns and nursing calf, print includes wheat stem and tree stem accent, the reverse has bird on blueberry bush stem, the bush loaded with berries, 3'd, ''h; Condition: excellent patina & condition, hole on side from removed hook
345 'The Delusion' mouse trap by Lovell Mfg. Co., Erie, PA
ca. patent & trade registered date 1877; live animal mouse trap with side metal front cage box and tin ramp to right leading to trap, having a wire hinged wooden lid and original paper label on side of trap, the trap made from wood and pressed die cut metal, 5 ''x 5 ''x 2 ''; Condition: mint, like new condition
346 Early pair of ice skates with blue paint
ca. 1840-1860; screw-in sole type skates with wooden sole screw mounted to large wrapped tip blades that have a round ball tip, shaped wooden soles are blue painted hickory and have strap slots, 12'x 2 ''x 5'; Condition: good
347 Paint decorated fireplace bellows with turned brass nozzle
ca. mid 19th century; yellow paint decorated bellows in later form with cut-out slat paddles, leather bellow, cast brass & turned nozzles, paint accented with stencil painted peaches and apples, 7 ''x 18 ''x 1 ''; Condition: some leather damage, otherwise good
348 PA red toleware creamer
ca. early-mid 19th century; tapered top creamer with roll molded applied handle and triangular spout, hand painted accent in white, yellow and black floral decorations below spout, 3'd, 1 '' handle, 4'h; Condition: lid is missing; 1 dent to left side of creamer; minor paint loss
349 Red tole decorated hinged lid cannister
ca. 1850s; round tin cannister in red tole decoration with side having black, white and yellow floral and fruit pattern decoration with flat hinged lid having yellow brush stroke paint decoration on tin strap hinge and a wire ring on lid, 4 ''d, 4'h; Condition: extensive loss to black tole flowers, surface dirt & some paint loss
350 Red tole paint decorated match safe
ca. mid-late 19th century; match safe painted red with black paint accent, round molded foot, tapered stem, hinged lid, sandpaper covered can and small used match pocket safe, 2 ''d, 4'h; Condition: top appears re-soldered to stem, minor paint loss
351 Red tole paint decorated footed tea caddy
ca. 1850; ornate tin coffee top tea caddy with mounted cast metal feet, caddy has Bombay shaped body and has high molded arch top lid on single hinge, lid has large brass knob, caddy has red tole paint, floral stencil to front and yellow/red banding and white pinstriping, 5 ''x 3 ''x 5 ''; Condition: replaced right front foot, some surface scratches & paint loss overall, 70%-75% in tact
352 2 small red tole trays
ca. mid 19th century; long rectangular snuffer tray with flue ruffle edge ends and sloped side, red tole decorated with yellow brush paint decoration, 8 ''x 3'x '', Condition: extensive paint loss to 1 side, 60-70% original condition; small rectangular eight-side serving tray with sloped side, red tole decoration and yellow brush paint accent and stenciled floral decoration, 8 ''x 6'x '', Condition: surface dirt & soiling, some paint loss, 80% original
353 Red tole sugar bowl
ca. 1810-1840; PA toleware domed lid sugar bowl with red tole paint and large cabbage rose decoration, tin sugar bowl has sloped side, flared foot and seated domed lid with two ring knob, paint accent is all hand painted with yellow, black, white and red paint, 4 ''d, 4'h; Condition: surface paint crackled, some paint loss, foot has dent
354 Red toleware document box
ca. early-mid 19th century; tin box with dome lid and brass tote/handle, the domed lid is on two wrapped tin wire hinges, having original red tole paint and extensive hand paint decoration with black, red, yellow and white floral swag design ends yellow brush and stroke decorated and lid pinstriped and floral design accented with original tin hasp, 9'x 4 ''x 5 ''; Condition: hasp catch missing, extensive paint loss to lid, 60-80% original paint
355 Make do strawberry pin cushion
ca. 1920s; strawberry design fabric pin cushion on salvaged glass footed stem having a green velvet and red fabric body with small yellow lock-stitch accent, 3'd, 6'h; Condition: fabric soiled & some loss of fibers
356 Amish appliqued tulip & flower hot pad
ca. 1880-1910; small square pad with solid black background, patchwork appliqued giant flower and four tulip design, pad has green fabric back, brown fabric binding and featherstitch accent, 5 ''x 5 ''; Condition: some fraying to appliqued patches
357 4 child's printed cotton hankies
ca. 1890-1910; blue border colorized scene of children in winter scene delivering sled of gifts and tree to home of family, 11 ''x 12', Condition: good with minor soiling; purple printed school scene of schoolmaster and children with ABC board, 11 ''x 10', Condition: extensive soiling & dark spots; black print ABC and numbers with border signed New England Chemical Printing Co., 11 ''x 11 '', Condition: frayed edges & extensive soiling; blue border colorized hanky with scene of Shackleton Exploration of Antarctica with ship stuck in ice and explorers unloading cargo, 11 ''x 12', Condition: good with minor soiling
358 Pair of pieced 'diamond block' pillow cases
ca. 1850 dated; classic diamond block patchwork cases made from color printed calico materials, the patchwork diamond blocks are blue and yellow color fabrics with solid patch blocks are pink flower fabric, backs are bold purple floral printed fabric with the center diamond patch embroidered Mary Gingerich and dated 1850, 17 ''x 23 ''; Condition: good with minor soil spots
359 Oversize 'puzzle ball' patchwork pin cushion
ca. 1850-1880; oversized patchwork cushion made from red velvet and tan satin fabric patches, seam accented with extensive stitch accents in various color thread, 8'd; Condition: surface wear to red velvet & some soiling
360 Large floral urn appliqued quilt
ca. 1870; expertly crafted white quilt with bold green, red and orange fabric appliques of two pair of off-setting urns of large flowers with berries on stems having a white fabric top and back with diamond pattern quilting, 72'x 80'; Condition: some soiling spots primarily to back; no running of colors or water damage; unfortunately top has red printed fabric stamp near original white binding
361 Early linen bolster case with 'pinwheel star & frond' applique
ca. 1840-1860; homespun linen fabric case with fine crocheted lace applied to opening, the case having large bold calico green and red patch applique with central eight point star green and red flowing frond design, 16'x 34'; Condition: some fading to applique & small fabric hole loss
362 Rare French printed cotton fabric bolster case
ca. late 18th century; rare form fabric example that has repeating vignettes in brown print of young ladies and a young couple with man in military garb holding a ring and woman holding a small rose, the fabric with bold yellow and blue color printed design, 18 ''x 52'; Condition: some stitch repairs to case; minor soiling to fabric; case sold previous at Christies in June of 1994, #647, pg. 195
363 Bird on stand fabric pin cushion
ca. 1850-1870; black and tan fabric stuffed bird pin cushion holding berry in beak with stitch and bead accent and wire legs standing on fabric cover cap base, 4 ''x 2 ''x 6 ''; Condition: sun fading & soiling
364 5 pieces of printed fabrics
ca. 19th & 20th century; large piece of English chintz fabric of coronation of King Edward VIII with maroon background, 36'x 28', Condition: overall good; printed cotton fabric remnant of man seated by cabin with floral background, 10'x 10', Condition: some fading & holes; tan woven chintz fabric remnant of a woman and child feeding chickens, 16 ''x 15 '', Condition: good; bold printed cotton fabric with peafowl and fruit design, 16'x 17', Condition: soiling & fading; brown printed fox hunting scene fabric in woven cotton, 24'x 15', Condition: extensive fraying & fading
365 Hooked wool floral & leaf design rug
ca. 1880; burlap back rug with salvaged fabric and yarn hooked material with various color fibers and fabrics, 23'x 45'; Condition: extensive loss of loop, rebound & modern burlap backed
366 Large patchwork ball pin cushion
ca. 1850-1900; Seltzer stuffed large patchwork ball shaped pincushion with embroidered yarn accent, in brown block and black diamond patches with yarn cross-stitch bound and each patch accented, 5'd; Condition: extensive soiling & some disintegration to brown fabrics
367 Pictorial hooked wool rug of girl & dog scene
ca. 1900-1920s; rug fabric hooked rug with sleeping girl holding a blue hoop and reclining large dog with various flower accent around scene, 34 ''x 23'; Condition: extensive fabric loss & edge loop pulling; repair to central scene needed
368 Pillow pin cushion with tufted bird & flower design
ca. 1890; black velvet fabric top with yarn stitch puff/tufted flower and red bird design with black velvet fabric sides and black cloth bottom, seams of patches accented with various stitch accent and side of pillow with initials of maker 'MMH', 7 ''x 7 ''x 3 ''; Condition: wool stuffing exposed through fabric, tears in bottom of pillow
369 Crib coverlet of Philip Schum, Lancaster, PA
ca. 1869 dated; bold color jacquard woven coverlet blue, green, red and white woven with Washington at center panel, capital building and steam boats, the sides with oversized lettering of 'Made by Philip Schum, Lancaster, PA' with fringes and center seam, 32'x 35'; Condition: No damage
370 Early Mennonite appliqued flower & star design quilt
ca. 1850-1880; white homespun fabric back and top with four bold appliques of brown and ten point yellow stars that have four giant blooming flowers growing from star; fabrics are solid green, solid brown and yellow printed calico with expertly crafted quilting having diamond and floral front pattern stitchwork, 80'x 84'; Condition: some soiling & dark spots
371 Bird shaped pin cushion on wire legs
ca. 1900; red wool fabric bird with black velvet wings and cap, small ball pin cushion eyes, brown stitch beak, legs appear to be made from a hair clip and tail is wrapped cardstock covered, 7 ''x 1 ''x 6 ''; Condition: some moth holes to red fabric
372 Printed calico fabric patchwork doll quilt
ca. 1900s; with floral brown printed border and modified 'sleeping block' design with small center patch block, brown and white stripe fabric back and brown calico print binding, 19 ''x 20'; Condition: some light fading, overall good
373 Fabric cat's head pin cushion
ca. 1890-1920; velvet covered wooden base with head and ears in velvet and unmatched glass eyes, 2 ''x 3'x 3 ''; Condition: extensive damage to head is far more extensive than base
374 Early flower appliqued white linen pillowcase
ca. 1840; white fabric top and back with printed cotton calico green and red flowers, the case has six peculiar patched flowers that are all diamond patches, appear like star points, 19'x 27'; Condition: fabric darkened from use & soiled
375 2 patchwork pin cushions
ca. late 19th-early 20th century; long woven solid color patch cylinder shaped cushion with needlework accented and small green/yellow ties, ''d, 4 ''l, Condition: some bug damage; larger patchwork pickle with solid and printed fabrics, patches accented with blue stitchwork and red, gold and black ribbon tin and hanger, 1 ''d, 4'l, Condition: ribbon frayed & some stitch missing
376 Early homespun wool coverlet
ca. 18th century; woven from dyed blue, green and brown plaid/check design coverlet with hand stitched center seam, 51'x 82'; Condition: late hemmed edges to hide holes & damage; extensive holes & damage
377 2 velvet puzzle ball pin cushions
ca. late 19th-20th century; earlier maroon and tan patchwork velvet fabric 'puzzle ball' pin cushion with ruby diamond shaped beads, 4'd, Condition: some fading but overall good; later maroon and brown patchwork velvet fabric 'puzzle ball' pin cushion with red ribbon hanger, 4 ''d, Condition: good
378 Early rye straw bee skep
ca. 18th- early 19th century; domed bee skep made from oversized twisted/coil rye straw and wide splint walnut wrap, 18'd, 20'h; Condition: some damage to coil near bee door; has additional holes in side of skep for lifting rods
379 Punched tin candle lantern
ca. early-mid 18th century; early conical topped lantern with hinged door and hasp, ring hanger and small smoke deflector, sheet metal sides with radiant ' round pattern and lamp retaining the original candlestick, 5 ''d, 15'h; Condition: normal wear, some light rust
380 Paint decorated domed lid box
ca. 1820-1840; trinket chest of nail constructed softwood with thin single plank bentwood lid hinged on wire clip hinges, box with large floral decoration on blue base paint and yellow trim band and retaining a small hasp and wire clip mounted wire swing handle, 7 ''x 4'x 4 ''; Condition: surface is good but somewhat soiled
381 Framed scissor cut & watercolor decorated Fraktur attributed to Wilhelm Antonius Faber
ca. 1814 dated; from Lancaster/Berks Co., PA area made for Anna Maria Stober in 1814 of a scissor cut-out scene of basket of flower and lower oval textbox with the text and date in ink, scissor cutting watercolor accented and framed in a veneered bevel frame, 5'x 8' framed; Condition: minor soiling to Fraktur; back has note of origin 'Grandmother of Pluin Stober or Shelby' bought by John Ramsey, artist primarily works in Berks & Lancaster Co.
382 Fine oval rye straw apple basket with wooden bottom
ca. 18th-19th century; unusual form basket with wooden plate bottom, the coiled rye straw with walnut or hickory banding and two-coil flared foot below wooden plate, 11 ''x 8 ''x 4'; Condition: bottom coil has fabric in coil for padding, very unusual form, good
383 Extremely fine & rare Lehnware child's water bucket
ca. 1850-1892; rare size water bucket by Joseph Lehn, Elizabeth Twp., Lancaster Co., with coopered tongue and groove staves and three metal bands, wood grip on handle mounted in metal clip hangers, Lehn's traditional red grain wash finish, 'pussy willow' design on band with yellow pinstripe bands, 7 ''d, 6 ''h; Condition: some separation to staves, but overall good
384 PA German chalk dog figure
ca. early-mid 19th century; fine PA chalkware form seated poodle, mold cast with pick dimpling to surface seated on a pillow facing left with early watercolor paint and early oil/lacquer coating finish, 4'x 2 ''x 5 ''; Condition: minor scratching to surface
385 Lehnware footed master salt
ca. 1850-1890; attributed to Joseph Lehn, Elizabeth Twp., Lancaster Co., in poplar wood with Lehn's traditional three step fluted foot, salmon painted with black, green and red paint floral decoration, rim accented with pussy willow band and interior with yellow/gold paint, 2 ''d, 3'h; Condition: good
386 Early PA chalkware 'love doves' figure
ca. early-mid 19th century; attributed to PA German community with two doves having beaks touching, perched on round base; the figure mold casted with watercolor paint decoration and egg tempera finish having yellow paint with red and black accent, 4'x 3 ''x 5 ''; Condition: small hole in 1 dove's wing, otherwise good
387 Rare yellow Lehnware cup & saucer
ca. 1886 dated; attributed to Joseph Lehn, in rare yellow color with strawberry on vine design, cup and saucer banded with green paint, excellent painted surface with egg tempera/oil wash, 2 ''d, 1 ''h saucer; 1 ''d, 1 ''h cup; Condition: owner wrote in ink on base of saucer 'Clarice (?), Manheim, Lanc. Co., PA, September 19, 1886'
388 PA chalkware dove figure
ca. mid 19th century; mold formed chalk dove with extensive yellow, green, red and black watercolor paint decoration with egg tempera/light varnish finish, 'paint accent is as nice as you will find', 5 ''x 3'x 5 ''; Condition: overall excellent, no damage just minor scratches
389 Large PA chalkware seated cat figure
ca. mid 19th century; large size figure of a seated mold formed cat on a round pad base with simple painted accent in red, black and yellow paint, 5'd, 10 ''h; Condition: original surface tempera removed, but chalk figure is good with no noted damage
390 Lehnware type egg cup
ca. 1878 dated; egg cup is turned in Lehn's traditional three step fluted foot with black, green and red paint, the chalice having a dark salmon base color and strawberry on vine design; rim banded in red with pussy willow band and interior painted yellow, 1 ''d, 2 ''h; Condition: bottom marked in ink 'WB' and dated 1878 ' possibly Lehn contemporary W. or Jacob Brubaker
391 Early chalkware bust of a woman
ca. early 19th century; cut plaster of Paris form in rare and unusually large size, form cast of a woman with hair in a high bun, necklace and resting on a pedestal base, highly decorated with watercolor paint accent, possibly a PA German maker, 7'x 4 ''x 14 ''; Condition: overall excellent condition, minor knick to foot & minor scratches to surface paints
392 PA chalkware reclining ram figure
ca. early-mid 19th century; plaster of Paris/chalk figure with dimple surface and watercolor paint accent to horns, ears, eyes, mouth and base; Condition: minor surface paint loss & fine hairline crack to base at ram's front left leg (appears as only surface crack, cast is still solid)
393 Fine Lehnware sugar bucket
ca. 1840-1890; excellent example of a Lehn sugar bucket made from quartersawn oak staves with original seated lid with porcelain knob, traditional salmon and red grain paint, yellow pinstripe accent, three bands with Lehn's traditional pussy willow band design, unusual lid with green eight point star painted under knob and wheat accent, turned banded with pussy willow accent to band, 7'd, 9 ''h; Condition: early form with non-tongue and groove staves; excellent paint with very light soiling to lid; a real gem!
394 PA chalkware seated Spaniel
ca. mid 19th century; right facing seated Spaniel cast in plaster of Paris/chalk with flowing hair, watercolor paint accent, dogs ears and tail painted red with painted collar, eyes, muzzle and paint accent to fur, 5 ''x 4'x 7 ''; Condition: tempera coat removed; extensive paint loss to back of dog from sitting in sun; '' chip to base; paint accent to front is 65%-70%
395 PA chalkware white dove on stump figure
ca. 1864 dated; hollow cast dove on solid cast stump figure with traditional bird of peace dove cast in plaster of Paris/chalk with simple watercolor paint accents, dove is perched on stump with two cherries and base scratch dated 1864, 8'x 3 ''x 10 ''; Condition: small flaw on left side of bead, makers repair to flaw at casting on top of head, otherwise excellent traditional PA German form
396 Paint decorated slid lid box
ca. 1830; softwood nail constructed slide-lid trinket box with hand wrought flat head tacks, chamfered flared footed base and dovetail slide, polychromal decorated box with green base paint, yellow painted band, excellent painted accent of flower basket and compass circle with M.F. in center and upper star and lower heart in yellow, the sides of box having sprig painted accent, upper end accented with 'shielded eagle design' and lower with heart design, 5 ''x 3 ''x 1 ''; Condition: some soiling to paint; construction is somewhat simple but very nice paint accent
397 Rare form rye straw table basket
ca. 18th-19th century; rectangular shaped base PA coiled rye straw basket with six zig-zag wrapped coil base and five coils to large central flat looping coil with three upper coils and top coil having grasps added to either end of basket and single coil foot, 16'x 10 ''x 7'; Condition: minor walnut/hickory splint loss to upper rim
398 Framed Fraktur watercolor birth record
ca. 1824 dated; bookplate size Fraktur in English script for birth of Jacob Grebiel (Graybill family) on laid paper with ink and watercolor tulip flowers in decorative urn design, the center tulip accented with triple diamond design and framed in a veneered bevel edge frame, 5 ''x 7' framed; Condition: upper 1/3 of watercolor has extensive brown stain from water; believed to be Berks Co.
399 Paint decorated bride's band box
ca. 1810; tulip paint decorated douglass fir oval band box with traditional woven splint binding, lid and bottom are straight grain fir wood as are bands and box highly decorated with PA German traditional tulip design, 13 ''x 7 ''x 4 ''; Condition: lid & base are cut nailed to bands; extensive paint wear to ends from use; some fading to painted lid; interior of lid scratched '13 (possible 1813), small damage to rim band of lid
400 Small lidded coiled rye straw storage basket
ca. early-mid 18th century; unusual small size storage basket in traditional carboy shape with original fitted coiled rye straw flat lid and rye straw coils with walnut/hickory splint binding, 10'd, 10 ''h; Condition: some coil binding damage & surface dirt
401 Framed Fraktur birth record
ca. 1837; rare pinpricking accented Fraktur to lower accented band of birds at central star in floral design with the lower portion having matched birds in off-setting colors on either side of floral motif, the center bird with compass ten point star, the upper text box with illuminated upper line, bold second line and early script (partially legible) that reads 'Born Dec. 17, 1837' in watercolor with pinprick banded and framed in a flat frame, 17 ''x 13 '' framed; Condition: creasing from folding, framed with white paper backer, possibly glued (unknown); no major paper loss or repairs; great piece for further research; script is very difficult early text of PA German Community
402 Pair of cast & wrought iron andirons with heart accent
ca. 1900-1920; andirons with cast iron hearth rack and threaded bolt mounted knob top post with wrought strap arch foot, accented with perforated heart design strap, 11'x 19'x 17 ''; Condition: as found, pitting & soot from use
403 Paint decorated violin box
ca. 20th century; late form homemade softwood violin box with flat lid that has interior rim band, base in nail construction, light blue painted base (sprayed on), accented with bright daisy design and lid painted black, 10'- 5 ''x 5 ''x 31'; Condition: blue paint appears spray painted on box; some surface damage & scratches
404 Large handle coil rye straw basket
ca. mid 19th century; unusual form rye straw basket with nail clip and banded bent hickory handle, round coil flat bottom, twelve coil flared round form with non-uniform hickory/walnut splint wrap, handle splint and shaved steam bent arch handle applied with rose head nails, 17 ''d, 16'h; Condition: nice form, good patina
405 Henry Lapp bird on stem Fraktur painting
ca. 1870-1900; vibrant colored watercolor with egg tempera of yellow-red distelfink bird on colorful green, black and yellow flower stem, highly accented with cross-hatch and dot design, unsigned and framed in a walnut frame, 10 ''x 12 '' framed; Condition: corners of watercolor glued to cream mat; damage to upper left corner; some soiling & ink spot near center; note reference to Antiques Collect, May 1979
406 Rare sheet metal on rod fish weathervane
ca. early-mid 19th century; fish shaped weathervane made from tin, hand cut with pressed/embossed accent, riveted to tin strap mount, vane mounted on lightning rod with double funnel globe, fish's eye, fins and tail embossed decorated, early paint and softwood cannonball turning accompanies, 22 ''x 39 ''; Condition: extensive wear & crackle paint to surface of fish; rod missing tip & extensive splitting to ball base
407 Small paint decorated slide-lid box
ca. 1830-1850; dovetail constructed box with dovetail sliding poplar lid with harbor scene painted on lid, house with red roof in pasture on one side and harbor scene on reverse; one end decorated with red roof house and tree and the other end with well-dressed man in top hat, seated with sheep below tree in meadow, 5 ''x 3'x 2 ''; Condition: some tack repairs to dovetails; surface soiling & dark finish; small chip from front corner of slide lid
408 Framed homemade scissors cut heart Valentine/Fraktur of Elizabeth Shirk
ca. 1858 dated; piece is framed in great red and orange grain painted frame with scissor cut-out heart Valentine with cut-out glue applied paper patches and ink scripted 'Elizabeth Shirk 1858', the large heart with outlining of small hearts around border and framed in a softwood, extensive paint decorated frame, 12 ''x 13 '' framed; Condition: Believed to be Lancaster or Lebanon Co.
409 New England paint decorated slide-lid box
ca. 1860-1880; paint decorated slide-lid box in simple dovetailed construction and quarter-round mold framed top and lid end with lid decorated with castles and home by stone arch bridge, one side decorated with rose stencil, other hand painted with pine trees and floral design, one end with house, trees and other with stencil rose, interior has four compartments and mounted cut-out print of 'New Schoolhouse', Winchendon, 9'x 6'x 2 ''; Condition: Box has painted surface & varnish coated that is darkened & crackled; bottom of box has pencil drawn castle scene; believe crafted by student; good in tradition
410 Large tin horn
ca. early 20th century; PA German attributed long tin 'Alphorn' in soldered construction of six flaring tubular straight sections with mounted tin strap handle, flared bell solder mounted and funnel shaped mounted mouth piece done by a tinsmith to mimic Alphorn found in Switzerland, 1'- 6 ''d, 67 ''l; Condition: little surface patina
411 Framed pencil & watercolor drawing of two children
ca. 1870s; drawing on leaflet cut from small copy book with printed blue liner featuring a boy in blue pants wearing a vest and girl in red dress and white pantaloons below dress, appears to be drawn by a child and framed in a gold leaf molded frame, 9 ''x 11 '' framed; Condition: drawing had been rolled & now framed; some damage to left & right edge; one hole in lower right field and near girl's head; back of drawing with whimsical bookmark drawing & initialed B.A.C.
412 Wrought iron fireplace tool
ca. 18th or 19th century; hinged hanging hearth trivet/gridiron with central strap hanger, revolving bar with two riveted arch straps, central rod handle with U-shaped tool rest, tool appears to be used hanging from trammel, 14'x 12'x 29'; Condition: rare form but origin unknown
413 Framed watercolor portrait of Sarah
ca. 1880-1900; watercolor done by unattributed artist, in the style of N. Currier or Currier & Ives print, featuring a seated young lady with curly brown hair, wearing a brown low-cut dress, with a double-lined border and framed in a cherry bevel edge frame, 12'x 15 '' framed; Condition: unsigned; small tear to left upper corner of paper
414 Gold leaf framed reverse painting of urn of flowers
ca. early Victorian period; black outlined painted urn of flowers by unknown artist with foil back and framed in an early molded gold leaf frame, 15 ''x 21 ''; Condition: very little paint separation; overall good
415 Blue & white watercolor church painting
ca. 1850-1900; three steeple church in mountain scene with partial stencil design and handpainted and dry brush accented trees, framed in a small gold leaf quarter-round frame, 8'x 6 '' framed; Condition: some foxing to paper, attributed to New England
416 Small unsigned black & white stenciled cat painting
ca. 1870-1900; theorem style cat painting in black watercolor on paper, pictured playing with ball having multiple layers of gray-black watercolor paint, some pencil accented to cat's paws and framed in a bevel edged softwood frame, 12 ''x 10 ''; Condition: some foxing to paper, artist unknown
417 Large scallop molded deep well shadow box hair art flowering tree design
ca. 1870-1900; ornate Victorian era hair art picture by unknown artist with various crocheted, curled, braided hair on wire frame, framed in mahogany and walnut two-layer scallop cut-out frame with square block corners accented with carved pinwheel design, 23'x 23'x 4 '' framed; Condition: canvas back of hair art has some water mark damage
418 Shadow box display of weed & seed art
ca. ornament wreath and central basket design with seeds mounted to look like basket of fruit, made from all types of seeds glued to paper background and arranged to form a picture, 22 ''x 19 ''x 5 ''; Condition: some loss to flowers & loose seeds
419 Needlework shadow box
ca. 1900-1920; Amish style velvet back with puffed/tufted yarn crewelwork flower design, the flowers are bold color large flowers of various types and framed in a high molded painted frame, 24'x 29 ''x 3 ''; Condition: good, some minor fading to colors of yarns
420 Early paint decorated doll settee
ca. 1800-1840; plank seat settee with arms, slant back with central rail brace, eight legs with rod braces and gray/green paint with floral leaf decoration on slat backs, 13 ''x 7'x 10 ''; Condition: some fading to paint & minor paint loss
421 Rare hollowware chalk standing dog figure
ca. mid 19th century; smooth PA chalkware 'standing pug' type dog figure in early mold cast chalk standing on four legs with tail curled, watercolor egg tempera paint accent to ears, eyes, muzzle, collar and feet, 9 ''x 4'x 8'; Condition: early chalk repair to dog's left rear foot with re-paint & small crack to pug's left front leg
422 Continental paint decorated domed top box
ca. 19th century; clip constructed softwood box with domed lid on wire clip hinges, early nail mounted lock and hasp catch, gray base paint with white dove and large floral polychrome decoration on lid and front panel, ends are large floral decorated with red, black and blue paint, 10 ''x 5 ''x 6'; Condition: extensive paint wear to back & crack to lid
423 Calico cat folk art watercolor
ca. 1870-1900; pencil and watercolor drawing of a colorful painted cat that has a white face, comical patchwork white, yellow and red body with a blue painted head, back and tail and front legs, painting entitled 'Kitty', unsigned and framed in a round molded frame, 8 ''x 10' framed; Condition: watercolor framed without cardstock back, causes shrinking to painting & some creasing from being rolled
424 PA chalkware seated squirrel figure
ca. 19th century; traditional PA form with seated squirrel holding a nut with tail raised, form cast chalk, smoke paint decoration tail and body, head accented with watercolor paint and body with original vegetable oil/egg tempera wash, 3'x 5'x 6 ''; Condition: some paint loss, overall 80%-90%
425 Framed scissors cut silhouette
ca. 1850-1900; excellent white scissor cutting of a couple in floral leaf frame with initialed center arch, couple of a young man wearing a high collar with bow tie and young lady wearing an ornate bonnet, mounted on a black paper background and framed in a gold leaf molded frame, 10 ''x 8 '' framed; Condition: back marked John A. Heimman, Furniture Dealer in Allentown, PA
426 Hand crank wooden carousel toy
ca. 1850-1900; carousel toy made from douglass fir with a square raised base, four rider's on horses on revolving carousel under a four poster frame, polychrome painted with small wire crank that operates revolving mechanism under carousel, 4 ''x 4 ''x 6 ''; Condition: operating, some surface dirt, two riders missing arms, similar to eastern German toys
427 Framed watercolor & ink drawing
ca. 1861 dated; watercolor and ink merit/reward attributed to Heebner Family of Schwenkfelder Community, depicting a ram standing on a meadow near a colorful painted birds on tree with traditional distelfink bird pairs, sheep ram with extensive pen ink accent, with a yellow border and framed in a simple frame, 8 ''x 5 '' framed; Condition: possibly mounted to cardstock back, work is untitled, frame is poor
428 Chalk dove figures
ca. 19th century; PA German early cast chalk with pair of doves touching beaks, standing on a drum base with polychrome watercolor egg tempera paint in green, red, yellow and smoke accent, 4'x 4'x 6'; Condition: chipping to front of foot & some minor paint loss
429 Large blue painted oval bride's band box
ca. 19th century; softwood (mixed spruce and yellow pine) oval band box with wood splint banding, European/PA German box with blue painted base and tulip floral decoration on bands, lid decorated with floral basket of red and white flowers, base and lid mounted to bands with wooden pegs with oversized bands, 16 ''x 10'x 6 ''; Condition: origin is possibly Continental or American; some loss to box band splines; normal wear to paint
430 Extremely fine and rare Christian Mertel Fraktur Taufschein
ca. 1791 dated; rare form Fraktur with mermaids and fish, angel with bottle shaped bodies and colorful border around text; the scrivener with Fraktur work in ink of birth and baptism record of Johannes Keller, son of Jacob Keller & housewife Catharina, born in Lebanon Twp., Dauphin Co., PA with lower center of textbox having compass, star and floral design accent and framed in a late flued mahogany frame, 21 ''x 17 '' framed; Condition: paper loss to left border, some damage to lower inside mermaid; damage at creasing from folds; possibly mounted to cardstock back
431 Tyne Valley Cheese Co. wooden coffee pot
ca. 1900-1920; oversized wooden hollow turned coffee pot with solid plank bottom, punch marked 'Tyne Valley Cheese Co., Tyne Valley PEI' (Prince Edward Island) with steam form bent plywood, turned seated lid with raised turned knob and mounted with cut and shaped handle and spout, 11 ''d, 7' spout, 5' handle, 20 ''h; Condition: unfinished surface, believed used as trade advertisement, small crack to lid & base
432 Hollow chalk peach bank
ca. 19th-20th century; hollow form cast chalk figural bank in peach shape with bright color paint accent with long coin/razor blade slot, 3 ''d, 3 ''h; Condition: believed to be later generation piece for utility; possibly for razor blade disposal; minor paint loss
433 Papier mache fruit bowl
ca. 1900-1920; form molded bowl with lift-off lid with embossed fruit including: apple, peach, orange, plum, grapes, etc. with extensive paint decoration, 10'd, 5 ''h; Condition: unknown maker, good
434 Small seated chalkware rabbit
ca. 19th-20th century; hollow from cast chalk small seated rabbit on square base with raised ears and simple watercolor painted accent, 2 ''x 4'x 5 ''; Condition: good, minor flaws to base
435 Northern Europe reverse painted portrait of Empress Josephine
ca. 19th century; reverse painting of a young woman seated with head turned, hair in curls wearing a floral headdress, low cut blue dress, red cap and colorful jewelry, framed in a grain painted molded frame, 9 ''x 12' framed; Condition: painting unidentified but is traditional form of Empress Josephine (wife of Napoleon)
436 European composition/mache cast figural doll in watch display
ca. 1830-1840; doll form cast and has wooden legs on a painted wood base with colorful painted accent, small watercolor flower included and on reverse of painting is written history of doll and case, 5 ''h doll; the display in softwood with brass butt hinges and has veneer framed tombstone arch glass, 4 ''x 6 ''x 2'; Condition: doll has damage to left arm & glass damaged on case
437 Folk art carvings on miniature curio shelf
ca. 1900-1910; made from salvaged crate lumber and other scraps with sixteen turned/carved and paint decorated figures on a Victorian Era open curio shelf with slat backs including: reclining dog, urns, two handle trophy, pedestal lamp, chalice, squirrel, etc., 6 ''x 5'x 20 ''; Condition: believed to be an Ohio carver ' salvaged yardstick from Ohio is carved figure on top of shelves; some figures loose from shelf; 1 candle stand missing from shelf & front left foot is damaged
438 John W. Fox ornate carved Bible box
ca. 1922 dated; Bible shaped wooden box highly illuminated with decorative carved PA German design on exterior, bottom with excellent spinning pinwheel form carving inside with extensive decorative carving; hinged lid on butt hinges with compass and star decorative carving; interior has two interior closing compartments with lid and compartments having extensive carving, left interior has a log cabin, maker's name and date; the right has floral carving, chalice and maker's name; box interiors with leaf carving, artist attributed to John W. Fox mentioned in article in The Morning Herald, Uniontown, PA, 12'x 16'x 3 ''; Condition: interior has some paint accent to leaves & varnished finish; exterior varnished finish is scuffed & scratched
439 Horse's hat & ear muffs
ca. 1900; repurposed woman's hat for use as donkey/horse hat in straw weave with lined cut-outs with fish net/fly net sewn to outside of openings, hat has cloth band tip, Condition: some damage to rim & brittle; pair of adjusted felt covered ear muffs on adjustable brass slide with padded cover, Condition: as found, good
440 Folk art tramp art type picture frame
ca. 1880-1920; rare polychrome accented frame with sawtooth border, interior red band on green sawtooth notch on orange notch, interior band with diamond design carved pattern, mirror with mirror insets, heart cut-out in center of frame top, corners have stepped button accents, painted with green, gold, orange and red paint, 21'x 15 ''x 1 ''; Condition: lower right corner has missing sawtooth cutouts, otherwise good
441 Framed Northern European reverse painted portrait of 'Ann'
ca. 18th-early 19th century; titled work of Ann framed in a simple complex molded frame featuring a young woman with dark hair wearing ornate green/yellow hat, earrings and low cut blue and white dress, 9 ''x 12' framed; Condition: left portion of portrait appears to have repair to portrait background (restored), otherwise good
442 Framed printed President Wm. Henry Harrison campaign chintz fabric
ca. 1839-1840; blue on white printed fabric depicting the whig party's candidates, 'The American Log Cabin & a Barrel of Hard Cider' theme with 'Harrison and Reform' in floral wreath and large printed floral design in a mahogany veneered frame with black banding, 16 ''x 12 '' framed; Condition: appears fabric was cut & bound; the top vignette of log cabin is incomplete
443 Framed printed Zachary Taylor Memorial
ca. 1850s; imprinted and gold leaf embellished memorial cloth leaflet for the death of President Zachary Taylor with gold leaf eagle grasping American flag and profile of President Taylor in die-cut outline with floral urn and the President's last words, printed on woven ribbon type fabric and framed in a late molded frame, 4 ''x 8 '' framed; Condition: Taylor is spelled Tailor in lower text (possible misprint)
444 Framed President John Tyler watercolor
ca. 1841 dated; colorized silhouette of profile of John Tyler with face and head black painted; coat, vest and shirt vibrantly colored, portrait in gold ring with 'John Tyler, President of the United States' and framed in a simple stained oak frame, 5'x 5' framed; Condition: upper quarter of silhouette creased & partial separation, artist unknown
445 Floral hooked rug with birds
ca. 1900-1920; burlap backed rug with hooked fabric and yarns, the rug with black/gray background and has two large gray birds with grape stems in beak, the yarn tufted hook cluster of grapes and small orange birds, figures boxed in brown, orange and red lines, 36 ''x 21'; Condition: some minor fabric repairs to loose loops on edges; some loose hook loops
446 2 velvet & crewelwork pillows
ca. 1920-1950; both with black velvet color with colorful hooked yarn designs, believed to be Amish or Mennonite: pair of blue songbirds on a bird bath with bright floral stem design, the birds and heads of flower cut-tufted accented with black silk fabric back, 15 ''x 17 '', Condition: good; earlier pillow with gray song bird on large rose design, high tufted work accent and glass button eye with a black cotton back, 16 ''x 16 '', Condition: fraying to corners & some surface loss to velvet fabric
447 Early 'flower basket' design hooked wool rug
ca. 1890-1920; hooked on burlap with salvaged fabrics and yarns, the rug background in mixed non-uniform dark colors with hooked yarn pink/maroon basket with bright color flower design, edges bound with black cloth tape/ribbon binding, attributed to the Amish community, 32 ''x 17 ''; Condition: Binding is early, some fading & soiling & tape repair to hole near right side of rug & left edge
448 3 crewelwork & hooked accented pillows
ca. 1890-1930; Amish early brown wool fabric pillowcase with bird on stem of flower design, having a high puff/tufted bird, flower and berries with a cloth binding, 16'x 17'x 2 '', Condition: some moth damage to back & fading; brown velvet top and satin back case with tufted bird and flower design, 16'x 15 ''x 2 '', extensive high tufting loss & fraying to back; later mohair gray and red fabric case with parrot on dogwood stem, the parrot and stem puff/tufted crewelwork with a glass button eye, 17'x 14 ''x 4 '', Condition: some fading & felt fiber loss to surface
449 Amish shoo fly & dash quilt
ca. 1900-1920; solid brown/gray fabric field with assemble printed and solid color shoo fly patch blocks with some printed and paisley type fabrics, early brown/red binding and a brown printed check back, 80'x 72'; Condition: Some minor soiling & fraying to binding, fraying to upper corners, overall good for an early quilt
450 White linen Mary M. Ziegler show towel
ca. 1848 dated; white linen towel with open weave center panel of birds, flower urns and star design with lower open-weave panel of large flower urn, initialed M.Z. and dated 1848 with girls and stars; a knotted tassel design bottom and top with maker's name, 16 ''x 61 ''; Condition: some staining & soiling to lower portion of towel
451 Amish hooked rug
ca. 1900-1930; burlap back floral design with fabric and yarn hooking, mixed fabrics and yarn, brown/tan border, black background with crewelwork/yarn hook flower and butterfly design, 39 ''x 24'; Condition: extensive damaging & pulling of fabric loops
452 2 pillows & 1 top Amish puff/crewelwork embroidered pieces
ca. 1900-1940s; case top in green-gray wool fabric with three rose of colorful tufted crewelwork flowers, top with featherstitch yarn outline, 17 ''x 19 '', Condition: some soiling but older piece; black velvet top with black fabric back, maroon, brown and orange basket with tufted violet floral design and a tan ruffle edge, 16'x 15'x 2 '', Condition: fraying to ruffled edge; black velvet top with satin fabric back with applied crocheted white and red rose pattern, 14 ''x 15'x 3', Condition: fading to flowers & some loss to stems
453 Cat figural hooked rug
ca. 1930s; cat shaped burlap back hooked rug with wool fabric and yarns, hooked material, gray cloth over a burlap backer and features a gray cat wearing a red bow with red ball in paw, green eyes and is laying on a green mat, 30 ''x 22 ''; Condition: some soiling & fading to rug
454 3 Amish pillows
ca. 1940-1960s; two felt fabric pillows with applique designs and cut ruffle edges, 15'x 11'x 2 '' each, both with some moth holes and fading: black felt pillow with appliqued parrot on colorful flowers, 15'x 11'x 2 ''; black felt pillow with appliqued pink and blue flower appliques, 15'x 11'x 2 ''; late black fabric case with crewelwork yarn rose design, gray ruffled edge and blue yarn accent, 12 ''x 9'x 3', Condition: some light soiling & light fading
455 4 piece red and white cotton spread & pillowcase set
ca. 1920; white cotton fabric cover with red appliqued cut-out using floral design quilt pattern with red silhouette applied to white fabric, each with a center star design made with stitched panels/blocks and includes a matching bolster & pillowcases with riffle borders, 78'x 70' spread; Condition: some fading & some water soiling spots, bolster bag is cut & only partial
456 Unfinished folk art appliqued show towel
ca. 1873 dated; white linen towel unfinished with appliqued folk art birds on stems and yarn stitch floral design, name area never completed but written in pencil, crocheted open-work bottom and photo card accompanies with pencil on reverse 'Rose Kitch-Mossman' (attributed), 13 ''x 42'; Condition: as found, some stitch loss & soiling
457 Colorful red & black puzzle star design quilt with brown fabric back
ca. 1930s; patches appear cut from red and black printed bandana and Cocalico fabrics, the star designs are four point diamond patch stars with four point spur/star, bold printed black, pine and red border with deco flame design, 80'x 76'; Condition: simple hand stitch quilting, dark blotch on back, some light fraying to patchwork fabric
458 House design hooked rug
ca. late 19th-early 20th century; colorful Mennonite hooked rug on burlap back hooked with salvaged uniform-cut wool fabrics, large white and red color farmhouse with center gable above front door, gray/white with red trim and green lined windows, on a blue field with rose bunches in corners and banded in sloped colorful band, 46 ''x 32'; Condition: large dark soil spot to house on blue field, some pulls to fabric hook, some stitch repairs
459 2 needlepoint accented pillows
ca. 1890-1930s; brown check early square pillow with colorful bird on flower stem cross-stitch embroidered, black fabric back and banded in red cord trim, 17'x 17'x 3', Condition: fading & fraying to bandings, some moth holes to back; Amish brown velvet and black fabric back with tufted yarn crewelwork and yellow bird on flower stem design, 15 ''x 15 ''x 3', Condition: some stitchwork missing
460 Colorful crewelwork stitch decorated show towel for Elizabeth B. Roland
ca. 1847 dated; decorated with colorful wool yarn crewelwork, flower urns, birds on stems, floral wreath, etc. with top and bottom of towel having added hand done lace trim, attributed to Dauphin County, 18 ''x 64'; Condition: some stitch loss due to moth damage & minor soiling
461 Homespun blue check chaff bag
ca. early 19th century; interwoven blue and white homespun linen with center-seam stitched and a lock-stitch hemmed edge and original linen ties, bolts 40'w, 57'x 68'; Condition: dark soiling to fabric, otherwise good
462 2 log cabin pillow covers
ca. late 19th-early 20th century; pillow covers with fringed brown/green border, log cabin around the world design patches, matted with plaid silk back, 12 ''x 12 '' & 10'x 10'; Condition: both have extensive fraying to fabrics
463 Hooked wool cat design rug
ca. 1900-1920; home crafted rug with burlap back and salvaged wool fabric hooked material, brown and tan border and pictures a reclining gray cat on a colorful rug, 37 ''x 24 ''; Condition: remounted to modern burlap back & edge bound with black cloth tape, some fabric loops missing
464 White linen show towel with embroidery & initials 'BH'
ca. 1810-1830; attributed to PA German settlement of Central PA with fish-net tied warp end, top with blue and red cross-stitch embroidery in three lines: one line with two compass point stars and initials BH, one line with two floral planters and two central block in diamond design, one line with two peafowls and central tulip urn design, 17 ''x 46'; Condition: extensive soiling to fabric & two slight tears near top of towel
465 Large grapevine design hooked rug
ca. 1900-1930; large rectangular shaped rug on burlap back in tan/brown with large central grape and leaf design, black, brown and red border with colorful accented border of grapes on vine, 66'x 36'; Condition: some fraying & pulls to fabric loop hooks
466 Printed felt lined fabric petticoat
ca. 4-11-1871 patent dated; winter petticoat in beautiful black and white plaid design with floral bands, bold printed pattern lower band, waist with patent date tag by William H. Walton, Brooklyn, NY, 40' waist x 37'; Condition: good
467 Early embroidered wallet with initials 'AC'
ca. mid 18th century; blue dyed homespun linen fabric covered bill fold with brown fabric two-section wallet, extensive floral vine design embroidery and cross-stitch initials in red 'AC', trimmed with woven red tape binding, 4 ''x 3 ''x ''; Condition: extensive bug/moth damage, early form
468 Early men's blue twill fabric vest with tin-type picture buttons
ca. 1850; Gent's vest finely crafted brown fabric back with waist buckle, front blue checkered design with large printed denim type block and red lines, two waist pockets with five small portrait tin type button of man's family with initials 'DR' on collar and 'RL' on interior of lining, 15'x 20'; Condition: some fading, but overall good
469 2 early ladies sun bonnets
ca. 19th century; homespun blue check bonnet with button removable quilted ruffled edge bill with blue check cord tie with white tape cinch tie, 9 ''x 17', Condition: soiling & fading but overall good; early brown calico printed fabric bonnet with longneck cover that has ruffled edge, top of bonnet with cardstock pockets and matched fabric ties, 11 ''x 21', Condition: extensive soiling & fading to fabric
470 Printed calico fabric apron
ca. 1870s; in printed form with trim, tie and head strap, then diamond cut and hemmed with appliqued pockets with printed pattern, 23'x 24', Condition: extensive soiling & some small fraying; Possible patented model by William H. Walton
471 Group of clothing accessories
ca. late 19th century; pair of brown leather ankle high tie shoes, cloth lined with leather soles and heals, 8'x 2 ''x 4 '', Condition: normal wear from use; two pair of wrist warmers, one with purple and brown, 2 ''x 4' and one in bred and black with ruffle edge, 3'x 3 '', Condition: purple is good, red has minor soiling; pair of white/tan high socks with knitted foot and crocheted uppers, 8 ''x 17', Condition: soiling from use
472Bright floral quilted Victorian opera cape
ca. late 19th-20th century; bold floral silk-cut velvet fabric covered quilted cape with long fringes around collar and bottom, the interior lined in pink with diamond machine stitching, 14'-36'x 30'; Condition: Unknown maker, good
473 Amish make-do pin cushion
ca. late 19th century; with a pedestal base salved from a damaged oil lamp, the cushion has Amish fabrics, giant dahlia design, eight stacked layers of folded petals in black and maroon color, top accented with three cut layers of wool flower center and top with stitch embroidery, 5 ''d, 5 ''h; Condition: surface soiling, otherwise good
474 Victorian era straw sewing basket/notions
ca. 1890; triangular shaped woven straw lidded sewing basket in woven star design with bone ring knob on ornamental lid and contains: hand-tatting hook, crochet hooks, button hole chisel, strawberry pin cushion, etc., 7'x 6 ''x 2' basket; Condition: basket has some wear to corners
475 2 Empire style furniture pin cushions
ca. 1850-1900; pin cushion sofa with high scroll cut arms with floral frond carved on arm fronts, serpentine high back and matched skirt with maroon velvet covering, 11 ''x 2 ''x 5 '', Condition: glue repair to back, otherwise good; ottoman pin cushion with four turned legs, storage under seat, green cover on seat and rolled ends, 4'x 3'x 2 '', Condition: faded fabric & small stains
476 Amish make-do pin cushion
ca. 1920s; cushion has salvaged milk glass lamp square pedestal base with black velvet fabric covered ball cushion with green/tan tufted yarn hook compass star/flower, 3 ''x 3 ''x 5 '', Condition: good
477 Homemade sewing basket
ca. 1940-1960; home crafted basket made from softwood dish turned basin/base and cut and looped flat wire mounted in drilled holes with loops type banded and then painted green, 8 ''d, 3 ''h; Condition: thread on wood spools, attributed to Amish community
478 2 needle cases
ca. mid-late 19th century; leather covered sewing roll with pillow button ends and silk line interior with needle holder, 1 ''d, 3 ''h, Condition: some bug damage to interior & fading; book shaped pin cushion with filled block interior, gilded red cover binding and dated 1835 with note of presentation inside cover, 2'x 2 ''x 1 '', Condition: cover has gift presentation but unable to read, some staining & wear
479 Group of fruit & vegetable pin cushions
ca. 1890-1920; various fabrics (most silk) including three apples, onion, two potatoes and half an apple, each with painted accent, potatoes appear homemade, 1 ''-3'd, 1'- 4 ''h; Condition: One apple marked 'Made in Japan'
480 Blue spatter Memorial Tulip pattern cup & saucer
ca. 1840; rich dark blue spatter handleless cup and saucer, English Staffordshire earthenware, 3 ''d, 2 ''h cup, 5 ''d, 1 ''h; Condition: cup has 1/8' foot ring flake (kiln removal) & spot of rim glaze loss; saucer has '' rim stress line (not through)
481 Blue and red rainbow spatter Cockscomb variant pattern teapot
ca. 1840; squat baluster teapot, English Staffordshire earthenware, 5 ''d, 5 ''h; Condition: lid by association (too large) & restored; teapot has '' rim line (not through), restored spout tip & base restoration
482 Yellow spatter Thistle pattern plate
ca. 1840; English Staffordshire earthenware, 9 ''d, Condition: rim restoration with chip & flakes, discolored (mellow), '' rim line
483 Scarce yellow spatter Thistle pattern sauce dish
ca. 1840; English Staffordshire earthenware, 5'd, 1'h; Condition: spots of discoloration
484 Spatterware Peafowl pattern creamer & covered sugar
ca. 1840; three color (blue, green and red) thumbprint spatter pear shaped creamer, 3 ''d, 3 ''h, Condition: restored rim; brown spatter squat baluster shape covered sugar with peafowls in black, blue, green and yellow with black, blue, red and yellow, English Staffordshire earthenware, 4 ''d, 4'h, Condition: restored lid, glaze losses on interior rim, 1' spider in base (not through)
485 Green spatter Peafowl pattern cup & saucer
ca. 1840; handleless cup and saucer in English Staffordshire earthenware with peafowls in black, blue, red and yellow, 3 ''d, 2 ''h cup; 5 ''d, 1'h saucer; Condition: cup & saucer are marriage
486 Mulberry spatter border fantasy design plate
ca. 1845; fantasy flower design ironstone plate, English Staffordshire, 8 ''d; Condition: good
487 Red spatter border Schoolhouse pattern cup and saucer
ca. 1840; red spatter border handleless cup and saucer featuring two trees with green spatter foliage and outlined Schoolhouse on blue spatter ground with blue spatter smoke, English Staffordshire earthenware, 4'd, 2 ''h cup; 5 ''d, 1'h saucer; Condition: cup discolored & has 7/8' rim line; saucer has slight discoloration, 1/8' rim flake & some glaze losses on rim
488 English Staffordshire cat figurine
ca. 1845; with black spatter and yellow details, 3 ''x 1 ''x 2 ''; Condition: glaze loss on nose, 1/8' flake on foot
489 Red spatter border, variegated tulip design plate
ca. 1840; ten panel plate in English Staffordshire earthenware, 8 ''d; Condition: 1/8' rim chip with associated 2' rim line
490 Red spatter Peafowl pattern ten panel cup plate
ca. 1840; with peafowl in black, blue, green and red, English Staffordshire earthenware, 4'd; Condition: 1/8' rim glaze flake & another spot of glaze losses
491 Blue-purple spatter Three Acorn pattern plate
ca. 1845; twelve panel ironstone, English Staffordshire plate, 9'd; Condition: good
492 Folk art carved & painted owl decoy on stand
ca. early-mid 20th century; artist crafted barn owl with shaped and carved wooden owl with excellent feather grain painted body, large glass eye and carved stag horn beak, mounted on a round pad base with dowel post stand, 16 ''x 7 ''x 21 '' owl, 10 ''d, 12'h base; Condition: unsigned, surface of paint is crackled finish
493 Framed Fraktur pinprick & watercolor
ca. 1830 dated; imported pinprick and watercolor Fraktur birth announcement with colorful birds and floral bouquet above text, lower floral decoration and blue dot and flower banded box, script contains Karl M'ller, Kling Family Names and Petersborg and framed in a mahogany flat frame; Condition: extensive creasing & separation at creases, note on back reads from Collection of Garth & Mary Oberholtzer as pinprick birth record by John Rube 1830
494 Painted oval band bride's box
ca. late 18th-early 19th century; softwood oval band box with splint-stitch banding, wooden peg and pin nailed softwood lid and bottom, with blue-green paint and polychrome flower decoration on lid and bands, 12 ''x 7'x 4 ''; Condition: some nail repairs, good patina & age
495 Large pair of polychrome decorated chalk birds
ca. mid 19th century; large size hollow form cast chalk pair of love doves on fruit basket base with beaks touching, extensive accent to wings, eyes and baskets form on base, in extensive black, yellow, red and green polychrome paint decoration, 14 ''x 5'x 11'; Condition: some paint loss to surface, painted surface is rather thick, some soiling, chip to base of basket, owner's tag reveals it was shown in Antiques magazine, Sept. 1961 issue
496 Lehnware covered saffron box
ca. 1840-1890; poplar turning in Lehn's traditional step-fluted turning with black, green and red foot and red stem, box has salmon base paint with peony/cabbage rose paint decoration, the lid with blue painted acorn knob, strawberry design on salmon paint and rim banded in green with pussy willow band, made by Joseph Lehn, Elizabeth Twp., Lancaster Co., 2 ''d, 4 ''h; Condition: some paint loss to lid & on upper surface of foot
497 Chalk seated dog
ca. 19th-20th century; PA German hollow form cast chalk seated poodle dog figure with 'lion cut' shoulder and head mane and simple watercolor accent, 4 ''x 2 ''x 5 ''h; Condition: casting has heavy form cast base, good condition, possible later era piece
498 Chalk apple
ca. 1920; hollow form cast plaster-of-paris/chalk apple with polychrome watercolor paint decoration, wood stem and fabric leaf, 3 ''d, 3'h; Condition: dent in surface & some paint loss, later era chalk figure
499 Fine Lehnware miniature paint decorated chest
ca. 1880-1890; dovetailed constructed softwood chest with hinged lid on brass butt hinge and chest lock, blue painted turned feet, chest brown painted with strawberry flower and strawberry design on lid and front sides are decorated with strawberry flower design, each panel with yellow, red and white pinstripe, 13 ''x 7'x 8'; Condition: only minor loss to lid, otherwise mint condition, excellent paint
500 Chalk dove figure
ca. late 19th-early 20th century; hollow form figure on solid form base, figure is form cast chalk with polychrome paint decorated over complete surface, 7 ''x 3 ''x 8 ''; Condition: chip to beak & tip of wings, some minor chips & some surface paint loss
501 Large chalk cat doorstop
ca. 1930; late era solid pour form cast reclining cat in three-form casting with spray paint and hand painted accent and painted eyes, 15'x 10 ''x 7 ''; Condition: minor chip near muzzle & on tip of ear, casting mold lines have little finish
502 Continental tulip decorated domed lid trinket box
ca. 19th century; softwood box in wooden pin-peg construction with shaped and sawn arched lid hinged on wire clip hinges, polychrome painted with blue base and tulip and flower bunch decoration, 4 ''x 3'x 3'; Condition: hasp is damaged but overall good
503 Folk art carved eaglet attributed to Schimmel
ca. 1870-1888; chip carved softwood eaglet standing on a solid shaped base, carved in primitive form, with green painted base and extensive polychrome painted accent of black, red and yellow on a cream base, attributed to Wilhelm Schimmel, Cumberland Co., PA, 2 ''x 2 ''x 6 ''; Condition: small crack extends down eaglets right leg from dry-in, small hairline at making at union of foot & leg, some surface paint loss to wing, tail & on cap
504 Lady's millinery shop papier mache bonnet display with bonnet
ca. 1840-1860; used in a milliner's shop for display of bonnets and hats, the mannequin in hollow formed papier mache with large storage area in base, excellent hand paint decoration with dark hair, blue eyes and blue dress, 6'x 9 ''x 16, Condition: some paint chipping to mannequin, crack on reverse below access window; brown lace bonnet with straw trim accent and brown ribbon tie, Condition: good
505 Pair of primitive scissor cut silhouettes
ca. 1870s; profile portraits of husband and wife with pencil accent to surface of cutting, cut-out on laid paper with cloth backs and framed in a beveled softwood and red/brown grain painted frame, 5 ''x 6 '' framed; Condition: minor scratching to surface of frames, overall good
506 Courting mirror
ca. 18th-19th century; early primitively crafted softwood molded frame with reverse painted panel accent, step arched panel mercury glass mirror with reverse painted floral decoration in center panel, a primitive molded frame, homemade 'make-do' display from salvaged softwood slats, 11'x 16 ''x 1'; Condition: extensive separation to frame & separation of reverse paint on glass
507 Small silhouette miniature portrait
ca. 1820-1850; scissors cut white over black fabric back silhouette of a young woman wearing a bonnet and fancy collar with back having written attribution to Grandmother Haydon before marriage, 5 ''d, '', Condition: attributed to Vermont with handwritten family documentation on back but missing first name, chips over extent of frame
508 Framed basket of fruit watercolor painting
ca. late 19th century; painting on paper with stencil painted fruit in basket sitting on table with marbleized stencil accent and titled 'A Dish of Fruit' with lower portion of picture having cut-sponge red/blue stenciled pattern panel and framed in a period molded frame, 16'x 14'; Condition: paper in frame is unbacked, some silverfish damage & darkening to paper
509 Framed scherenschnitte silhouette memorial urn
ca. 19th century; scissors cutting in blue/green and white paper featuring a fine outlined urn with stepped base, extensive folds and intricate duplicator scissor cutting of birds on stem and extensive frond designs, mounted to a black back and then mounted to white paper, the large interior of urn is not filled in with memorial, 11 ''x 14'; Condition: some holes to back paper, framed in a veneered bevel frame
510 Oval framed portrait of a young man
ca. early-mid 19th century; scissors cut-out with white over black painted backer, outlining a gentleman accented with watercolor and black background has white collar, written in bottom in pencil 'Peter Doty 1827', 4'x 4 ''x '', Condition: good, frame is metal covered wood
511 Framed reverse portrait of 'Mailanderin'
ca. 19th century; European reverse of a young lady wearing a plumed fancy hat, necklace and low cut dress entitled 'Mailanderin' and framed in a paint decorated molded frame, 12'x 15 ''; Condition: painting is excellent, minor scratches to the frame
512 Folk art cuckoo clock
ca. 1920-1940; key-wind cuckoo type clock with extensive fret-sawn work, applied cut and whittled bird's with paint decoration, the crest with maker's name fret-sawn out and painted for location, by Adelard Courville (East Brookfield, Mass.), 14 ''x 6 ''x 21 ''; Condition: some damage to applied birds & fretwork accent, unknown if running
513 Unusual PA German reverse painted scene
ca. 1820-1860; reverse painting of a woman wearing a full length dress, apron and banding, and switch chasing after a mystical beast faun/satyr figure with man's upper body and horns and goat's lower body and tail, the painting with floral accent in upper corners and framed in a stained and molded frame, 10'x 12 '', Condition: hole in frame for mounting to wall, attributed to PA German culture
514 German toy drummer figure
ca. late 19th century; hand crank toy depicting 'Highlander Guard drummer' wearing a high bearskin hat and plumes, holding a drum and arms holding sticks, the figure with bead eyes and painted surface and fabric clothing standing on a paint decorated base, 3 ''x 3 ''x 9 ''; Condition: extensive fabric damage & right drumstick is missing; some composition paint missing from face
515 Child's washbowl set & tin whistle
ca. 19th-20th century; German boxed 'The Grown Fairy Tea Set' wash bowl set in original box with lithograph label of Red Riding Hood, 5 ''x 4 ''x 1 '', Condition: excellent; two part pressed tin lithograph rooster toy whistle, 3'x 4', Condition: whistle missing base
516 Lincoln memorial button in box
ca. 1865; small tin type photo of Abraham Lincoln on ribbon pin with handwritten note of ownership by Mrs. Margaret Brown 'Sunday School wore these badges for a month', 4'x 4 ''x 2 '', Condition: good, documentation included; 'mirror' box miniature hat box with mirror on lid and paper license pat. Jan. 24, 1865, Condition: minor paper loss to trim
517 Clockwork fly fan with cast iron base
ca. 1888; key-wound clock work movement to operating cloth paddles that shoo flies from dining table with embossed floral cast base with gold accent, paddle revolver on umbrella rod stand, 5'x 4'x 19'; Condition: good & operating
518 Kerosene milk glass peg lamp in 'make-do' tin lamp base
ca. 1900; peg/threaded lamp font with opalescent mold panel design fit into candle stick socket finger lamp base with square pan form with a clear glass chimney, 4'x 4' with 2' ring, 14 ''h; Condition: unusual make-do but good condition
519 Cast iron store's string dispenser ball
ca. 1880s; embossed cast Victorian era string ball holder with three chain hanger, wing-nut keeper to access spool on rid string dispenser, 4 ''d, 6'h; Condition: very good, similar construction to hanging lamp counter-weight
520 2 lighting devices
ca. wooden turned match safe with pedestal foot and tin tube inner with lid, 2 ''d, 5 ''h, Condition: turning cracked & strike paper removed; odd tin chamber stick lamp with matchbox keeper, small tart pan shielded candlestick mounted over large matchbox storage base with striker windows, 5 ''x 2 ''x 3'; Condition: later era adaption for use with slide out matchboxes
521 Blue spatter Tulip pattern covered sugar bowl
ca. 1840; slightly bulbous sugar bowl in English Staffordshire earthenware, 5'd, 5 ''h, Condition: discolored, glaze flake on interior rim
522 Blue spatter Tulip pattern handled mush cup & saucer
ca. 1845; English Staffordshire earthenware, 4 ''d, 2 ''h cup, 6 ''d, 1 ''h saucer; Condition: good
523 Fine blue spatter Holly Berry pattern covered vegetable
ca. 1845; covered footed vegetable dish in elongated octagonal form, English Staffordshire earthenware, 6 ''x 9'x 11 ''; Condition: lid has a glaze flake on tip of finial, dish has '' glaze flake on interior rim edge & '' chip on foot
524 Blue sponge border Rose and Tulip Bud pattern plate
ca. 1860; English Staffordshire earthenware, 10 ''d; Condition: mellow discoloration, 1/8' rim flake, glaze losses on rim edges & foot ring
525 Rare blue spatter border Cannon pattern cup & saucer
ca. 1840; English Staffordshire earthenware, 4'd, 2 ''h cup, 5 ''d, 1 ''h saucer; Condition: 1 '' rim spider to cup, 1/8' foot ring flake to saucer
526 Blue spatter border Rose pattern plate & relish dish
ca. 1850; fourteen panel plate, 7 ''d, Condition: discolored, 1' stress line on reverse (not through); scalloped edge, elongated shell form relish dish, English Staffordshire earthenware, 1 ''x 5'x 8 '', Condition: (2) 1/8' rim glaze flakes
527 Blue spatter Rose pattern slightly bulbous chamber pot
ca. 1840; with ten panels, everted rim and foot, English Staffordshire earthenware, 8 ''d, 5 ''h; Condition: 2 '' sealed rim line, 1 '' stress line at base of handle, some discoloration
528 Blue spatter border Schoolhouse pattern plate
ca. 1840; with twelve panels, four color schoolhouse in black, green, red and yellow, English Staffordshire earthenware, 8 ''d; Condition: '' top rim flake & glaze losses on rim edges, some discoloration on edges
529 Blue spatter border Pinwheel pattern cup & saucer
ca. handleless cup and saucer with saucer's reverse impressed 'Davenport', English Staffordshire earthenware, 4'd, 2 ''h cup, 6'd, 1 ''h saucer; Condition: cup discolored with considerable glaze wear on rim & '' spider on base (not through)
530 Blue spatter border Tree pattern creamer
ca. 1840; slightly bulbous creamer with blue spatter daub under spout and between each tree, English Staffordshire earthenware, 3 ''d, 5'h; Condition: 3/8' interior stress mark in base (not through), 3/8' rim stress line
531 Gothic birdhouse
ca. mid 19th century; ornate wooden birdhouse in original cream-colored paint, peaked steeple with four windows over large house with ten holes on the front and back and four holes on sides, displayed on a twig style stand; Condition: as found, missing areas of trim, worn & dirty paint
532 Treadle sewing machine
ca. late 19th century; unusual floral paint decorated treadle cabinet with paint decorated wooden legs and wooden pedal, containing a small unsigned iron sewing machine under a matching wooden lid, 22'x 14 ''x 36 ''; Condition: worn paint, missing bel
533 Black toleware domed coffee pot
ca. 1810-1840; lighthouse shaped sheet metal coffee pot with gooseneck spout, excellent early japanning (dark brown/black), large floral round vignettes on either side of the pot, flared foot and hinged, brass knob lid with yellow paint accent, collar of pot with fine red floral vine band and pot with braced strap handle, 6 ''d, 2 '' handle, 3' spout, 10 ''h; Condition: near mint with very small scratches on left vignette and some drying loss to lid
534 Small turned buttermold with handled pineapple print
ca. April 17, 1864 patent; turned round mold with patent date strike and carved pineapple pattern print on a screw-in threaded handle, attributed to Bullard Factory of Chagrin Falls, Ohio, 1 ''d, 3 ''h; Condition: small crack in center of print, otherwise good
535 Plank seat paint decorated child's chair
ca. 1860; salmon paint decorated child's chair with blue tulip decorated mule ear rail, three spindles with egg on rod turned middle, turned legs, rail drape paint accented and has brown and gold pinstripe accent, 10 ''x 8 ''x 15 ''; Condition: excellent
536 Folk art carved horse toy
ca. 1890; two-part fret cut body, glue assembled and carved work with horsehair tail and mane, black painted body, white 'socks' and black hooves, similar to horses by Peter Brubaker, unattributed, 5 ''x 1 ''x 6 ''; Condition: good, thick surface paint, lots of character
537 Toleware syrup
ca. 1810-1840; japanned tin syrup jug with lid mounted on spear tip strap and wire hinge with tubular knob, tapered handle with triangular mounted spout and rolled strap handle, large single rose design near collar and yellow brush accent on lid, 3'd, 1 '' handle, 4 ''h; Condition: small crease dent to right side of jug
538 Early lollipop handled butter print
ca. 1820-1840; large four radiant tulip design softwood print with tear drop tipped star center and flared side handle, 4 ''d, 3' handle, ''h; Condition: nice form with wear from use
539 Tin eagle cookie cutter
ca. 1890; pan/flat back eagle design cutter with wings spread and beak open, the back with two large finger holes and a crimped edge, 10'x 6 ''x ''; Condition: good patina, minor rust
540 Rare scratch decorated Easter Egg by E. Ressler
ca. 1861; dark black egg in non-traditional form with nautical scene, three mast war ship flying U.S. flag, lighthouse scene on reverse and stars and quarter sawn moon, kept in lithograph P.C.W. cough drops tin, York, PA; Condition: about as nice as you will find
541 2 japanned toleware shakers
ca. 1810-1840; handled muffineer/sugar shaker featuring a round tin cannister shape with perforated domed lid and ring handle, shaker retains original japanning and three ball flower/berry design on side and pinwheel design in red/yellow on lid, 2 ''d, 4 ''h, Condition: some drying to surface but overall good; scrivener's sander with round cannister and perforated bowl top and flared foot retaining the original japanning and simple floral band on rim, 2 ''d, 2 ''h, Condition: minor scratch near foot & small rust to lid
542 Small wood carved heart shaped mold
ca. 1850-1860; heart cut-out form with cross and bar notch design and a chamfered edge, 2'x 1 ''x ''; Condition: good
543 Blue painted lidded storage bucket/measure
ca. 1840; coopered softwood bucket in blue paint with wooden interlock notched wrapped bands and softwood lid with nail mounted band, 9 ''d, 9'h; Condition: nice form, no damage noted
544 Folk art carved angel
ca. 1870; fine carved wings with feather accent mounted forward with nails to carved two-part kneeling body and separately carved face as face appears to be mold cast & applied to body with glue and back of body marked #2 in pencil, 7'x 12'x 14'; Condition: work is unfinished
545 Toleware creamer & sugar
ca. 1810-1840; both japanned (black/brown) with hand-painted decoration: unlidded handled creamer with triangular spout, single red flower vignettes on either side of spout and yellow brush accents, 3'd, 1 '' handle, 3 ''h, Condition: small crease dent to spout; domed lidded sugar bowl with double ring knob decorated with large ball fruit on vine design and large painted accent to lid with four ball fruit, 4 ''d, 3 ''h, Condition: some flaking to lid & dent to foot
546 Hand carved scoop with tulip design accented handle
ca. 1850; wooden kitchen scoop carved cylinder shape with lollipop knob on handle that has four tulip radiant carved accent (print form carved), 2 ''d, 9'l; Condition: carving on handle appears sanded clean & varnished
547 Punch decorated tinware candle box
ca. 18th century; early hearth side hanging box for candles, cylinder shaped with tulip design punch decoration on hinged lid with metal hasp and box with simple strap hangers, 15 ''x 4 ''x 5' straps; Condition: surface has small pitting & solder repair to right strap hanger
548 Paint decorated miniature chest
ca. Jan. 10, 1878 dated; Empire style footed miniature softwood blanket chest in wooden peg pin construction with stain and stencil paint decoration, front with large diamond top knob and frond design, hinged lid on brass flange and wire hinges and retains a small chest lock, attributed to Somerset Co., PA, 9 ''x 5 ''x 6'; Condition: chip from front corner of lid, cracked lid panel, date inside lid in pencil
549 Folk art carved cardinal
ca. 1910; ' size carving with wire rod legs mounted into a yellow painted, yellow pine base with cardinal having full carved body and tail with inset carved feather cap, glass eyes and thick oil/paint and scratch surface accent feathering, 9'x 2 ''x 6 ''; Condition: primitive form carving by unknown carver, paint possibly secondary, legs possibly remounted, other holes for wire legs in base of bird, tape residue on shoulder of bird
550 Oval dark toleware tea caddy
ca. 1810-1840; tin tea caddy with round cap, japanned (black/brown) surface with hand painted floral band and ball fruit band around the upper collar, lid and upper has yellow brush stroke decorations, 3 ''x 2 ''x 4'; Condition: some surface paint separation to upper lid & collar, good overall
551 Wooden turned & carved handled butter print
ca. 1850; rose design print with unusual sawn outline of print, deep carved accent to small central flower and two oversized leaves and taper turned arm with rounded cap, 3 ''x 3'x 3 ''; Condition: damage to cap of handle, 1 '' wide portion missing
552 Rare painted doll cradle with tulip decoration
ca. 1840; softwood cradle with tapered sides in pin nail construction with rolled cutter ends on rockers, orange milk paint with green outlined and yellow infilled ball tulip design, green drape trimmed rim and corners, attributed to PA, unknown artist, 15 ''x 11 ''x 9 ''; Condition: cradle was varnished & has thick dry cracking, some minor surface scratching
553 Excellent incised bird decorated domed tin coffee pot
ca. 1810-1840; rare form decorated incised coffee pot with domed lid on spur strap hinge, wide strap handle with brace strap and tubular spout, extensive incised decoration on both sides of the pot, one with eagle design holding flowing flag standing on a floral stem and the other side with large three panel pillar stand, floral vine accent and lid with incised tulip design, 7 ''d, 3' handle, 3 '' spout, 9 ''h; Condition: damage to handle, hole under bracing of handle, pot was displayed in exhibit 'Two Hundred & Fifty Years of Art in PA', Westmoreland Co. Museum of Art
554 Fine tulip design butter print
ca. 1870; turned with flat grasp handle, single high stem tulip with deep radial carved accent and spur carved tip on tip of stamen, stem with embossed carved accent and has two smooth upper leaves and two radial carved accented lower and leaves, with angled notch rim band, 3 ''d, 2'h; Condition: good
555 Walnut single piece slaw board with heart cut-out and carved decoration
ca. 1877 dated; unusual one piece walnut slaw board with steel blades above hand cut-out slot, top with mustache cut-out and heart cut-out, the top finely carved with plume center, heart cut-out is carve accented, rope twist carved applied sides and surface is stained and varnished with carved date on reverse, [Provenance: ex- John Ramsey collection], 7 ''x 1 ''x 18 ''; Condition: good
556 Tin wall candle sconce with removable chamber stick
ca. 18th-19th century; fluted band arch top on roll molded reflector with strap to removable ring handled candle stick, the stick has round fluted pan with tubular socket and roll molded ring tote, includes a small cone shaped snuffer with ring handle, 4 ''x 3'x 9 ''; Condition: front surface has some minor rust, reverse is good
557 Toleware coffee pot
ca. 1810-1840; lighthouse shaped tinware coffee pot with tubular spout, strap handle and domed lid on spear tip strap and wire hinge, the pot with original japanning (brown/black) surface and large medallions with three closed and single blooming tulip design, medallion, rim and lid decorated with yellow brush stroke decoration, 6'd, 2 '' handle, 3' spout, 8 ''h; Condition: minor paint loss to lid & handle, overall good
558 Rare PA two-side round mold print initialed SL
ca. 1820 dated; unusual small communion wafer size print with excellent carving on either side of walnut biscuit, one with blooming tulip and heart design with two relief carved compass star designs and two carved accent compass design, large floral frond accent on either side and initialed 'SL' below the tulip, the second side has center compass design and tulip type design, 2 ''d, ''h; Condition: hanger drilled into side of print, crack extends across face #2
559 Folk art carved stag with wire horns
ca. late 19th-early 20th century; simple form fret sawn and carved single plank figure of a standing stag deer, horsehair mounted tail and twisted wire mounted horns, the eyes and muzzle hand carved, figure with gray surface paint and shellac coating, quick formed carving with little finish paint, possibly designed as toy, 5 ''x 1 ''x 7 ''; Condition: unknown origin, possible attribution to John Reber
560 Fine flying dove half moon cookie cutter
ca. 1900-1920; handled tin pan back half moon cutter with roll crimp fluted edge, fine flying dove imprint cutter design and interior with recessed imprint design, 3 ''x 1 ''x 2'; Condition: good with minor light rust
561 Sheet metal heart shaped cake pan
ca. 1900-1930; unusual construction with flat pan base, sloped band with rivet mount at two seams and a wire rolled rim, unknown maker, 12'x 11 ''x 3 ''; Condition: good
562 Grain painted footstool with floral decoration
ca. 1860-1880; footstool with splayed peg legs mounted to plank with chamfered edge bottom, red/brown grain paint with gold floral leaf stencils, green and yellow band, floral vine decoration and bottom of stool with decorators initials 'LB', 7 ''x 5 ''x 5'; Condition: nails holes around rim of plank top, possibly covered and removed, legs rather simple
563 Glass foot pedestal kerosene lamp with metal warmer stand chimney
ca. 1881-1882 patent date; molded clear glass pedestal lamp with square mold, hollow display stem and square font, coronet burner marked 'Climax, P&A Mfg. Co.' with base retaining original patent card in base, tin lamp chimney stove accompanies with stove pipe warmer with glass viewer, 5 ''x 5 ''x 20 ''; Condition: no damage, some light rust to stove pipe hood
564 Pinwheel decorated walnut slaw board
ca. 19th century; early single plank slaw with large round top that has pinwheel design cut out, flute molded screw mounted side rails and a simple hand wrought blade over hand cut slot, 6 ''x 1'x 18 ''; Condition: cracking to handle that extends across middle of cut out, original surface cleaned/refinished
565 Candle snuffer, tray & trinket box
ca. 18th-19th century; ornate candle snuffer with flower star accent nut, pie crimped borders and three small knobs, 7 ''x 2'x 1 '', Condition: damage to 1 finger ring; later toleware snuffer with black paint and gold leaf and brown stencil decoration, 10 ''x 4 ''x '', Condition: flaking to surface of tray; small japanned and stencil decorated domed lid trinket box with small strap hinge on arch lid with ring knob and tin strap hasp, 2 ''x 2'x 2', Condition: excellent japanning
566 Toleware teapot with flower decoration
ca. 1840-1860; tin pot with hinged pan lid on spear tip wrapped hinge and ring handle, pot with wrapped strap mounted handle and tubular solder mounted spout, retains original japanning (brown/black) surface and large hand painted single red flower on both sides with vibrant colors and accents, the rim and lid with yellow brush strokes, 4 ''d, 2' handle, 2 '' spout, 8'h; Condition: flaking from lid, rim & spout, excellent floral design on each side
567 Small octagon toleware tray
ca. 1850; small tin octagon tray with black painted surface and red ball fruit/flower design, the sloped sides have wrapped wire rim, tray gold pinstriped and banded, family register scratched into surface of base and edges of tray, 8 ''x 6'x ''; Condition: surface is probably secondary, much of registry illegible but appears to be Meyers family & surface cracked from applied varnish
568 Eureka tin dust pan
ca. 1880 patent; tin roll door dust pan with tubular handle and stencil paint accent on black paint, pan has round C hinge door on wire hinge, pan has hiding dust tray below slope of pan and lid operates as dump, roll door titled 'Eureka' and patent dated, 16 ''x 12'x 4'; Condition: dent to pan, some flaking to paint, some light rust
569 Early tin footed & handled colander
ca. 1840-1870; tin handled colander with machine rolled fluted trimmed foot, rounded bottom with heart and dot perforations, sloped sides with machine roll decoration and decorative flowing design perforations, rim is wire roll braced and pan has two mounted strap handles, 11 ''d, 14 '' handle, 5'h
570 Footed tin cinnamon shaker
ca. 1830-1850; odd shaped shaker of tin with round disc foot, ring tote and nail pierced round top and a simple japanning surface, 2 ''d, 4 ''h; Condition: fairly extensive paint loss
571 Twisted wire vase hanger
ca. 1890-1900; fan shaped twisted wire hanger with twisted ring top and tapered basket shaped rack, 5'x 1 ''x 6'; Condition: good
572 Bench mounted flax working hatchel
ca. 18th-19th century; wide hatchel with wide set hand wrought nails, hand wrought heart and floral design bolt plates, 16'x 4'x 3 ''; Condition: extensive surface wear & some damage to bolt plates
573 Folk art carved walnut frame
ca. 1890; flat molded walnut frame with eight applied relief half carved figures including: stag, fish, two birds and oak leaves; work unsigned and unattributed, with frame contains print 'Cape of Good Hope', 6 ''x 4 ''x ''; Condition: good
574 2 small factory carved wooden butter prints
ca. 1870-1890; small knob turned handle and small wheat sheath pattern print with floral frond design, 2'd, 2'h; small mushroom cap knob turned print with three floral frond design with notch fluted band, 1 ''x 1 ''; Condition: both good
575 Wooden folk art/toy snake
ca. 1880; jointed wooden snake with gray and green paint, nail eyes and wooden body parts with woven cloth joint, 1'd, 48'l; Condition: damage to lower jaw & tip of tail missing
576 PA blue painted footstool
ca. 1870; early plank seat stool with turned splayed legs, rod braces, chamfered base of plank, all in blue paint with yellow/red accent paint, 12'x 8 ''x 8'; Condition: top surface paint missing, extensive paint loss to brace rails
577 Stencil flower & calico black patchwork quilt
ca. 1850; muslin back quilt with stenciled rose design on muslin, printed calico block patch, trinity ring and floral frond quilt pattern designs, initialed in red thread 'L' with woven tape binding, 72'x 80'; Condition: extensive soiling & fraying to one end from use
578 2 Amish puzzle ball pin cushions
ca. late 19th- early 20th century; tan and maroon velvet fabric puzzle ball pin cushion, 4 ''d, Condition: some flattening, overall good; black and brown linen fabric puzzle ball pin cushion with brown fabric covered button and cloth hanger ribbon, 4 ''d, Condition: soiling & some small holes
579 'Log Cabin' square mat/doll quilt
ca. late 19th century; cotton and printed calico fabrics in 'Around the World' design with dark print block square center patch, four lineal bands wrapped around center, orange border, red banding and the back in printed flannel fabric, 10 ''x 10 ''; Condition: some fading otherwise good
580 Small peafowl shaped pin cushion
ca. 1850; peacock shaped cushion of colorful silk fabrics with stitch wrapped wire legs, colorful push pin beak, crest and accent to tails, cardstock wrapped wings and mounted to the body, 6 ''x 2 ''x 3 ''; Condition: some separation to fabric under tail, otherwise good
581 Mennonite 'wedding' applique pillow case initialed EXR
ca. 1820; homespun linen fabric case with colorful green calico stem, red dye and bright orange print pomegranate design with four appliqued flower and central fruit design with white cloth ribbon ties, 26'x 16'; Condition: some foxing to fabric & light soiling
582 Extremely fine & rare pieced ball hanging pin cushion
ca. 1860; Mennonite ball shaped patchwork pin cushion/rattle with six to nine patch block design and sixteen yellow triangles in blue triangle patch, overlay lines in orange fabric and retains orange fabric hanger, 2 ''d; Condition: good, Note Clarke Hess book Mennonite Arts figure 308
583 Star design doll quilt
ca. 1840-1860; two-sided quilt in brown color printed calico fabrics made with solid black and star patchwork blocks assembled, 13 ''x 18'; Condition: possibly sized down large pillowcase or top, some soiling to patches
584 3 fabric bird pot handle holders
ca. 1830-1900; green and red fabric parrot shaped hot pad with black bead eyes, gold cord twist stitch applied trim, 8 ''x 2 '', Condition: fraying to fabrics; brown felt distelfink with bead eyes and needlepoint accent, 8'x 2'x 2', Condition: poor; late eagle shaped linen pot holder with extensive colorful embroidery, bird with stitched eyes and beak is stitch embroider wrapped, 8 ''x 2'x 1', Condition: some soiling but overall good
585 Log cabin patchwork quilt
ca. 1850-1890; 'Jewel' type log cabin patchwork quilt from various solid and printed fabrics, top with fold and wrap-over pressed fabric patches, blue, brown and white plaid wool fabric back and an early red tape binding, 86'x 90'; Condition: some fraying to back, otherwise good
586 Tulip shaped fabric sewing bag
ca. 1850-1900; brown mohair-loop fabric cut and stitched to form blooming tulip with two sided appliqued tulip patch design with embroidered accent, lined in linen fabric and trimmed in red tape, 9 ''x 12 ''; Condition: extensive fraying to fabrics & loss to loop over of mohair
587 Large patchwork 'Sunburst' design privy bag
ca. 1840; bag with large red, blue and brown printed patches in 'Sunburst' design with eight point star patch in red on white corner blocks, two red printed loop hangers, calico binding and white homespun back, 29'x 30'; Condition: extensive soiling & several bug holes to red and brown fabrics, some fraying to banding
588 Assorted Victorian era pin cushions
ca. 1890; pair of mitten shaped pin fold made of wools, felts and white embroidered stitch banding, 2 ''x 6', Condition: some staining ' possibly used as ink blotter; black oil cloth glove shaped pin cushion with blue stitch binding, 1 ''x 3 '', Condition: minor separation at cuff; purple velvet over cardstock boot shape with blue stitch accent, 2'x 2 '', Condition: good; purple silk over cardstock and embroider stitch accented boot with lace up design, 2 ''x 2 '', Condition: good
589 Wool strawberry 'make-do' pin cushion
ca. 1900-1920; strawberry covered salvaged blue kerosene pedestal lamp base with large red wool strawberry having green yarn embroidered accent, six hanging red wool strawberry shaped cushions with green wool stitch accent, 6'd, 10'h; Condition: strawberries have extensive moth damage
590 Large applique bolster case
ca. 1850-1900; white linen bag with printed cloth appliques, pink bird/dove with floral frond and two large floral frond appliques that have tan/brown central block patches and case in hand tatted lace, 20'x 42'; Condition: some tearing to lace, overall good
591 Amish fabric bird shaped pin cushion
ca. 1870; purple silk fabric bird pin cushion with wooden beak, cardstock covered wings and tails, bird with tufted yarn cap and bead eyes and bird with stitch hanger, 3 ''x 2 ''; Condition: left wing is frayed on underside
592 2 Amish puzzle ball pin cushions
ca. 1900-1930; gray and brown printed fabric puzzle ball with pink feather stitch binding; brown and pink large puzzle ball with brown velvet and pink fabric with wood chip/seltzer stuffing, Condition: both with soiling & fading
593 Early flower urn appliqued quilt
ca. 1830-1850; white linen back and top with eleven appliqued green, red and pink flower urn accent in white field, bordered in two giant flowering tulip design urn on sides of quilt, each in wreath pattern quilt accented and fine diamond block quilted throughout, 96'x 80'; Condition: some dark soiling & fading, but is an early quilt with extensive quilting work
594 Beaded 'make-do' pin cushion
ca. 1860; pedestal based 'make-do' cushion on salvaged lamp base, padded cushion ball top in mixed gray/brown fabric with brown velvet strip band and red tape wrapped stem, the cushion has assembled and stitch beadwork floral design, 4'd, 5 ''h; Condition: some fading
595 'Tulip Garden' hooked rug
ca. 1940s; burlap backed with patchwork block design of tulips on a green field and colorful line patch blocks, each bound in black and rug has a block solid border, made from salvaged wool fabrics, 54'x 38'; Condition: some minor loop loss & soiling, new burlap back added to support fabric of original back
596 4 pieces of historic printed fabric
ca. mid-late 19th century; earliest fabric sample of 'President William Henry Harrison' in rust floral wreath with eagle design print cotton fabric, 16'x 12', Condition: some soiling; Centennial fabric with George Washington, 1776 and scales of peace shield cotton fabric, 10'x 12', Condition: good; large 'First in War and First in Peace' with U.S. grant on brown background, 24'x 24', Condition: good; early small piece with 'Lady Liberty' pattern and bold flower fabric patch, 10'x 12', Condition: small section of fading & soiling
597 5 child's printed hankies
ca. 19th & 20th century; red and tan 'Tobogganing Victorian Scene' with children on toboggan and people dragging sleds to stairway with a floral banding, 19'x 14 '', Condition: good; brown on white 'Girl with Bugel & Wipet Dog', 11'x 16', Condition: soiled; purple on white 'Animals', 12'x 12', Condition: minor stained corner; black on white 'Primary Lessons No. 5' by Boston Chemical Printing, 11'x 12', Condition: soiling; black on white linen 'Bird' with peacock in center, 11 ''x 12', Condition: stapled to cardstock, soiling
598 Chintz & other printed fabrics
ca. 1830-1890; four pieces of chintz fabric along with undescribed remnants: brown backed 'Peafowl at Fountain', 13 ''x 24', Condition: good; brown back 'Peacock on Palm Tree', 12'x 18', Condition: good; brown back 'Floral' lined valance, 36'x 10', Condition: minor soiling; yellow and red background 'Songbirds on Flowers', 11 ''x 11'; Condition: surface coating loss
599 3 pieces of historic weave fabric
ca. 18th-19th century; tartan weave wool remnant from coverlet in blue, red and orange, 38'x 24', Condition: sample fading & torn from large coverlet; red and blue homespun towel with blue and red stripe, 18'x 36', Condition: fading; red wool shawl with black floral printed pattern, 50'x 42', Condition: as is, moth holes
600 Adams blue spatter border Peafowl pattern plate
ca. 1835; fourteen paneled rim with reverse impressed 'Adams', English Staffordshire earthenware, 10 ''; Condition: peafowls' blue breast is exfoliated, discolored with some edge wear
601 Mulberry spatter border Tree pattern covered teapot
ca. 1835; mulberry spatter border bulbous covered teapot in English Staffordshire earthenware, 5 ''d, 6'h; Condition: restored spout tip, stress line on finial neck
602 Rare four color rainbow spatter cup & saucer
ca. 1835; bright four color rainbow spatter handleless cup and saucer, festive eye type design with blue, green, red and yellow spatter, English Staffordshire earthenware, 4'd, 2 ''h cup; 5 ''d, 1 ''h saucer; Condition: cup has 1/8' shallow foot ring flake (kiln removal)
603 Ironstone red spatter Acorn pattern waste bowl
ca. 1845; two brown Acorns pattern on a fourteen panel rim waste bowl, English Staffordshire, 5 ''d, 3 ''h; Condition: 3/8' deep glaze flake on foot ring (kiln removal?)
604 Scarce blue spatter mug
ca. 1840; English Staffordshire earthenware blue spatter cylindrical mug with strawberry motif in red and green, 2 ''d, 2 ''h; Condition: handle reattached
605 Rare blue spatter Sailboat/Clipper Ship pattern creamer
ca. 1840; English Staffordshire earthenware blue spatter bulbous octagonal creamer, 5 ''x 3 ''; Condition: professionally restored spout rim
606 Yellow spatter Thistle pattern child's cup & saucer
ca. 1840; fine yellow spatter child's handleless cup and saucer in English Staffordshire earthenware, 3'd, 1 ''h cup, 4 ''d, 1'h saucer; Condition: good
607 Blue spatter rim ironstone Pomegranate pattern plate
ca. 1850; blue spatter rim Pomegranate pattern plate in English Staffordshire ironstone in five color design in black, blue, green, red and yellow, 9 ''d; Condition: good
608 Rare red spatter Fish pattern handleless cup
ca. 1835; English Staffordshire earthenware, 3 ''d, 2 ''h; Condition: restorations along lower edge of spatter
609 Large rye straw basket
ca. 18th-19th century; lidded coiled rye straw with hickory/walnut splint wrap storage basket with set-in dome coil cap/lid, 20'd, 28 ''h; Condition: similar examples found at Ephrata Cloister, some repair to lid & repair wrap to base
610 Tin box candle lantern with heart accent punch decoration
ca. 19th century; pyramid top box shaped candle lantern with ring tote, smoke deflector and hinge door with tin spring latch, top is wriggle/punch heart accented around three vent holes per panel, 6'x 6'x 16 ''; Condition: late generation that was wired at one time & soldered repairs
611 Stag sheet metal weathervane
ca. 19th-20th century; tin/sheet metal stag design weathervane with wire mounted bracing and encased base on original rod placed in vintage bed balustrade turning, the vane appears old and has been used with wear, mounted to a salvaged barnwood plate base, 16 ''x ''x 18' with 38 '' overall height; Condition: four bullet holes & substantial surface rust, most of red paint missing
612 Yellow butterchurn
ca. early 19th century; cooper oak taper dasher style churn in early yellow paint with oak lid, original dasher on handle and four metal riveted bands, 13'- 9 ''d, 23'h with 44' handle; Condition: dry-in separation, some rust to lower band
613 Painted child's wagon with wooden wheels
ca. 18th-19th century; early form wagon in red paint with black and yellow pinstriping having a rounded end board, shaped rounded/bent sides, early oak running gear with early threaded screw mounts, wooden discus shaped wheels and T pull handle, 21 ''x 14'x 16', 39' handle; Condition: tail board split & crack in front plate
614 Rare coiled rye straw suitcase
ca. mid 19th century; traveler's case made from coiled rye straw with tight coiled wrapped flat surface with stack wrapped sides, splint banding to coils, twisted wire hinge, coiled handle and wire clasps, 24'x 5'x 14'; Condition: extensive wear
615 Wm. Strauss, Phila. boy's mannequin
ca. 1870-1890; wood and composition mannequin with painted surfaces, head on top of torso painted for display with flesh tone paint, brown hair, blue eyes and wearing a bow tie; the mannequin has black painted cast iron boots, legs set into socket of boot and screw mounted and retains tag of Wm. Strauss, Phila, sales manufacturer, 10'x 7'x 42 ''; Condition: some surface paint loss to form, appears repaired around neck